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Trump looked surprised when his supporters loudly booed him at an Arizona rally over his Congress endorsement

Former President Donald Trump appeared flustered when he was booed at a rally in Arizona on Friday when speaking about one of his recent Congress endorsements.

Trump, used to adulation from his super-loyal MAGA followers, looked uncomfortable when he hyped Eli Crane, a candidate in the Arizona GOP congressional primary, and the crowd responded negatively, in large part.

"And a highly respected man, just endorsed by me today, future congressman for the 2nd District, Eli Crane," Trump said, prompting boos from the crowd.

The former president appeared surprised and repeatedly looked towards the source of the booing before smiling awkwardly.

"But you like me, right?" Trump then says to the crowd with an awkward chuckle.

Support for Trump is waning.


Poor Trump's narcissim is making him feel dejected. He doesn't understand why people don't like him, and continues to lie to himself that they do


They were booing his endorsement choice. Hard for you to understand because you are in a cult mentality.


A Trump supporter claiming that I'm in a cult. How ironic.

Why People Fall for Trump’s Political Cult -


Good one. I'm so sick of rethuglicans claiming all their sick excesses are born by the opposition.
No Democrats showed their solidarity with the insurrectionists the way Josh Hawley did, but I'm sure some pub will try to figure out a way to spin it. No cult mentality there ! (sarcasm alert)


For jowilli/jowilli2's benefit: that actually is ironic.


Lmao, a slate link.....that's too funny. Aren't they the rag that's pro pedo? Or is that Salon?

Oh, and the Woke/Antifa/BLM/Covid Cult is definitely a cult....fits the BITE Model of Cults in every way.

Trump folks generally do not fit the BITE Model. I see more people on the left talking about what they think a Trump Supporter is, rather than actually finding these aforementioned cartoon characters in the wild.


The reason we all know YOU are in your OWN cult as well as the idiot alt-wrong anti-American insurrectionist traitor cult, is EVERY FUCKING THING you don't like is some fucking cult.
You should decide breathing air is a cult behavior and stop believing in it. Quit breathing the evil fucking air you fucking pedo air breathing cultist. Jeezus Christ !


Like his failed businesses before him, Trump self-capitates himself over and over again. He had so much potential to gain presidency again but he's a sucker for money so he'll grovel to anyone that praises him so they can win the position they're going for.


Trumps businesses have a 98% success rate due to the amount of products his name is attached to. The "failures" the media amplifies to the Nth degree only account for 2% of all ventures.

This was well known during the 2016 election.


GOP math?


Wow, 98% where did you pick that information up?! Last time I looked he had six bankruptcies and more than a dozen failed businesses.


Sure ! Make up your own statistics and say everyone else is lying.
You are so beyond having shame, you must have posters of Tim McVeigh above your bed and think it's the right thing to do. Where did you bury your parents, you sick freak? I'll bet Scott Peterson is another of your poor persecuted personal heroes.


Trump trumping trumptrump. Trump, trump trumpity trumpon trumpump!

Trump trump...



On this I think just from reading would vote for Blackman.
