You just watch. Young Republicans will be wearing the letter Z in a month's time
In their support of Russian fascists and WWIII.
I have spoken.
In their support of Russian fascists and WWIII.
I have spoken.
We might see the emergence of a right-wing peacenik splinter, but I don't think it will grow all that big.
shareThere's no such thing as right wing peaceniks unless they are fake. Rightists want to kill kill kill whether it is infecting us with pandemics, starving the poor, more wars or more firearms for every crazy out there.
shareIt’s about time they get a letter.
The left has a monopoly on the alphabet!
I say, take a few more letters before there’s no more left.
Hey the alphabet is woke. You're being too politically correct.
Aww... all the wittle Wussian twucks go sweepy bye... ZZZZZZZ
Russia has already exhausted the whole alphabet... and their food supplies.
Those rainbow stealing.
Unicorn kidnappers.
Mermaid perverters of truth.
Purple Triangle holocaust thieving.
Word stealing.
Alphabet high-hacking left wing liberals are having all the fun.
I’m taking the letter M!
Don’t be infringing on my rights!
Have you gotten your honorary "Z" lapel pin after joining the ranks of Putin's Fuckbots? How does it feel cheering on one of the most catastrophic failures in military history? Good, huh?
Poow wittle Wussian twucks wid no gasoween go to sweepy bye. ZZZZ
Fuck it!
I want MSW&C!
Stay off of my letters!
Oh man more Wokeism
shareYou can accuse me of
I’m okay with that!
Ugh more newspeak. So woke. However, you're ANYTHING but wise, not really masculine since people who are confident in their masculinity aren't so afraid of gays (and it rubbing off on them) so nha you don't get those letters.
So confident, or rather over confident like sports fans who strip naked and paint their bellies blue and shout, then yeah we'll give you that.
Yes, you have spoken, but I wouldn’t brag about it if I were you. The following adage came to mind when I read your OP. Suits you perfectly.🙄
“It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.”
Maurice Switzer, Mrs. Goose, Her Book
Just because you're ignorant of something doesn't mean you're not the fool.
Pence condemns Republican Putin 'apologists' in speech to RNC donors.
”Just because you're ignorant of something doesn't mean you're not the fool.”
Huh? Say what? So you are saying if you’re ignorant of something….you’re a fool. Gotcha! How’s that working for ya?
For the party that thinks they're more intelligent, you sure are a bunch of dumb asses.