MovieChat Forums > Politics > Question for anti-abortion'ser, how PRO-...

Question for anti-abortion'ser, how PRO-life are you really?

I was just wondering, how many people would accept it if someone's life depended on your life, if they were hooked to you and sucking off your food and air and you had to carry them around with you to do anything or get anywhere or they would die?

I think you'd be willing to abort them in 10 minutes.

Abortion should be the woman's decision.


Typical libtard false equivalence


What else would you expect from your typical Libtard?


You’re right, you people lack anything resembling honesty or even basic human decency.


Yeah, and that is so plainly visible among you haters and liars.


So you admit that you are not a decent person or honest?


Abortion should be legal at all times. Even after the child is born. And then grows up to be a Republican.

The mother should have the choice to terminate him/her at any time.


LOL, that would be an interesting world.


Yep if Diaper Joes mother we’re still a live she should have the right to terminate him.


Even if raped, it is the woman's offspring, that they carry. You're not killing some stranger.

So your question isn't relevant.


The reason given is the sanctity of life, not the sanctity of your own offspring. Then it would be consistent of people opposed abortion for themselves but had no opinion or demanding no coercion of other women's actions.


killing kids is evil as fuck, only Godless libturds support this satanic shit


If this was a decently moderated website you and a comment like that would be deleted permanently as just being a toxic good for nothing troll.


libturds like urself love censoring the truth since debating it normally is impossible. the truth hurts, better just snuff it from the forums like a communist huh?!?


You have no truth, just disgusting toxic poison. You should get flushed like a turd. No one wants a turd around, or to debate with a turd.


u dont wanna debate because u know u cant defend the barbaric practices of child murder....
