MovieChat Forums > Politics > ABOLISH THE POLICE!


"mother of two students at the Uvalde, Texas Robb Elementary School where more than 20 were shot and killed is claiming that federal agents put her in handcuffs at the scene and other officers tased and pepper-sprayed parents they felt were interfering with the investigation."


Bringing back local, elected Sheriffs and deputies.

Culturally homogenous communities do not need unelected municipal police forces.


That's pretty much what we have for law enforcement here in rural Vermont: County sheriffs and, to a lesser extent, the state police; Not many towns have a municipal police presence...


I tried to take a neutral stance on unelected cops pre pandemic because there were some officers that were there to protect & serve the people. They were a minority, but they are all gone now...either through disgust, burnout, or vaccine mandates. All that's left is bastards that have no human empathy, and are 100% loyal to those that pay them.

Fuck these cops.

These are the cops that don't do their jobs and make people hate the police. I have a doppelganger that has the same
first name/last name/middle initial, and birthday as I do. The only difference the middle names are different. This doppelganger has a warrant on his head from 2010.

In the last 3 years, I have been harassed THREE fucking times by different officers in the SAME town. Three. It's only a matter of time before I get a real moron that doesn't believe the computer and wrongfully hauls me in. Can't wait!

Good job boys, it worked on me in record time....abolish the police.
