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Poll: Many red-state Trump voters say they'd be 'better off' if their state seceded from U.S.

Red-state Donald Trump voters are now more likely to say they’d be personally “better off” (33%) than “worse off” (29%) if their state seceded from the U.S. and “became an independent country,” according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

It’s a striking rejection of national unity that dramatizes the growing culture war between Democratic- and Republican-controlled states on core issues such as guns, abortion and democracy itself. And an even larger share of red-state Trump voters say their state as a whole would be better off (35%) rather than worse off (30%) if it left the U.S.

I say good riddance.


As a non-American I thought most conservatives love the U.S of A, atleast in principle and idealization if not in current practice? Don't many cling to the star-sprangled banner?

I would have thought democrats would be much more open to living in an independant California, New York or wherever.

The thought of 'proud to be an American' kentuckians voting to cede from the U.S is alien to me conceptually.


Not the present-day GOP which has become far-right extremism.


Another lie. You leftists have become the extremists. We haven't moved.


Your last line indicates you too are rejecting national unity despite having a different political perspective than those who were polled.


They need the deadbeat cities in their states to secede.


Democratic states financially support poorer red states which don't pay their own fair share of taxes.


Good riddance to all of those dumb bastards.




You have to remember that if you secede you'll get NO Federal funding, military (other than your own), or disaster support. You're pretty much on you're own. Some people should think before they speak on the repercussions. Why secession is unlikely to happen or near impossible to do.


Red state voters also believe that morons like Tommy Tuberville and Herschel Walker should be in the Senate representing people. Clearly they are idiots!


They're smarter than all you leftists combined.


And with incest no longer being legal grounds for abortion, red state populations are increasing exponentially!


White liberals don't represent my best interests living in Kansas (a red state). They never have and they never will.
