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Trump says he wanted to march to Capitol on Jan. 6 but Secret Service stopped him

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he wanted to march to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the day a violent mob of his supporters stormed the building, but that his Secret Service detail prevented him from joining them.

“Secret Service said I couldn’t go,” Trump told the Washington Post in a wide-ranging interview. “I would have gone there in a minute."

Trump also deflected blame for his silence during the attack, insisting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — who was taken to a secure location with other lawmakers as the mob breached the building — bore responsibility for not ending the violence.

Sure Trump did. He is a coward and a moron. It's amazing that he still has so many supporters.


wtf is Trump expecting us to make of this news?

Is he trying to say thats why he did fuck all to stop it?


Yeah, Trump has a wide history of being dishonest, and taking vicious advantage of the lower and middle class. All documented, and available to anyone that wants to look it up.

It’s a complete mystery to me that anyone could listen to him and say “ yeah, he’s an honest Christian”.

He’s a used car salesman; nothing more, nothing less. He’s just doing it on a higher level - the kinda level where he was gifted hundreds of millions at birth. Without that birthright, he would have been that forgettable college frat boy that talked louder than he was worth….and then dropped out. I’d probably question if he’d even go thru the process of joining a fraternity.


he sure does. like claiming he brought hundreds of workers to ground zero to help. even though no one else has any recollection, and it was all documented since those who are to help were under police/ fire crews supervision.


Yeah, I always believed that he was simply trying to elevate his brand, and that it was his ONLY interest.

Politics opens so many avenues to make serious money (even in a local town level) that it’s comical to view Trump as a straight shooter.

TBH, I never generally viewed politicians as being completely on the level, but there are obviously ones that care more than others. To me, Trump was a dumb version of the Joker with dynamite strapped to his chest, and the nuclear codes in his back pocket. His presidency was legitimately scary, because you never knew when he’d illogically throw a tantrum, and just blow it all up.

I’ve never felt anything close to that in my lifetime. It was like giving the nuclear codes to my 5-year-old, and walking on egg shells to not piss her off. I mean, I lived thru 8 years of George Bush Jr without fearing that WW3 could be a possibility. No one is perfect, but jeezus, Trump felt like a comic book villain…enough for me to actually supremely heighten my interest in politics.


Worst. POTUS. Ever.


Lying coward!
Lock him up!


Yeah right. He's a pussy
