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The astounding labor market recovery from the pandemic is complete

The U.S. economy added 528,000 jobs in July, more than double the number economists had expected.

This staggering increase in employment completes a milestone for the U.S. economy: Pre-pandemic employment is now fully restored.

In February 2020, the last month before the COVID-19 pandemic tipped the U.S. economy into recession, there were 152.504 million people employed in the U.S.

As of July 2022, 152.536 million people in the U.S. were working.

And despite the labor market contraction during the pandemic being the sharpest in modern history, the bounce back marks the second-fastest job market recovery since 1981.

Thank you President Biden!


Lmao, you can't be serious...


Why not? You blame Biden if something goes wrong so you should give him credit when something goes right. If Trump did this you'd be ecstatic.


Um, no...when you hit rock bottom there's only up to go. This is the case here. Lost jobs returning to the market, after being sunk by endless democrat money printing, is not adding a damn thing. It's refilling the poured out glass, that's all it is.

Now when the market recovers and exceeds 2019, and prices return to those levels...then maybe they can claim a victory.

Not going to happen.


This ^^^^ 👏🏻👏🏻 To repeat: People returning to work after being furloughed is NOT adding jobs over and above 2019. It’s a one one. Nothing extra.


Partisan hacks don’t appreciate how fast this recovery has been.

They forgot how slow the recovery was after the Great Recession.

These are prosperous times.


These are prosperous times.

Gas is back down under $2? I'll have that extra $500 back on groceries next week?



500$ INCREASE on groceries each time you get them? I mean I assumed you and whoever you married were pigs but.

weird cause here, ground beefs still 2.99lb, broccoli goes on sale in the summer for 78cents each, milks up slightly, 50 cents. cheese seems the most up. now "on sale" for 4,99 a brick vs 3.99.

I mean what the fuck are you buying??


It really does tickle my ickle you are this obsessed with me, that you respond to every single post I make, no matter what it is. What is it like being this deranged with internet people?

I must stalk your nightmares when you sleep.


like I comment on top in the politics section?

but as usual. nice rebuttal. hey remember when you claimed im not work your time. as you replied 3 paragraphs to 3 sentences I wrote LOL


i get amazon fresh delivered


im in Canada, which generally has higher food prices esp on things like milk products, since we have a supply management system.

I buy only on sale. why would I pay

3.25 for broccoli I can get for 78cents.. or 3 bell peppers for 1.99 vs 3.99. ect ect

I keep my food costs at 1/3rd if I was paying full price. some stuff like milk never go on sale here (except chocolate milk or the expensive kind like lactania)


The worst inflation in 40 years! The price of goods has skyrocketed along with gas prices. Businesses cutting corners in order to survive. The following is about just ONE state:

”Inflation's impact: How high costs are hurting landscapers, animal shelters and restaurants”

Yep! ”These are prosperous times.”


Inflation will eventually be resolved. The important thing is that people have jobs and wages are rising.


Biden had about as much to do with it as he does with gas prices dropping over the past month or two.

You could have been President, and guess what, those jobs were going to come back. It's an undeniable fact.


Right, i don't understand the praise for this?

Democrats would start a fire and then brag about putting it out.

I don't understand how eveyone cannot clearly see that there is something wrong with this Democrat party


The Republicans started the fire by mismanaging Covid and tanking the economy.

Democrats have, once again, restored the economy.


You're completely confused.


That is simply untrue. There was no chance we were ever going to have a strict lock down that some extremists wanted. Thus, no matter who was President the economy was going to stop. And this happen all over the world. Which is why we're still seeing problems from it with computer chips for example.


It wasn’t just the lack of lockdowns. It was the lack of acknowledgment of the virus early on and the lack of proper distribution of resources.

It didn’t have to be this bad and other countries proved it.


Many of the countries that handled it had several rounds of lockdowns, where you couldn't even leave your house. With over 330 million people in this country, that would be extremely hard to do, more so given how Americans act.

We did fumble the ball, but that happened even once Biden got into office, our government is all around a mess, regardless of party.


With good leadership it could have been done.

Biden didn’t fumble the ball on Covid. He got the government functioning again and now Covid is practically a non-issue.


Covid is fading into a flu like illness thankfully and Biden had nothing to do with it. Over time it was going to happen regardless.

Biden literally sat back, allowed the economy to stay open as Trump wanted, and things fall into place. The jobs that have been rushing back in had nothing to do with Biden. I could have been President and those jobs would have came back. It was a pendulum, it was going to swing back at some point regardless.


Biden literally sat back, allowed the economy to stay open as Trump wanted, and things fall into place. The jobs that have been rushing back in had nothing to do with Biden. I could have been President and those jobs would have came back. It was a pendulum, it was going to swing back at some point regardless.

That’s not at all what happened.


Yes, that is 100 percent what happened. Yes, it was slow at first because there were government benefits for people to not work, but once they expired the flood gates opened.


trump said it would go away in a month. he discouraged all sorts of basic measures. he spread misinformation and lies. he split the country in two, between those who would listen to science, and those who thought it was a bill gates Faucci conspiracy. stop trying to rewrite history.

here in Canada we had 1/3 the US deaths (even adjusting for populations. you could at all times leave your house.

please stop going to extremes to prove your point. outliers dont make good examples


I don't understand the praise for this?

Lots of people forced to leave jobs because of covid.
Now they are returning to work as it always was.

So no jobs were created, just back to normal numbers? That's it?


You got it while others look at this through rose-colored glasses! 👏🏻👏🏻


Recoveries don’t usually happen this fast. Remember the Great Recession.

That’s what’s amazing about this.


What's amazing about it is these great new jobs are seniors coming out of retirement and people who already have a job picking up another one because inflation is crippling them. The new American Dream, work more for less.


Some people retired too quickly, anyways. And people working more than one job has been the American way for decades. It is not a new phenomenon. Besides, wages have also been increasing.

In the end, people have jobs and can make ends meet.

Any objective person can see the economy is doing well. But if you focus only on the negative, you’ll always find faults.


”As of July 2022, 152.536 million people in the U.S. were working.”

The above are people returning to work. These are not additional jobs over 2019. Look below for astounding numbers in July of 2019!

”Payrolls rise 164,000 as labor force sets a record high”

”The Labor Department reports that payrolls increased 164,000 during July, just 1,000 below the 165,000 Dow Jones forecast.

Wages increased 3.2% year over year, topping expectations by one-tenth of a percentage point. Average weekly hours edged lower to 34.3.”

”The total labor force came in at a record-high 163.4 million.”


It is also more that. Look, even when things started getting back to normal, we lost over a million people to covid. Sure, not all of them worked, but some did. Then, during covid many older people decided to retire. With inflation hitting hard on top of that many of the new jobs each month are people going out to get at least a second job.

Business are starting to cut back as we've seen with Amazon and Walmart. It will be interesting to see what happens the next couple months before the holiday rush.


The Bidenites swallow what’s in the article “hook, line, & sinker!” Not being logical all of a sudden they dismiss what is occurring. Inflation at a 40 year high resulting in escalating costs. Businesses hanging on by their fingernails, people are starting to lose their homes, more homelessness, etc.

”Inflation is making homelessness worse

Rising prices and soaring rents are taking their toll across the country”,for%20help%20as%20they%20struggle%20to%20cover%20basics.

Yes, the Democrats once again Deny, Dismiss, and/or Deflect from Reality! A poster replying on this thread actually stated:

”These are prosperous times.” and

”Inflation will eventually be resolved. The important thing is that people have jobs and wages are rising.”

S/He is completely devoid of reality! S/He may not be affected by the realities of the situations the Bidenites have given us, but dammit aren’t they the ones always preaching about those less fortunate? They make me sick with their hypocrisies! They disgust me! 🤢


First, don’t be a coward. If you are going to address me, respond to me directly.

Second, I am perfectly aware of what is going on. Things are not perfect, but they are way better than they were two years ago.

Considering how bad Trump managed everything, this recovery has been nothing short of a miracle.

I remember the Great Recession. Maybe you are not old enough to remember, but it took many years to get to full employment. People were way worse during the 2007-2014 period.

You guys need to be more appreciative of the good things.


ksp, and im not joking, told me once her husband died of covid. now she's a covid/vaccine conspiracy theorist.


I wasn’t being a coward. I just knew it would be useless to address you with the facts. I’m going back to 2019 pre-Covid. Until Covid hit this country was doing good. Figures prove it. How can you say we are in a recovery? Recovery would be 2019 again. Did you completely dismiss the facts again from the link I posted? People are hurting and hurting badly.

I am posting it again:,for%20help%20as%20they%20struggle%20to%20cover%20basics

”You guys need to be more appreciative of the good things.”

I’ll be appreciative when gas is back down to pre-Biden. When we are drilling oil again which the knucklehead stopped. We were self reliant and exporting oil pre-Biden. So, now since the price of gas has skyrocketed taking everything else up with it, Biden says to drill more! To top it off he sold 6 million of barrels of our oil reserves to China! To a company which Hunter Biden has his dirty hands into! Why can’t you people see and believe the facts?


Homelessness is not a new problem. It’s been a problem for a long time and you are only focusing on it now to score cheap political points.

People were hurting even before Covid. Even a fellow rightwinger like Tucker Carlson was forced to admit it.

In short, we are not out of the woods, but things are going well.


How in God’s name can you say “things are going well.”?

People not being able to pay for their gas, their utility bills, rent, losing their homes! And your flip remark
”Homelessness is not a new problem” is just that…an uncaring flip remark! You sound like a very selfish person.

” Inflation is making homelessness worse”

”How Inflation Impacts Homelessness”,on%20these%20items%20compared%20to%20their%20wealthier%20counterparts.

”As gas prices hit record high, communities of color and rural households suffer the most”,percentage%20points%20greater%20than%20that%20of%20high-income%20families.

Apparently you aren’t hurting, but when a family of 4 has to pay $5.00 for a gallon of store brand milk, $4.00 for a loaf of bread, $40.00 for 4 subs, etc. “things are NOT going well!”

And it’s not just families who are hurting. We elderly are hurting also.

”Gas is going up, but this is how inflation really hurts older Americans”

”Thousands could lose homes as inflation puts owners under pressure”


Sorry, didn’t mean to post Irish news, although they are hurting also.


Again, you are missing the big picture.

Yes, we are not out of the woods and, yes, inflation is hurting people, but it is not the crisis you are trying to portray.

A real crisis was what we has in 2008-2009 when unemployment peaked at 10% and people were losing their homes.

The same with 2020 when unemployment also peaked at 10%.

Consumer spending is the highest it’s been in four decades.

These “struggling” Americans seem to be finding their money to buy stuff.


From one of your own articles.

Similarly, 1.4 million renter households reported being “very likely” to be evicted within the next two months. This total has remained relatively unchanged since 2021 despite the relief programs available.

In other words, nothing has really changed.

Things are more expensive, but it is not the disaster you want to believe.


All I’m doing is linking the facts. I can’t help it if you choose not to believe them. I’m fully aware of reality. You will continue to see things as you wish to see them…not as they are. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Your own facts contradict your arguments.


”Wealthier Americans are beating inflation, but the poorest are much worse off”

Apparently this is you. It doesn’t matter to you the cost of a loaf of bread has doubled since 2021, a gallon of milk has doubled, a dozen eggs have tripled in price. Add the staples to the cost of gas which has doubled since Biden took office. You also completely ignore the fact people are losing their homes.

I don’t understand how you can say things are better unless the reason is it hasn’t affected you. Two people working average jobs can’t afford the rent in certain areas. How can you ignore all the data I’ve linked for you unless you are a person of means. For the average citizen in this country it is a disaster. You aren’t living their lives. I’m not the one making it out to be a disaster, the facts are the facts. You can’t tell the average person in this country who is making the same pay or a bit more s/he isn’t hurting. I’m astounded you don’t realize this!

Guess who took office in January, 2021🤷🏼‍♀️


Your own source said people are not losing their homes. It’s just not happening.

Yes, inflation has hurt me.

But I was hurting worse during the Great Recession and during the Covid shutdowns in 2020. So were most Americans.

What’s happening now is peanuts compared to those real crisis.

I say things are better because in 2020 things were worse. It’s that simple. In 2020 people were actually losing their homes and jobs.

I rather endure this inflation than endure the unemployment of 2020.


With inflation hitting hard on top of that many of the new jobs each month are people going out to get at least a second job.

It’s really not that many. 426,000 people have two full time jobs. That’s a drop in the bucket and it does not explain the record low unemployment.

Employers are practically begging people for jobs and workers are reapping many benefits from it.


I didn't necessarily mean two full time jobs. A second job doesn't have to also be 40 hours.

Many businesses are starting to scale back as well, as I mentioned in my comment. Two of the biggest private employers in the country.


The thing is that even people with multiple jobs are at record lows.

I don’t know which businesses are scaling back, but they don’t seem to moving the needle much considering we are at full employment


I suppose the following are lies?

”Restaurants say inflation could force them out of business without federal help”

”Restaurants raising prices across the country due to inflation”

”Restaurant owners face uphill struggle as customers cut back on food spending amid soaring inflation”

” One chart shows exactly why inflation is making everyone so miserable”

”… prices rising higher than wages indicates that real earnings are falling behind.”

”Spiraling Inflation Is Small Businesses’ Top Concern According to New Survey”

”To cope with inflation, 67% of small businesses have raised prices.”” Another four in ten (41%) report having decreased staff or taken out a loan in the past year (39%) in response to growing inflation pressures”.


I literally mentioned two of the largest employers in the country. And I never said it would be something that happens overnight. Technically we are in a recession, most don't feel that outside the price at the pump and foods, because wages have finally increased, but if this were to last into next year for example, yes, many more businesses will scale back.

This won't happen overnight. Nor do I believe we will see another 2008 on our hands. It will get worse, but not that bad.


It sure doesn't feel that way. I've never seen it worse.


I was convinced he died years ago. When I find out he was alive, I was gobsmacked. He's certainly raised his figure up slowly for me.
