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GOP Shamefully Attacks Teachers

Teachers used to be respected.

But, the GOP prefers to vilify and threaten them with lawsuits for teaching history.

Biden spokeout against the harmful attacks and defended American teachers against the GOP hate mongering.

"U.S. President Joe Biden said American teachers are being unfairly targeted in "the culture wars," and warned against book banning in an event at the White House Wednesday.

Biden, speaking at an annual 2022 National and State Teachers of the Year award ceremony, said politicians are trying to score points by banning books, in an apparent reference to conservatives and Republicans in states from Texas to Tennessee.

"American teachers have dedicated their lives to teaching our children and lifting them up," Biden said to murmurs of agreement from the teachers. "We’ve got to stop making them the target of the culture wars. That’s where this is going.”

Across the United States, more than 1,000 titles, mostly addressing racism and LGBTQ issues, have been removed from school libraries in recent months, according to the writers' organization PEN America."


More lies from MC's proven liar in chief.


If he’s lying, then where did those quotes come from?


There are no quotes from the supposed GOP villains this detestable liar is accusing but she did show Biden's lies. Sorry rational people want to know what is being taught to their children and don't want 3rd graders and younger, exposed to inappropriate sexual material.


So he’s not lying about Biden’s quotes then?


The thread title is a lie, you dim bulb.


Yahoo (yatzo376), maybe you need to go with Keelai and get laid.
It would do you both a world of good. I hate seeing you suffer like this.


Because of liberal Democrats the position of a college professor is a now a joke.
I read a quote from a private school teacher over 15 years ago.

He said liberalism was infecting it's way into education, that liberals push for lower standards and a do less attitude.

While their schools will do the opposite

This was awhile ago

The education sector is a joke because of Democrats.


I think college professors have been commies since before Marx. There was that one Jew rabbi saying shit like "It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than something something free shit army."


Conservatives are the ones banning books instead of reading them.


So, the parent who wants their 7th grader to have access to a book detailing homosexual fellatio can’t get it on Amazon?


Your delusion isn't reality. No such school books exist.


You must not have kids in school. Watch below as a mother reads to the school board from a book taken from the Oak Park Elementary School library in Montgomery County PA (fast forward to 00:33 to hear her directly reading the passages):

This is not isolated. If you believe this acceptable, I have no interest in engaging with you further.


That's a 320-page book. I'm not buying the lie that it's in an elementary school since it's beyond their reading level

The woman has an agenda so she's not credible. Provide a link from a credible news source with the elementary school and book named in it.


Your delusion isn’t reality


Use google, pretty easy.

So you support that kind of content for schools (child rape)?

What's saddest is that it's (apparently) non-fiction ... Although unverified this is horrible if true.

Wouldn't surprise me.


Bullshit. Everything you post is a lie.


You're a stable genius.


You're an unstable, proven liar, anti-Semite, racist, groomer.


You fell for it!

The GOP attacks teachers because the goddamned teacher's union has for decades endorsed every goofy thing the DNC asked them to. Not to mention that the liberal bias in our educational system is the biggest problem with it. They've brought it on themselves.


LOL! It took you 12 hours to figure out a way to reply after you called yourself an unstable idiot and you still failed miserably.

"GOP attacks teachers"
We both agree. 'Nuff said.


Yeah, it took me 12hrs to figure out what I already knew, which you had to Google in the first fucking place. You know nothing, you're just a regurgitator of lies.


You already knew that you're an unstable idiot? I knew that, too!


Critical Groomer Theory 101.


A trigger term used by homophobics like yourself.


Another baseless lie from MC's liar and racist in chief.


When you stop posting 100 times a day here we'll know the feds finally caught up with you 🤣


Yes, I'm sure we're "afraid" (that's what phobia means, if you didn't know, dummy) of homos and that's why we don't want their agenda preached to pre-pubescent children.


I know you're homophobic.


You're afraid of the truth, which is why you always avoid it.


I like the cut of your jib.


I hardly see how removing harmful content from school curriculum is an 'attack' on teachers?


Books are harmful?

Your cult is threatening and attacking teachers for using history and math books. Your cult wants to keep people stupid.


Quit lying!


Look at this guy wanting to harm children.


Teaching history harms children?

You sound like the Taliban who forbid education. Keep kids stupid so they can be manipulated easier by your cult, right?

Your cult hates and disrespect teachers.


I think you're missing the hypocrisy here 🤣


Our cult hates groomers and pedophiles.


Your cult hates Blacks, Hispanics, women, Muslims, Jews, Democrats, poor people, Asians, LGBTQ, teachers, scientists, police, democracy, journalists, Native-Americans, intelligent people, etc..

Your cult has a great deal of hate.


Nope, more lies and projections. Just groomers and pedophiles. In fact it is YOUR cult that hates, quite fervently.


Holy shit!

I guess if we have to choose what's getting burned, I'll say save the books!


No books are being burned, they aren't being banned from sale or being taken out of circulation.


Actually, they are. You fear history.


I am extremely knowledgeable regarding global history, not just the US.

None are burned 😀


There's going to be a mass shooting against teachers or a school over this. Right-wing bullshit always leads to it. Like how the El Paso shooter was so viciously anti-immigrant and motivated by white supremacist ideology like the Great Replacement theory. Or just like how the Pizzagate bullshit led to some wacko shooting up a goddamn pizza joint.


El Paso massacre wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for mass immigration and demographic changes. It is blood on the hands of leftists and multiculturalists.


You believe the white supremacist who murdered dozens of Hispanics is innocent? You're sick.

BTW, Texas was Mexico. There were Mexicans living there long before it became a part of the U.S.. Tu es estupido!


No I'm not saying he's innocent, I'm saying if you want to blame an ideology, it's the left wing's fault because they provoked it.

Mexicans living today in Texas are glad that Texas became part of the USA.


"mass immigration and demographic changes."

Nevertheless, Mexicans were in Texas long before that murderer's immigrant ancestors arrived. If he doesn't like Mexicans then he shouldn't have moved to Texas.

You're defending a mass murderer and attempting to shift blame. The mass murderer is a white supremacist.


Ignoramous Keelai once again displays his stupidity. Mexicans didn't exist before Europeans arrived in North America. The average Mexican has about 55% White ancestry.

He didn't move to Texas, Mexicans moved to Texas. In 1970 Texas was 87% White. Today it's less than 50%. This has tremendous economic, political and cultural consequences. Texans were never asked if they want these changes. So called "White supremacy" is nothing but suppressed morality and human nature that was pushed out of the Overton window. Texas is turning into Mexico. The people who brought these demographic changes are to blame.


Yo soy estupido
Tu eres estupido
Usted es stupido
Nosotros somos estupido
Ellos son estupido



Just some speech given to a group of union bunch. We all know what kind of commie talk it would have in it.


Don't forget the homos!


Stop with the empty projecting. Just because normal people don't want 3rd graders learning about anal sex doesn't mean they have anything against gays, ya brainwashed, leftist kook.


Yo rhymes-with-baloney, do you just follow me around like a lovesick puppy, or what? It's a reference to the way this poster calls anyone who disagrees with his unique worldview a commie homo...


What the hell are you talking about? You reprobates call anyone who has cognizant thinking, racists, homophobes and any other phobe you can think of.


Keelai strikes again with dishonest portrayal of the story. It's not history. It's a one sided, de-contextualized and exaggerated narrative of history that DELIBERAELY SEEKS to portray Whites and straight people as one dimensional evil doers and Blacks and gays as relentless victims. They deliberately want to teach only one side of the story for political purposes and then accuse US of not wanting to teach history.

For example, here is video on the brief history of slavery made by a Black woman:


Once again, you assume ALL Black history = only slavery.

You're being racist.


Nope, I only mentioned slavery, because it's the largest part of the Black grievance when talking about White historical guilt.


So, you admit you're afraid of teaching the TRUTH about slavery because you're a snowflake who can't handle it.


The truth about slavery is already being taught. What conservatives want is the EXPANSION of what is taught about slavery. Go watch this video:


White GOPers want distortion and lies.

I was "educated" in schools where historical misinformation and exclusion were the norm. White GOPers are trying to regress to that because they fear the COMPLETE truth.

White Southerners started a civil war in order to keep slavery! They LOVED slavery.

They have a song about their love for slavery. "I wish I was in the land of Dixie..."


They only ones who want distortion and lies are left wingers who deliberately keep the truth about slavery under wraps. They only want to teach one side of the story that portrays White people as one dimensional villains and Blacks as relentless victims. They don't want to teach the ENTIRE TRUTH about slavery, because the actual truth shatters that narrative. Whites were the first to abolish slavery, Whites have nothing to feel guilty about regarding slavery, but leftists want endless perpetual White guilt.

Confederates of the civil war don't exist anymore. Neocofederates are an insignificant political force.

Nobody wants slavery today (except Africans who still practice it - there are at least 700.000 slaves today in Africa).


You don't know anything about the American school system since you live in Slovenia.

GOP history school books which I read said there was nothing wrong with slavery and malcontents called abolitionists were against it. In college, I read about how white slaveowners were nice to their slaves. Racist BS!!!

Racists like yourself ban books in which Black slaves talk about their lives under slavery because white GOPers fear the truth!

If white Southerner GOPers didn't still support slavery, then that pro-slavery song would not be known today and those pro-slavery books would not have been in schools I attended.

I know other schools teach the lie about the civil war not being about slavery.

The pro-slavery Confederate flag is still popular with them therefore they support slavery today!!! They also wave it on their favorite holiday, Confederacy Day.

You and the GOPers are racists who want to return a racist pro-slavery curriculum to schools!


More left wing lunacy from imbecile Keelai.

All I want is the truth about slavery to be taught. Some of the "inconvenient facts about slavery leftists don't want to talk about:

- Whites never enslaved Blacks. Whites merely bought existing slaves from African slave owners and transported existing slaves to another location. (where they treated them better than they were treated in Africa). 40% of Africa used to be slaves before White people ever showed up.
- Slavery was not invented by White people. There isn't a single place on earth that hasn't practiced slavery. Before the industrial revolution (which was ironically invented by White people) outgrew the need for slavery, slavery was as natural as capitalism is today.
- White people abolished slavery not only in America, but also in Africa. In 1833 Britain was the FIRST country in the world to abolish slavery. It took Black people to be ruled by Whites to abolish slavery. Arab countries abolished slavery in the 1960s. When White people were listening to the Beatles and singing about world peace with flowers in their hair, Arabs were debating weather or not to abolish slavery.
- There is still slavery going on in Africa. Lower estimates are that there are still about 700.000 slaves in Africa today. You can find videos on YouTube of a slavery auction in modern day Libya which brought back slavery ever since Obama and Hillary overthrew Gadhafi.
- Europeans were enslaved by non Europeans. Both Arabs and Ottoman Turks enslaved millions of Europeans and contrary to what happened in Africa, they didn't merely buy existing slaves, they captured them themselves.



- Out of all transatlantic slave trade, only about 4% of slaves went to North America. The rest (about 96%) went to South and Central America. Only a few hundred thousand slaves were brought into North America. The current African population of America is the result of Black people having lots of babies and African immigration. More Black African have immigrated to America since the 1960s then were ever brought in as slaves. On the contrary to what happened in America, Arabs castrated their male slaves and didn't allow them to breed which is the reason there are few Black people in Arab countries today.
- Slaves were extremely expensive. Only about 1.5% of Whites are descendant of people that owned slaves.
- In American South during slavery, you had Whites slaves and Blacks slave owners. 28% of free Blacks were slave owners.


Your entire diatribe was defending white slaveowners.

You just made my whole point about the GOPers motives for banning history books and replacing it with white supremacist ideology deflecting the evils of American slavery committed by white Southerners!


No GOPers want to ban teaching about slavery. Slavery has been taught in America for decades. No GOPers want a White supremacist ideology. When the GOP proposes talking about race and IQ give me a call. More fantasy land from Keelai.


Your entire diatribe defending white slaveowners proves otherwise.

Do you salute the Confederate flag while singing Dixie each morning like your racist GOP pals?


I never defended salve owners. I have no interest in confederacy whatsoever.


It's hard to imagine, but you have made yourself look even stupider than ever.


If you heard about some slave-owners being nice to their slaves in college, it's probably because it was true. Whites aren't one dimensional evil doers as you want to portray them. This just proves my point. You don't want ANYTHING to be taught in schools that doesn't portray Whites as evil and Blacks as relentless victims. You want a one sided POLTICAL narrative, not history.

And why do leftists want one one side of history to be taught? What is the true reason for White guilt? Ask yourself why is there no White guilt towards Asians? There are certainly bad things Whites did to Asians historically, yet you don't constantly hear Asians being portrayed as victims? You don't constantly hear how Asians helped built the railroad that connected America. That's because Asians today are SUCESSFUL and aren't a burden to the country. Therefor there is no need for a narrative of their victimization. If Blacks today were successful, there would be no CRT. There would be no 1619 project. There would be no constant narrative of Black victimization. White guilt is a result of Black failure.


"Ask yourself why is there no White guilt towards Asians?"



"Asians today are SUCESSFUL and aren't a burden to the country."


Seriously, where do you guys get your "information?"


From data. Asians have higher education than Whites, lower crime rates than Whites and higher incomes than Whites. They have been historically discriminated against and don't whine about it.


Apples and oranges.

Blacks weren't paid for 300 years of labor, so of course they're poor. Higher education was denied for 400 years. Back wages need to be paid.

You're defending white slaveowners by calling them nice.


Asians were also discriminated and denied, yet they are doing BETTER than Whites. Jews were discriminated (most notably in Harvard) yet they are doing BETTER than Whites. Hispanics were never slaves and immigrated quite recently, yet they are doing worse than Whites. It perfectly correlates with IQ. High IQ groups = doing good, low IQ groups = doing bad. Also academic studies show there is a weak correlation between the incomes of parents and children, suggesting intergenerational wealth transfer does not play a huge role.

I'm not defending owning slaves, I'm just saying if someone was nice in the context of slavery, there's nothing wrong with pointing that out. What you want is to talk about only when Whites were mean to Blacks, but never when they were nice. You're biased against Whites. If some Black slave owner was nice to his Black slave in Africa, I'm sure you wouldn't have anything against portraying that. But if a White person was nice to someone Black, it's mustn't be talked about.


You get your lying ass handed to you, over and over and you keep coming back for more. Unbelievable!


Have you listened to Dementia Joe speak? He thinks kids are property of the government while they are in school. I don't envy parents right now knowing they have to work even harder to protect their kids from perverts and predators.


It sounds like you support book bans, bigotry and misogyny.

Biden wants to protect teachers and children from a hate-mongering mob of delusional QAnoners and Trumpites.


Sounds like you support sniffing children's hair and getting kids to kiss old men against their will.

Po-tay-toe. Po-tah-toe.


The GOP is into pedophilia as many of their disgraced politicians have shown.


But, using your logic, YOU are the one defending it.


Nope. I'm against threatening and attacking teachers and school children.

You support book banning and hate-mongering. Tsk, tsk!


Well done, you've literally proven the point I was making.

What I said about you is in the exact same vein of argument you are using, and is in line with your own hyper-inflated assumption of people. Thus it is either just as correct (meaning you support the paedophilic tendencies of Joe Biden), or it is just as incorrect (and I don't support book banning and hate mongering, despite you saying I do, meaning you are a confirmed liar).

Which is it?

Do I support book burning and hate mongering, while you support paedophilia?

Or am I wrong to say you support paedophilia, and you've just lied that I want to burn books and support hate mongering?

Edit : Yeah, as I thought...
