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More liberal grooming

I'd love the resident liberals to justify passing out dildos and butt plugs to children and teaching them about "queer sex". Children. At school.

Tell me exactly why children should be exposed to such degenerate behavior. Tell me why we shouldn't view the people who do such things, along with those who condone or endorse such things, as child abusers, pedophiles and rapists, i.e., among the lowest forms of human life.


Where I’m from; we take this type of behavior “serious”.
No threats, no yelling, no profanity, no arguments, and no warnings.

We set the dogs loose, and they are not of the canine species.


If any parents had balls (they don't) he'd disappear from existence.


That shit wouldn't go down around here. Only in liberal LaLaLand.


Lets be truthful here when you say children most people don't think about teenagers, and heterosexual adults use sextoys too
There is nothing here to link this to lgbt

This is a typical sex ed course, nothing special about this one

Sx ed courses show photos of genitalia, which should be more disturbing than sextoys
What is the fuss? About this sex ed course, in particular
They are teaching children about sex in sex ed!


What sex education are you people getting?

When I was in school it was about the genitals (differences in male and female anatomy), cautions about STDs, how pregnancy works, understanding consent (she looked 18 isn't an excuse, no means no, etc) and sketches of genitals (like 2d non-color drawing) which were shown just to show the differences in male and female anatomy.

No photos, no sex toys, no descriptions of different types of sex that I can recall of it was all about heterosexual vaginal penetration.


Yes, let's be truthful. Did you watch the interview? It's about "queer sex". It is specifically about gays. He talks about discussing "spit versus lube" and using drag queens to teach about gay sex to minors. Those are children where I come from.


Their grooming is also a pretext for other devious abominations like the sexual mutilation of children:


Equal rights for MAPs!!!!!!!!


Why don't you ask former Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert for his opinion on this matter??

LOL, the projection!!!


I am the mom of 2 teenage boys. Hearing the true stories of child molestation committed by the likes of Republicans Dennis Hastert and Jim Jordan, I would actually be afraid to have my kids spend any time with any Republican men.


Then you're a fucking moron to even bring it up here and probably part of the problem. Your last sentence, makes you an evil piece of shit. Trying to connect political views with a person's propensity to abuse children is absolutely deplorable. You're a lowlife and hypocrite.


I can see I got to you. Good!

Republican Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert also sodomized a fourth-grade boy in a school bathroom and threatened him if he reported the assault


So what? Is anyone defending him? No. How can you condemn one pedophile but defend another? Oh, I forgot, you care more about the narrative than the well being and safety of children.


GOP Rep. Jim Jordan has been accused of knowing, and doing nothing, about the serial sexual assault of students at Ohio State University where he worked as an assistant wrestling coach from 1987 to 1995.



The Biden butt plug. Molesting kids one at a time. Courtesy the Democrat party public school abortion.


Okie Dokie, Mr. Hastert!!
