MovieChat Forums > Politics > What the hell is China?

What the hell is China?

Seemingly led by a communist in name only party, that could have been named the pink rhino party for all the implications it has on its ideology.

It seems to be a form of neofascism. As close ties between government and corporations enhance state power and crush individual and labor rights.

While militarism is a key characteristic of fascism, that doesnt mean boots on the ground which China seems to avoid. They have found it far more effective to use cyber warfare, espionage, economic bullying and warfare to get what they want.

why bomb a country and spend billions on a war, when you can just inexpensively engage in economic warfare( like lie about a countries exports when lied about one of the nordic countries fish having too high levels of toxins when they criticized them on human rights).

China is pretty much the last country we want as a global leader but it looks like they will be



Just wind down trade and cooperation with China. Should take 3 years.


Not it cant be done in 3 years..... there is so much inter winded trade and production and manufacturing and partnerships there is no way in hell 3 years.

I do agree though do all I could to economically crush them with our allies. unfortunately.

-We rely on them more than them us

-are we going to force corporations to stop manufacturing there? or at least incentivize buying from ABC (anyone but china)

One massive thing I agree with Trump on rhetorically was this topic. unfortunately he went about everything completely wrong. Rather than a real concerted effort with western allies where we either sought multilaterally to incentivize bringing back production domestically or at least to far less problematic asian ally countries. especially of sensitive products. What does Trump do? unilaterally starts his tariff war, and not only does he not try and get the west to move together, which given Chinas strength and trade with others would be a must. while acting unilaterally ehe simultaneously insulted and slapped multiple allies in the face while doing it. one was putting tariffs on Canadian products including steel in august 2020

is that how you stand up to a dangerous enemy? by having no plan and not working together and insulting and pushing around your countries closest allies who have been staunch friends for decades??

Maybe he did it for show all along and was never truly dedicated. Most likely he was ignorant enough and lacked the knowledge in global trade to think American and himself personally and his office was powerful enough to unilaterally win this fight himself.



Japan isnt a totalitarian police state on the verge of surpassing the USA.

its not xenophobia. please do not words you do not understand.

" you see so many American stores. Apple, Nike, Starbucks, L'Oreal, Louis Vuitton, etc. It's pretty much every brand we have here. But for the US to have just one measly Huawei in a US mall, we lose our collective sheet and kick them out of the country."

Where are those Nikes made? and parts in Apple devices?
Are you purposely ignoring Chinas spying problem or just actually ignorant?

No the chip shortage is a global issue. If you were correct no other country would be having this problem. Other countries would be importing these chips and have no problem getting them.

No the CHIP/SEMICONDUCTOR issue is due to the difficulty of manufacturing, and the so few facilities that actually produce them.

Its not propaganda accurately describe when highly aggressive totalitarian state acts highly aggressive.

Can you and 100 people go in to the streets of china and hold up signs saying how corrupt the government is?



"For a totalitarian police state, China's government enjoys a 90% approval rate from its citizens"

and you sure as heck better not say otherwise or else. Many totalitarian states enjoy high approval rates.

those who dont approve and their kids were wiped out long before. and literally half a century of extreme propaganda and social programming takes its toll. SO it is not a horrible totalitarian state cause Americans disapprove of their government? that makes sense!

"Whose fault is that? Have you ever seen the Michael Moore documentary from the 1980s, "Roger and Me?" It would be as if GM moved it's auto plant to Mexico leaving Flint Michigan a ghost town, and instead of confronting GM, we blamed Mexico about it? In the 40 years since, all of corporate America has been doing their version of that. And we blame China?"

maybe attain some reading comprehension skills before you blather on.

it did happen. and the African Union people who discovered thinks its china.

"I'm a liberal, never voted for a republican my entire life, but even I know not to believe CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc. It goes without saying that I take whatever Fox News says with more than a grain of salt. And that's on just domestic issues like the Jan 6 insurrection! So when they team up to make some super-sized allegations against a foreign country, relying on most people's ignorance on foreign peoples so that they can fill their minds with whatever they want, it's doubly important for me to check the truthfulness of what they're saying. "

all that to dodge answering if that changed china being a totalitarian dictatorship?

"That you believe the chip shortage is global means you are still living in the Western media's bubble. The chip shortage exists in the US and the countries allied with America's trade war."

you dont understand how trade works if you think these other countries are part of some global trade monolith like the EU where if the US does it it changes Canadian trade rules with china.

Sir you couldn't answer if 100 people could go in the streets with anti Chinese government signs.

you sure did a lot of tap dancing around anything related to criticizing china.

my guess is you are an ex pat with family there. Living with at least subconscious fear that if you were to dare criticize them your families safety may be jeopardized



Yes Hong Kong was supposed to not be fully under the Chinese totalitarian umbrella, but as a totalitarian dictarship china could not allow that and has slowly been trying to more and more take full control.

"being a Redditor". You said that with seriousness pretending you are someone significant.

Can you or not on the Chinese mainland engage is a mass anti Chinese government protest? yes or no?

yes or no tiananmen square happened? yes or no tiananmen square protests are taught in Chinese schools?



yep you are 100% an expat spreading lies


China literally stole all of that intellectual property then profited off its own people using them as slave labour to make them cheap enough to economically ruin every other countries manufacturing (because we don't use slaves)


Just wind down trade and cooperation with China. Should take 3 years.

haha thats real funny .
China make all your shit .
If you tried to make your own shit the unions would ensure a pair of Nikes would cost $1000


This summary is like a GPS guided cruise missile in accuracy. Crazy how many world leaders in the democracies handed China everything it wanted in order to become the most powerful country on Earth. You should check out Warzone, a site that really debates international affairs like this


would have assumed Russia had helped china when they were Allies but I have no clue.

also "let us pay for and do all the R&D! then move production to china, what could go wrong doing that in a country who will ignore all intellectual property rights and openly steals?!"

US corporations certainly played a massive role in empowering and providing free tech to china.


They are a world power that actually makes stuff, while the US elites only move numbers around.

However, in order for China to maintain their status as a world power, they gotta force their citizens to live in a shithole country.

Either we compete by cracking the whips and making our own people miserable too, or we find a balance between productivity and freedom, which means letting China become the one true "world power" kingdom, but one that nobody wants to live in, while we maintain some level of happiness and comfort.


US elites only think of short term goal, China thinks long-term, to bide their time and not show their power until the time is right. It's like a mix of shifty Jew with Chinese haggling characteristics. They play it smart for the most part even though they too have corruption within their elitist ranks as well.
