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Travel Ban

This time it's (D)ifferent.

Why is the new China Travel Ban not racist? Someone please make it make sense to me.

The human brain was not designed to handle all this hypocrisy...


It's not a travel ban.


Biden to regulate travel from China after previously calling Trump xenophobic.

The White House announced Wednesday it will require travelers from China to test negative for COVID-19 prior to arrival in the U.S. — a policy that will come less than three years after candidate Joe Biden suggested then-President Donald Trump's restrictions on travel from China were xenophobic.

A federal official said the test requirement will begin Jan. 5 and is necessary due to the lack of public data on China's effectiveness in monitoring COVID-19.

Oops, this is highly racist. I suggest we all hug a Chinese person tomorrow. They have every right to enter our Country without a test.


When Pres. Trump did something similar, Biden called him "Nakedly xenophobic".


I mean, that's completely untrue. He called the racist language he used and racist attacks xenophobic, but was in favor of the travel restrictions, as were pretty much everyone (though they should have been one better and earlier).

But you morons just parrot whatever lies your cult insists on, so carry on.


Just like trumpers to avoid referencing legitimate context when it suits them so they can accuse OTHERS of being hypocritical.

Part of trumps' intent MIGHT have been to limit travel from China to reduce the transmission of COVID, if it hadn't been for all of the OTHER factors of the trump administrations' PR campaign against China that WERE obviously xenophobic in nature at the time.

Skip ahead to current day where the Biden administration has limited the same travel citing ONLY to concerns over COVID, with no remarks that include trump-like, racist, dog-whistle, terms like "Wuhan Flu", "China virus", "kung flu, etc, etc, etc to appeal to the part of his base that have proven themselves to be xenophobic.


Trump was too stupid to realize that a travel ban is pointless if we're still letting them reroute.

Or he was being xenophobic.


Yep here we go again, if Trump tries to slow the spread of Covid he’s racist, if he doesn’t then he’s a murderer.


But he didn't slow the spread of Covid. They just rerouted.


So people from China are just going to go to Europe or somewhere and then come to the US? Quit with your lies and conspiracy theories , Trump was doing everything he could to slow the spread of Covid and all the Demokkkrats cared about was playing politics and creating a false illusion that the virus was somehow Trumps fault(hell when Trump was trying to assemble a task force the Demokkkrats were more concerned with their first fake impeachment) then when he’s out of office they then decide to create an illusion that it’s the fault of the “unvaccinated” yet will never blame their cult leader Fauci or the source of the virus which is China. Quit with your lies and stop believing the bullshit your cult is feeding you

Edit; you also just undertook a burden of proof that things would be completely the same with and without the travel ban. I’d love to see you try to prove it and if you can’t to at least have the honesty to admit you lied. Also whether the travel ban would have worked or not is a non sequitur, because I said if Trump tries to slow the spread of the virus (which he did) then you’ll call him racist but if he does nothing he’s a murderer. The point was no matter what he did your cult would try to smear him because playing politics was more important to you people than stopping the virus


Well said. Dems will just change the narrative to benefit themselves, that's what they do and since they control the media everyone believes the lies.


Exactly, another example: the first 571 violent riots were peaceful protests then as soon as it benefits them politically the very next one is a violent insurrection coup. They are full of shit, they don’t mean what they’re saying, they just say what they have to to manipulate stupid people into voting for them.


How can it be said trump was doing everything he could to slow the spread of COVID when it's well documented that he didn't even believe it was anything that warranted such concern in the first place and publicly stated so on MANY occasions?

Can have it both ways trumpers.


Care to back up that statement , Libtard?

Because Trump was literally trying to assemble a task force to combat the virus while the entire Demokkkrat cult was more concerned with their fake impeachment.

Libtard logic: do everything you can to undermine President Trump and if we succeed then it’s his fault.

Get a cure for your TDS you loser



Thank you Bloodshot77. Obviously, trump himself proved my statement of fact.

trumper illogic. Do everything you can to prove trump innocent despite factual evidence to the contrary.

There seems to be no cure for the proven TDS of magas.


Except there is no evidence that he’s guilty of anything. You people were out to get him before he even took office, he’s clearly the victim of a far left smear campaign and you’re just stupid enough to fall for it. Diaper Joe has done things 10X worse than what you people accused President Trump of, yet you somehow are not trying to impeach him with the same enthusiasm, that’s because all you people see are politics. And all of the “evidence” you people have presented to get President Trump have turned out to be lies.

Also why would a “MAGA” have TDS??? You people live and breathe Trump, Trump gives your life meaning, you need someone to hate and take out your bitterness and emptiness of a life on.


Oh did we say 15 days? We meant 15 months to flatten the curve! 15 months later after a 3rd Covid strain Did we say 15 months? We meant 15 years to flatten the curve!

Happy 18 month anniversary to 15 days to flatten the curve !!!!

Rand Paul lambasts lockdowns: 'Day 367 of 15 days to slow the spread'

Flu and RSV hit hard and early; now, Covid-19 is starting to rise

Just when you thought it was safe for a holiday visit with your Auntie Mary and her fragile health, RSV and the flu reared their heads – and now Covid-19 numbers are creeping up again.

Health officials are emphasizing the availability of the protective measures, tests and treatments that they say will be key to preventing a repeat of the Covid-19 surges of the past two winters.

Dr. Faucinstein has no idea what he is doing either and he has been a Doctor for over 50 years.

When does BBB start?


Very well said JoWilli, unfortunately that motherfucker Fauci will never be held accountable for all the people he murdered with his lies because we have liberal privilege in this county and the Trump haters will never accept anything that goes against their “fuck Trump” narrative, it’s beyond pathetic.


yup, he will retire with honors and prob get a statue. TDS makes people insane and they cant see the truth that is right in front of them.


Not once in that entire YouTube video did he ever say it would just go away because we did nothing. President Trump was doing everything he could to stop the spread of the virus and if the DemoKKKrats hadn’t done everything they could to sabotage it it probably would have gone away.

Also you only played small little selectively cherry-picked clips of his speech, not providing the clips without context is quite dishonest like how you people cherry-picked his speech to make it sound like he said white supremacists were fine people.

And also since we are talking about alleged lies about the virus, you should look no further than your cult leaders Fauci and Diaper Joe who lied about it for over 2 years so that they could score cheap political points and money from it. Fauci funded the creation of the virus and lied that we needed to shut down the country because of it. But yeah let’s just blame President Trump while continuing to sabotage his efforts to stop the spread.




Good one, dipshit


Proving yet AGAIN ---> #EveryMagaAccusationIsAnAdmission. ; )


Keep telling yourself whatever you have to to keep your deluded illusion alive.


Proving yet AGAIN ---> #EveryMagaAccusationIsAnAdmission. ; )


Quit repeating yourself and go see a therapist you loser


Proving yet AGAIN ---> #EveryMagaAccusationIsAnAdmission. ; )


And the libtard continues to repeat himself


Thank you for proving yourself not self-aware enough to realize...that YOU are still here too, and obviously, that EVERY one of the "observations" you've suggested about me, has described you perfectly. ; )


WTF are you talking about? Me simply posting here has nothing to do with my previous comment which was addressing the fact that you were repeating yourself like a broken record. Reading comprehension apparently isn’t very popular with the libtards. You also never even attempted to debate my original post you coward.


Proving yet AGAIN ---> #EveryMagaAccusationIsAnAdmission. ; )


Lol you can keep repeating your retarded bullshit as much as you want , it won’t make it true


You just haven't realized you've basically been doing the same ignorant thing over and over again, and that my responses to that have been valid. ; )


Ok then shit for brains, what am I “admitting” to and show me the post where I admitted to it.


You're the one who said "admitting". What I ACTUALLY said was that you'd basically been repeating yourself and just weren't self-aware enough to realize it.


“Every MAGA accusation is an admission”


Well then OBVIOUSLY, everything you've accused me of and all of the times you've made accusations. Duh. #$#!+ForBrainsIndeed.


What did I accuse you of and show me proof that by accusing you of those things it means I’m admitting to something. I can’t wait to hear what bullshit you come up with


Thank for providing the proof which supports my observation that you are simply not self-aware enough to realize what you've been doing.


Care to elaborate?


You need YOUR OWN comments explained to you?


Democrat Speaker of the House makes the case that people should flocking to San Francisco's Chinatown to combat Donald Trump's attempts to stop Covid-19 from spreading.

The reason Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown was because of a narrative the Democrat Party was pushing, that Donald Trump and Republicans are racist, and xenophobic. And Democrats thought Donald Trump closing down travel from China as a measure to protect Americans from the Coronavirus was a good opportunity to carry on that narrative.

Neither Donald Trump, nor Republicans, made any comments about Chinese Americans, or Chinatown. Neither Donald Trump, nor Republicans discouraged anyone from going to Chinatown.

The above clip is the product of the Democrats Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and their efforts to smear Donald Trump and Republicans as racists. That is the only reason Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown.

I trust Dr. Fauci at the National Institutes of Health, and he seems to have confidence in what we are doing," she said.

The Speaker says there's no reason for people to live in fear.


Because he’s a libtard. Whether Something is racist or not is dependent upon that persons political affiliation.


So you're saying it's (D)ifferent?
