MovieChat Forums > Politics > Our economic crisis isn’t inflation, it’...

Now that's a shitty opinion....and dead wrong. Inflation is over 9% due to endless money printing for the last 2 years(sent to fucking Ukraine). People aren't stupid. Democrats are going down on Tuesday.


Inflation is worldwide! It's corporate greed. Or did you forget how the Saudis screwed Americans with oil prices?


The u.s was always different. Always one step ahead. The rest of the world could suffer, not the u.s. they planned ahead.

Now things are too globally connected.

Get back to common sense basics.


You want China and Russia to have all world markets which would make them richer and the U.S. poorer? Only Americans buying our own products? Farmers became poor and needed government handouts when China stopped buying their produce because of Trump's trade war with China.

The U.S. always traded internationally. U.S. cotton, guns, food, tobacco, etc.. were sold overseas making the U.S. rich. We also depended heavily on immigration to create businesses and expand our economy.

The U.S. never went it alone. Even the American Revolution was helped by France.

Furthermore, strong nations need military allies, too.

No successful person, company or nation exist going it alone. #1 rule in business is to network.

Strong nations always traded internationally from antiquity. Read about ancient civilisations like India, Greece, China, Timbuktu and their trade routes.


You think Russia has more power than it really does.

China pushes the green deal in the u.s while they turn to more coal.

China created fentanyl has killed more Americans then the Vietnam war.

China navy surpasses u.s.


No successful country can do it all alone which you didn't address.


Well duh.


Sorry, don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. It's fucking inflation and it's caused by a government that spends out of control and prints more money whenever it needs it. You're just repeating whatever bullshit you heard from whatever DNC propaganda machine that produced it.


Inflation is global!


It's raining so don't turn around you stupid fuck.


Are you 12?


Who the hell cares about the budget?

The [GOP] party has claimed to care about government spending over my entire lifetime, and yet has never done anything other than boost the federal budget. Democrats shrug at debt spending because they want to spend more on Medicare-for-all, free college, universal basic income and a list of social programs that rises faster than a barrel of red ink. Republicans shrug because their nationalist agenda of military spending and space forces requires the constant churning of the government printing presses. It's no problem if one believes that such spending actually energizes the economy or, at the very least, doesn't do anything to impede the nation's fiscal health.

Deficits do indeed matter. Traditionally, fiscal conservatives have argued (correctly, I believe) that debt spending crowds out private investment, drives up inflation, reduces personal income, pushes the nation's trust funds toward insolvency, weakens the nation's ability to deal with future crises, and is an act of irresponsibility.

In our current federal situation, debt spending certainly creates all those above-mentioned problems. However, if Modern Monetary Theory takes hold, the government will have even fewer restraints on its spending. Under this theory, "government-issued bonds aren't strictly necessary," Vox explains. The government wouldn't need to issue Treasury bonds, but could "just create the money directly without issuing bonds."

The government's debt spending now is similar to me running up debt for vacations and cars. I'll be OK as long as I make the minimum payments to my creditors.


Blah, blah, blah! The Trumptwats in this thread with the same old tired excuses that completely ignore the fact that the current inflation problem is worldwide...


This inflation is a worldwide phenomenon. Even in leftwing countries with government control over businesses. Is every corporation on Earth being greedy. It's caused by sanctions, money printing and high demand from the lockdowns. Corporations have always been greedy.


It's a combination of things but there's no doubt a good deal of opportunistic profiteering is going on.


Wrong. Democrats making it up again.

Show any other time they blamed “corporate greed” for inflation before 2021.

There’s about as much evidence of that as SADS. If you know you know.


Why is inflation GLOBAL?


I don't doubt corporate greed at all. I also don't doubt the evil of the left.
