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Paul Whelan 'greatly disappointed' The UltraBBBism administration has not done more to free him.

Whelan said he "was led to believe that things were moving in the right direction, and that the governments were negotiating and that something would happen fairly soon.”

The Tyrannical Biden administration announced Thursday that Griner was freed in exchange for Viktor Bout, a convicted arms dealer who had been serving a 25-year prison sentence in the United States.

Mr.. Whelan served his Country the Country that Griner disrespected. Bidney needs to focus on getting a US veteran released get your priorities in line Dementia Joe. Paul should have been freed before her. Just another example of the treatment athlete or famous people get and it's absurd. Griner better be packing up and heading to Canada because she had nothing nice to say about America prior to her arrest.


Whelan is not the right color or of the right sexual persuasion or have the right letters associated with his name to be worthy of freedom.


And you don't deserve any of the freedom's this country has established for honest, good people.
Because you are not an honest, good person. You are a mean-spirited liar, a foreign interloper abusing the freedom this country affords honest, good people.
I'd say shame on you, but that's so far from your agenda, you have no shame.
You're the definition of what is wrong with the current state of politics. The losers can't win honestly, so they turn to dishonest tactics.


"Mr.. Whelan served his Country the Country that Griner disrespected.

He was court-martialed and discharged for being a thief. I'll take the non-serving Griner over the guy who steals from a fellow marine!


For everybody's info:

"After a court-martial conviction in January 2008 on multiple counts "related to larceny", [Paul Whelan] was sentenced to 60 days restriction, reduction to pay grade E-4, and a bad conduct discharge. The specific charges against him included "attempted larceny, three specifications of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using another’s social security number, and ten specifications of making and uttering checks without having sufficient funds in his account for payment."


You would choose someone that hates America over a Veteran? Seems odd to me.


I've been in almost 20 years and have met both really great people and giant pieces of shit, all of whom who served. So I'm sorry, but hearing that someone was a vet means fuck all to me character wise. Especially when that someone received a bad conduct discharge for being a thief.


Thank you for saying this. I can't stand this reflexive notion that everyone who served is a saint and deserves standing over thoughtful people who examine issues and say what they see are inequities.
The military takes nearly everyone they can get, which brings in extreme personalities who are willing to follow the strictures of the military hoping to gain a sense of power over those they see as the enemy.
I have enormous respect for everyone that has served this country and respects what true freedom means without resorting to nationalism and jingoism.


You would choose anyone who hides behind the Flag over anyone who chooses to examine what might be going wrong with our American capitalist system.
Someone can put an American flag on their house and do whatever despicable thing they want, right.
You're doing it right now, except you're in Russia, getting paid to sow discord.


Could you fill me in on how Griener disrespected her country?


Pointing out anything wrong going on in the USA is like treason to these people, unless you are supporting their slander and lies. We're all supposed to cut our hair according to their dictates, and it goes on from there.


As usual, you're full of shit.


“I honestly feel we should not play the National Anthem during our season,” Griner told AZ Central in 2020. “I think we should take that much of a stand.”

What? No black privilege in Russia? Help!-Biden, come take me HOME!

What was Griner doing in Russia? Well, she didn’t feel she was being paid enough by the WNBA and in order the chase the almighty dollar, she has been playing for a Russia team in the offseason since 2014. She gets over $1 million per season from the Russians.

This woke basketball star wasn’t just a National Anthem kneeler, she didn’t even go out on the floor when it was played. She didn’t want to give America or those who fought for our freedoms their due respect.

Back in June of 2021, Griner said “I honestly feel we should not play the Nation Anthem during our season, I think we should take that much of a stand. I’m going to protest regardless. I’m not going to be out there for the National Anthem.”

BRITTNEY GRINER WAS found guilty of smuggling illegal narcotics into Russia and sentenced to nine years in prison on Thursday.


Lol, get over it.


Get over what? Do you not like these facts?


Get over your your pathetic support of tyrannical police practices.


I am trying but Dementia Joe keeps forcing Tyranny on everyone.


Lol. You are ridiculously funny


[–] Information-Police (1302) 3 days ago
Could you fill me in on how Griener disrespected her country?

“I honestly feel we should not play the National Anthem during our season,” Griner told AZ Central in 2020. “I think we should take that much of a stand.”

What? No black privilege in Russia? Help!-Biden, come take me HOME!

What was Griner doing in Russia? Well, she didn’t feel she was being paid enough by the WNBA and in order the chase the almighty dollar, she has been playing for a Russia team in the offseason since 2014. She gets over $1 million per season from the Russians.

This woke basketball star wasn’t just a National Anthem kneeler, she didn’t even go out on the floor when it was played. She didn’t want to give America or those who fought for our freedoms their due respect.

Back in June of 2021, Griner said “I honestly feel we should not play the Nation Anthem during our season, I think we should take that much of a stand. I’m going to protest regardless. I’m not going to be out there for the National Anthem.”

BRITTNEY GRINER WAS found guilty of smuggling illegal narcotics into Russia and sentenced to nine years in prison on Thursday.


I concur with you being ridiculously funny except you are also very dangerous to society.


Why do we pay the national anthem at sporting events, anyway?


He filled you in dumbass. And as expected your reply was worthless.


You can supply the pitchforks and torches and organize your insurrectionist pals and make public asses out of your selves AGAIN as you attempt to lynch another American. (Sorry Mike Pence slipped out of your grasp.)
Go ahead and further damage the conservative wing by acting like fascist Russians, who you obviously admire tremendously.
No wonder pubs can't win elections or even field respectable candidates.


Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.


Cult 46? There are so many reasons that makes no damned sense!


Many users like to mock Trump supporters by saying they support Cult 45. I thought it would be an interesting experiment if I said Cult 46. I guess I can change it to the opposite of what Biden recently said.


Cult 45 worked on four levels. The gun, the drink, his presidency number, and most importantly, that the typical MAGA supporter would disown a child before believing that a Saint like Trump could do anything wrong.

Cult 46 is just bad appropriation.


Cult 46 works on 7 levels. Deny, insult, investigate, imprison, falsely accuse, divert and Tyranny. The UltraBBB supporter does not publicly acknowledge or support their leader, instead they work in the shadows to disrupt democracy and to put all their critics in jail. Sound familiar? This is Communism in a nut shell. UltraBBBism and TDS will ruin my Country. Soon we will be no better than NK or China.


Your country is not the USA, so go find the country that suits you.


The MAGA are nothing if not unoriginal.


Yes it does, leftists follow the BITE Model of cults.


Agreed. The senile pantshitter works much better. But it’s not a meme, it’s just hard reality.


University Professor Marc Fogel is also rotting in Russian prison for the exact charges at Griner. And he actually had a SCRIPT for it. That doesn;t excuse him, Whelan, or Griner...but lets be honest here, Griner was chosen because shes a black lesbian athlete.

White Privilege? It's not real, but the concept is officially dead.


She was "chosen" because she's who your handles chose to negotiate over now that they kidnapped her for this very purpose.
That you emphasize her ethnicity and sexual orientation proves you have an agenda over such things, which sounds perfectly sensible for an un-American.


Except of course for that facts that Whelan is not as innocent an actor in the scenario as you're obviously trying to portray him to be, and, that such a release is not ONLY dependent on the Biden administration.

This may come as a surprise to what you understand about the situation, but putin/russia ALSO have to want to participate in Whelans' release, and for you to only focus on the Biden administration while expecting anyone to give your argument that putin/russia deserve even the benefit of the doubt of wanting to deal in good faith on the matter at this point in history simply illustrates YOUR OWN misguided political bias and inability to present a good faith argument on the matter. Sad.


Holy fucking shit you can't be serious with this post....WHOM the did the US trade back? Yeah. Quit yer bullshit.


So you don't think putin/russia have to be involved in completing such an exchange, and/or, that whelans multiple federal crimes are equivalent to Griner having a little pot?

Holy fu#king bull$#!+ indeed.


You have to fall back on colloquial curses to obscure the fact that your pals, the Russians only let go who they choose to let go.


Mr. "thegut" is conveniently omitting the part of the story that the Biden administration did try include Whelan in the deal...

"Biden said at a briefing Thursday, “We have not forgotten about Paul Whelan,” asserting it was “not a choice of which American to bring home.” Whelan was not able to be included in the deal because Russians are treating his case “differently” for “illegitimate reasons,” according to Biden."


Thank you, especially for not citing twitter as a reliable source for information.
Yes, these people are so despicable they will stoop to every lie and distortion they can dream up to follow their agenda to undermine Democracy in the United States.


The Russians are treating his case different for completely legitimate reasons. To them he is an enemy soldier. The only threat Brittany Griner poses is to the morale of America itself.


