I tried to take a neutral stance on unelected cops pre pandemic because there were some officers that were there to protect & serve the people. They were a minority, but they are all gone now...either through disgust, burnout, or vaccine mandates. All that's left is bastards that have no human empathy, and are 100% loyal to those that pay them.
Fuck these cops.
These are the cops that don't do their jobs and make people hate the police. I have a doppelganger that has the same
first name/last name/middle initial, and birthday as I do. The only difference the middle names are different. This doppelganger has a warrant on his head from 2010.
In the last 3 years, I have been harassed THREE fucking times by different officers in the SAME town. Three. It's only a matter of time before I get a real moron that doesn't believe the computer and wrongfully hauls me in. Can't wait!
Good job boys, it worked on me in record time....abolish the police.