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Limbaugh's Legacy

"Thinking about Rush Limbaugh and how, now that he’s dead, you never, ever hear about him. No one mentions anything he did.

Because what he did had no value. It contributed nothing worthwhile to the culture. Nothing of lasting value.

He just made anger. Every day. Rising, blooming & fading like a fart. Then he died & was instantly replaced by a fleet of little replicas, farting fake fury five days a week. Creating nothing of interest or artistic value to anyone.

Seriously, what an awful way to make a living."


I tend to think the people who trash Rush Limbaugh never listened to his show. I’m glad he doesn’t have to live through the nightmare we are all going through until 2024. There are plenty of good people carrying on his legacy.


He was a paid mouthpiece for foreign influence, trained by Bruce Williams. Before the internet, there was Rush brainwashing boomers and elder xgenners into joining rebranded American fascism. He had substantial influence but the reason no one talks about him is because dittoheads don't want to admit they were brainwashed and lefties were stuck in safe spaces not paying attention.


Trained by Bruce Williams?
The other radio host?
You're nuts.

Even thougn I think you're nuts I still wonder why that would be a bad thing. Just saying, don't bother trying to answer.


I won't, it would be a waste of my time.


I'm so glad you agree.


That's funny. Trump used rush as a pawn to own the libs. Rush's final relevance was as a political tool. A troll being used by a troll in a troll move. The End.


.....said the troll.


Anger? Obviously, you never listened to his show. Rush rarely sounded upset and angry. Mark Levin on the other hand......

Now that guy can sound rather mad. So can Alex Jones.


What really gets Mark Levin mad more than anything is the Left’s antisemitism


Rush was an exceptional and outstanding person.


As you parrot some douchenozzle liberal comedian no one's heard of? Now that right there is funny.


I've heard of him. Dana Gould singlehandedly turned The Simpson's into the steaming pile of worthless shit that it is today.


He's none of this.

I think he'll be remembered as a sort of fragmented Walter Winchell. A forgotten figure with flaws and all, but still carried a message for listeners.

Personally, I still believe in the power of radio as it is free after all and there's always a dial on some device for that.

I think Limbaugh will be seen as a great broadcaster, a dynamic personality but also might have been an actor playing a part?

I think his last 30 or so years were so wrapped in wealth, fame and ego.

I was honestly surprised that when he died that it wasn't such a big deal.

I feel he destroyed the Republican party by splitting it into two very different fragments.

You can do that when you have 20 or 30 million people listening.

He knew that. And I think he enjoyed doing it.


Destroyed the Republican Party? Wait about 6 months and see what party is destroyed.
