There is a lot that science does not know about viruses and the human body.
They test for Covid by looking for anti-bodies is what it says online. It could very well mean that Biden has a lot of antibodies that have not gone away after his initial infection/vaccination.
One thing that seems to not be well known, but is better documented lately, is that sunlight, specifically the near-infra-red, light from the sun, not the UV light we are warned not to get too much of because it can cause skin cancer. This near-IR-light will penetrate clothes, and even our skulls, and turns on anti-oxidant manufacture of melatonin in the mitochondria of our cells. Most of the infections and deaths from Covid have occurred in places that do not get too much sun - i.e. the northern latitudes, and ironically where they get too much sun and people stay indoors a lot, like nursing homes. They believe this also can fight Alzheimer's disease and dementia. A speculation I read is that being outside in a green environment among plants that reflect this light is optimal for health.
Do you live in a sunny place, or get some time in the sun most days?