MovieChat Forums > Politics > The libtards are trying to win over Amer...

The libtards are trying to win over America by making Jan 6 sound much worse.

This is how the shitty libtards like to play. They are taking every chance to exaggerate the incident on Jan 6 so that will they will look good and Trump and his colleauges look evil to trick the people into giving their support. I bet only 20% of what is stated about the incident is true.


Yes it's so obvious


its all a distraction for the upcoming midterms, they did the same thing in 2020 with Rona.


But the Elites ARE OUR Democracy! Screw the working people and lowly plebs small businesses. Think of the Elites.


All they care about is perpetuating their lies and false narratives. They don’t give a fuck about the people they were sent to Washington to serve, or the economy, or our safety or our democracy. It’s all about them and it’s sick and disturbing.


LOCK TRUMP UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


America is more concerned with gas being $6/per gallon.
