a fetus you couldn't distinguish from a dolphin or cow fetus, isnt a child.
no fetus has the right to use someone else's body. if I get sick do I have the right to use your body? can I have your spare lung? can I sue your kidneys to filter out toxins? why does a fetus have more rights than me?
your marriage thing is also retarded and make no sense..
I live in reality not in sky daddy magic religion land where you dont demonstrate anything.. rather than you magical nonsense show me cognition, senses ect. in other words real demonstrable things. thats what determines my stance on abortion, not your magical dellusions.
you didnt answer the question. so you lost. sad you couldn't man up and answer a simple question
how do you prove to a blind person that the moon exists?
just because the government says you can legally murder your baby, it doesnt make it right. the irony that dems are against kids being murdered but are ok with infanticide.
you are trying to justify one murder while condoning another. its also ironic that dems are against capital punishment of convicted murderers of children.
"how do you prove to a blind person that the moon exists? "
SOOOO in other words. you have nothing
the jew claims "this is my god and this is a spirit". the hindu says "noo there are many gods, and there is karma". the Christian, depending which sect, say "nooo mine is the real god! and this is the spirit!"
all bunch of claims, all without evidence. all equally nonsense
NOPE that wasn't the argument clown. its why you re changing subjects :) nice try though. but i'm a lot smarter than you. if im justifying one, and condoning another, i'm condoning both, you fucking retard.
LOL you dont understand the capital punishment arguments either. holy fuck you are stupid
I can prove the moon exists. I can show pictures, video evidence, people who have been there, rocks from the moon that have been tested. I can see it myself, and show others it objectively exists.
no your point is, you are a fucking idiot, and dont understand the difference between faith and evidence. derp derp derp derp.
we can test atoms, make predictions based off them. what testable predictions can you make? this is science 101. this is shit kids learn in grade 8. you aren't even at a grade 8 level.
Derp derp derp derp derp
Yes I do what I want. im sorry you hate free speech you clown. seek help
-you can talk to scientists
-you can ask them about the waves and how we know it affects our tides
-you can talk to other scientists who can explain how the tilt and rotation of us and the moon is only how it is because we are a dual orbit together around the sun.
-you can in theory talk to astronaughts who have been there or worked on the programs
- you can visit the museum in my city that has a literal pod from a sample shuttle
-you can read about their exploits
-we have moon rocks that are tested for their composition and how it differs
- you can talk to every single other human in the world who can observe the moon.
"just because you cant see or touch something doesnt mean it doesnt exist. "
science demonstrates that which cant be seen or touched with novel testable predictions. do that with any of your magical sky daddy claims.
"people didnt know what germs were 500 years ago and used to drill holes in your head to release the poison. "
AND? you arent making sense again.
"is there anything smaller than a Atom? what holds the atom together? "
we know there is you idiot. wow you are behind over a decade on basic science. holy fuck you are stupid.
"scientists have said the universe is expanding, if it is, what is it expanding into?"
thats great research and fantastic empirical data. I think we are getting somewhere. I would have to take leap of faith and believe these people were telling the truth. open your mind and think outside the box.
what if instead of using the moon as the thesis, we used God. what if everyone you talked to told you God was real. they showed you all the cities and places in the bible are real places. Would you believe them?
as a blind person can neither see or touch the moon, they are told its real.
humans can also neither see or touch God, wouldnt God also be real?
it wouldn't be a leap of faith at all... many of which is scientifically testable predictions. with literal equations that demonstration gravitational pull. with predictions we can make about the position of the moon. this is what your dumb fucking head doesnt understand. you are a retard. you can discern ACTUAL SCIENCE from your fucking magic fairies.
is Spiderman real? why not? New York is real and the comic book I read said Spiderman is in NY. see how fucking stupid you are?
blind people cant fucking hear? they cant understand scientific theories, equations and data explained? again, are you this fucking stupid? HOLY FUCK MAN. retards make you look dumb.
I guess no blind person has ever become a scientist, and have no good reason to know the moon exists..... like I have said before. I think you are movie chats stupidest fucking poster
they have to take a leap of faith and believe everything they are told is real.
if 10,000 scientists told you God was real, would you believe them?
you can start by reading the entire Bible and then go visit those place in Israel. you can go talk to Scholars and Pastors and ask them to help explain things.
you dont have to see the moon, to hear/understand evidence of its existence. you fucking idiot. they dont have to take any leap of faith. science, studies and testable predictions have NOTHING TO DO with faith. ive never seen he earths core, or the deepest part of the ocean. I guess those things dont exist. derp derp science is in fact, the opposite faith
faith is the reasons people give when they do not have a good reason to believe something. if you have good reason, you down need faith.
Science is a process of discovery, in which we make novel testable predictions.
its what separates "I have faith a horse an and chariot carries the sun across the sky". and "I have evidence the earth revolves around the sun"
again, you are sooo fucking dumb it hurts. I feel embarrassed for anyone who has to ever interact with you in real life. it must be a constant chore.........
yes and I read Spiderman, I visited New York! and a coffee shop it talks about! spider man is real!
DERP DERP DERP. you are exhibit A why roe v wade shouldn't have been overturned
you also dont have to see God to believe its real as well.
no one has been to or seen the Earths core, so its just speculation on what it looks like. Cameron has been to the deepest part of the ocean and proved its existence. I am talking about things that cannot be seen or touched.
I can see pictures of the Mariana Trench to know its real. but if someone that couldnt see, how would you prove to them its 7 miles deep?
if you were able to see and touch spiderman and see webs shoot out of his wrists, then yes you would believe it. but what if you couldnt see or touch him?
science cant prove that things that cannot be seen is real or not. science is tangible.
FAITH means- belief, firm persuasion, assurance, firm conviction, faithfulness. Faith is confidence in what we hope for and the assurance that the lord is working, even though we cannot see it. Faith knows that no matter what the situation, in our lives or someone else's that the lord is working in it.
"you also dont have to see God to believe its real as well. "
you are either purposely dense or a troll
"I can see pictures of the Mariana Trench to know its real. but if someone that couldnt see, how would you prove to them its 7 miles deep? "
ive been over this with you 4 times about the moon. you are a fucking idiot
"if you were able to see and touch spiderman and see webs shoot out of his wrists, then yes you would believe it. but what if you couldnt see or touch him? "
great so where's your physical evidence for god then? saying "DIs place exists and da Bible says it exists means da bible is true" is not an arguement
"science cant prove that things that cannot be seen is real or not. science is tangible."
lol tell me you dont understand science without telling me you dont understand science. its like an 8 year kid is trying to explain "science" to me.
" Faith knows that no matter what the situation, in our lives or someone else's that the lord is working in it."
great demonstrate this retard. here ill do it "faith is knowing the magic fairies control everything, and are actually tricking christians to believe in a fake god, but mine are actually the real ones"
its called faith. things have happened in my life that cant be explained.
can you use science to disprove God? please prove to me that God does not exist.
I know how things work. I just have deeper level of inquisitiveness and understanding.
you cant use science to explain everything. scientists explain our existence by the big bang theory. its called a theory for a reason. not one scientist can explain how it happened.
how can I be dumb when you dont understand faith and there are things that can be seen and cannot be seen.
if you think humans are just flesh and blood and when you die nothing happens. then why do people get upset when kids are murdered? the same people have no remorse when 3 month old baby is aborted from the womb.
at least 3 people are murdered everyday in Chicago and not one democrat is upset about that. you cant be for one kind of murder but be against another.
can science explain the universe? if the big bang created the universe, what existed before the universe was created? scientists say the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into? what happens if you go beyond the edge of the universe? how can a single explosion create billions of suns and planets?
scientists measure time using the earth revolving around the sun. its time constant throughout the universe?
so you are saying scientists dont know anything yet you trust everything they say? you put your faith in scientists who say the moon is real. yet you have never been there or touched it.
the only evidence I have is the Bible, all the places and people mentioned in the book of Acts are real people and places. it takes faith to believe the events actually happened.
no im saying scientists dont know EVERYTHING. it doesn't mean they don't know ANYTHING.
you keep showing how retarded you are.
nope I dont have to put faith in science you clown :) because they actually demonstrate their theories with evidence, that is then peer reviewed and can be replicated and reviewed by others. its how science works. again, you idiot, welcome to grade 8 science
again just like a blind person doesnt have to see it to exist, there are a multitude of other evidences. which I gave to you.a re you this fucking dumb?
"the only evidence I have is the Bible, all the places and people mentioned in the book of Acts are real people and places. it takes faith to believe the events actually happened. "
again. New York exists so Spiderman is real? wow you are fucking stupid. roe v wade should never have been ended
I am saying the same thing. scientists can prove that something exists because it can be seen either with your eyes or a microscope, sound waves, etc...
they cant prove things exist or dont exist that cant been seen like a soul and spirit. it takes faith to believe it exists. thats my point.
there is no scientific experiment that can be done to prove God is real or not. it takes faith to believe God is real.
"I am saying the same thing. scientists can prove that something exists because it can be seen either with your eyes or a microscope, sound waves, etc..."
no you fucking idiot. wow you dont know how science works at all. are you this stupid?
"they cant prove things exist or dont exist that cant been seen like a soul and spirit. it takes faith to believe it exists. thats my point. "
YES YES THEY FUCKING CAN. you are so fucking dumb it hurts
"there is no scientific experiment that can be done to prove God is real or not. it takes faith to believe God is real."
OKAY GREAT. I have faith the magic blue fairies created your god and your faith as a lie. im right you are wrong. now be quiet about your dumb god beliefs. its faith you cant disprove me with science!
you just said they could but now they dont have to? thats not very scientific and doesnt prove anything. its like saying I can climb Mt Everest but I dont feel like it.
yeah, but I'm not a MENSA so I can't wrap my head around it. ditto with the relativity concept that i fly at the speed of light for 1 year and when i return everyone else has aged 60 years or something. but i think i don't need that big a brain to survive in the real day to day world
I am not mensa either. but trying to prove that just because you cant see something doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Leo and I were talking about a soul and spirit. he said they dont exist and I say they do.
a spirit and soul can neither be observed, touched or seen. how would one prove that is doesnt exist or it does exist?
Yes, Jo, we know you are one of those who voted "yes" for this bill. I'm sure Dems can be hypocritical at times, but nowhere to the point of the "pro-life" conservatives and Republicans who actually want women to suffer for making HER choice. They just want to the woman to pop out the kid so they can financially benefit from having to take care of the child.
no one is making "her" suffer. women are using abortion as an oopsie. oops I had unprotected sex and now I am pregnant. what about the mans rights to their baby? why does the women get to decide?
the supreme court is saying that its up the States to decide whether to allow abortion rights. legally murdering your child is NOT a constitutional right. in some States, marijuana is legal while others its illegal. its the same thing with abortion.
abortion is still legal, you just have to go to a State where its allowed. maybe men and women should be more responsible with sex, if you have it, you might get pregnant.
Ok, but the point is North Carolina is considering executing a woman for choosing to have an abortion. That seems a little harsh. All they have to do is give her time in prison, even if for life. I find it ridiculous that they should off one of the parents. That child will never get to see their mother.
it is extreme, I agree. but they are considering it. I doubt it passes though. Under NC state law, abortion would be murder. it would be no different than someone murdering a young child or a old person. if thats what the laws says then everyone has to abide by it. for 50 years, the law stated that abortion was legal and people had to abide by that law. just because a government makes a law doesnt mean its right. there used to be a law that stated blacks were slaves and women could not vote. everyone knew it wasnt right and it was eventually changed. Now its up to individual States to determine what is allowed or not. you might not agree with it, but thats just how things work.
I think anyone should be allowed to marry as many people as they want. If Mark wants to marry 5 women, then good luck with that. lol but for now the law states that only 2 people shall be married.
We need to charge or execute men for murder if they ejaculate anywhere other than inside a woman's vagina. Those are millions of potential births being scuffed out.