MovieChat Forums > Politics > Ottawa bound convoy for "freedom" alread...

Ottawa bound convoy for "freedom" already has first confederate flag displayed...



Who's sock are you?




As if this is your first day on the internet. Don't play coy with me.


Not new to the internet but new here! I posted and asked people opinions? is that not okay here? I work for Leonardo Dicaprio himself! he wants to know what normal people are like online. ill have to report to him one of my first encounters has not been please

Have a wonderful day sir! I hope you are less paranoid next time we converse then we can discuss like adults and I can get everyones opinion!


Why has one of your first encounters "not been please"? I asked a simple question.

Your Twitter post speaks for itself. You're clearly a far left kook and I seriously doubt that Leo would have someone with your writing skills working for him.


You seem angry by what I posted? is the photo made up sir?

Sorry I confused?? because one of the truck anti mandate truckers had a confederate flag I am a far left kook? could you explain more?? if someone posted a left wing picture rally with a communist flag, does that make the poster a far right kook?

I am trying to understand. I confused?? explain?


A confederate flag and "I am so worried for coffee shop employees and anyone who lives nearby." Give me a break! Again, don't play coy. I saw your profile and I have found that "explaining" anything with the likes of you is as effective as herding cats.


I do not care what the person says or doesn't say in the tweet. You seem not to want to address the photo itself. You've found that? in 1 interaction i am kook leftist? after yelling I am a kook leftist?

Cheer up Charlie. Everyone isn't out to get you!


Dukes of hazzard fan.


Your obvious English as a second language tells everyone you're not who you say you are.


Wellgood sir opinions are like wooden peg legs, everybody's got them!

And I am just as entitled as your noble self to say ridiculous things.

I am still confused how I am a far left kook however. So if someone posts a picture of a lefty with a communist flag they are far right kook? am I right? is that the logical conclusion you have came to?


Yes, you are entitled to say ridiculous things. Congratulations on exercising that right. We're also entitled to call you out for being a leftist kook. Like I said before, you leftists feign ignorance to provoke responses that you will summarily reject. As I said, debating with your ilk is as productive as herding cats.


Youhaven't explained me being leftist kook. You just keep repeating it. If I repeat word does it make it magic and real?

if I say you are nazi 5 times is it real?

trying to figure out how your "brain" functions.if I doing know any better id say you are afraid and this is what you do when you can't actually provide an answer. shame I wanted smart debate! not a child


Let's find out.

1. Are you American?
2. Are you a Democrat/liberal?
3. Do you believe America is systemically racist?
4. Do you support BLM and/or antifa?
5. Do support free speech even if you don't like what is being said?

We'll start there.


Excuseme sir but you aren't of any authority here. You seem to have this false sense of importance and authority that nobody recognizes. which makes it seem like a small kid trying to talk in an adult voice.

You refuse to answer my simple questions. I will no longer converse with you. Have a wonderful day

Get the paranoia and anger issues checked out


Fringe kook, leftist degenerate outs themself as we knew they would.


Everyone should fly their Freak Flag proudly!


Off to the ignore list


So you can remain in your 'safe space' of fellow Trumptwats...Ignore lists are for pussies!


“Trumptwats and pussies”! Do you wash your mouth out afterwords? Very nice, civil language you use while staying obscure behind your monitor/screen/display.


Without hysterics and conspiracy theories kspkap has nothing. She is an old lady living in a trailer and she so frightened of the outside world she brings a handgun in her purse wherever she goes. Could you imagine living like that?


You beat me to it!



It's designed to get normies to create virtue signal posts like this one.

You've been duped.


the CIA faked a truck in Ottawa that only one person saw. An employee I can verify is real by going to that store is actually part of an elaborate CIA plan? have you been having these visions often?

I came for serious discussion and thoughts! not this sir!


It worked on you.


I must deeply apologize sir but I may not follow you down such a rabbit hole! Conspiracies are the rot for the brain. you will be gullible and fall for all sorts of things.

Confederate flags are far more common in western Canada. this convoy came from western Canada. Ergo not a big leap. I've even seen them in my small town before. was the guy who works at the home hardware with the truck I know part of the CIA conspiracy too?

was he paid by the CIA or kidnapped as a child and brainwashed as a sleep agent so that 20 years later he could drive with a confederate flag to make an anti mask convoy look bad? how does this nut job conspiracy....I mean very smart recognition by you work?


Dude, fuck're a low IQ NPC, and have been auto-programmed by NPC propaganda and did exactly as your programming told you, and made this low-effort post.

You're an idiot and get constantly played by the fake news.


I am low IQ NPC because I believe a confederate flag, a common sight in western Canada where these guys come from belongs to them? And Is not t a CIA plant.. that no news station has picked up, just one random employee who works downtown saw it so it didn't get much attention?

so was he kidnapped and brainwashed and left to be activated for 20 years or paid by the CIA?


Such gatherings tend to draw that crowd.


OMGosh! A display of a Confederate flag! How ever will you sleep tonight? Nightmares of Boogymen under your bed wrapped in Confederate flags! Good Grief! It must be terrible to fear a piece of cloth! BTW, the flag itself is not RAAACIST!


the flag is about as racist as a swastika


A piece of cloth is not RAACIST! It lies dormant or waves in the wind. The history of the swastika is not RAACIST either. Learn your history.

“swastika: equilateral cross with arms bent at right angles, all in the same rotary direction, usually clockwise. The swastika as a symbol of prosperity and good fortune is widely distributed throughout the ancient and modern world. The word is derived from the Sanskrit svastika, meaning “conducive to well-being.” It was a favourite symbol on ancient Mesopotamian coinage”.

Remember I wrote a piece of cloth & a swastika are not racist which Hitler did not design. You may find the following interesting:


You do not seem to understand how symbolism works, and how things represent things and have history behind them..

I do not find it interesting at all. I am talking to somone who says symbolism and the history behind them does not exist. What deep knowledge would I glean from someone like that?

While simultaneously telling me to look at the historical symbolism of the Swastika prior to being used by the nazis. then saying that the nazi flag doesn't represent nazism. You seem to be trying to have your cake and eat it because its inconvenient to you that a group has a symbol of oppression, hate and slavery. a symbol can have a long history.

weird how you don't dress up in a white klan outfit and go to Walmart and live your life like that? why it is just a white sheet, things do not represent other things, except when you say they do cause thats the point you are trying to make at that moment

Sorry sir but I only try and have these sorts of discussions with logical and rational people. Which you do not seem to be!


Your ignorance is showing.


Ignorance must been something quite different where you come from!

how ignorant to say the confederate flag is associated with the confederacy. and the nazi swastika is associated with Nazism

what an absurd ignorant notion!




Does repeating a falsehood make it true?

Either way I was hoping to have a more intellectual conversation with people on here. So far disappointed


Not possible to have an intellectual conversation with someone who equates the Confederate flag to Nazi symbols. Sock.


Thank you! The ignorance of some astounds me! He’s another newbie troll stirring the 💩!


Gotta be a sock!


His writing skills leave a lot to be desired. So, he works for DiCaprio?

”I work for Leonardo Dicaprio himself! he wants to know what normal people are like online.”

Yeah! Right! As kids we used to play make believe.


Who knew Leo doesn't have internet access?!?!?!?


He should have it! Due to Al Gore I pay enough on my utility bills as in extra taxes to provide internet access to those who don’t work or don’t want to work. Hells Bells! We also pay for Obama phones which has Cellular Data!


since you will not address the information I provided you about the flag. here it is

the flag was essentially this flag, in the top left on a white background. known as the stainless banner

"The flag is also known as the Stainless Banner, and the matter of the person behind its design remains a point of contention. On April 23, 1863, the Savannah Morning News editor William Tappan Thompson, with assistance from William Ross Postell, a Confederate blockade runner, published an editorial championing a design featuring the battle flag on a white background he referred to later as "The White Man's Flag."[6] In explaining the white background, Thompson wrote, "As a people we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause."

I may be slow witted. but I implore you to again explain how this flag doesn't symbolize racism?


Well now you know why the post was made. Why would someone in Canada have a rebel flag? Perhaps it has a different meaning there? Maybe they’re a dukes of hazard fan. Maybe they like dodge chargers. Perhaps the OP should’ve posted a link to a photo with an interview of the person carrying it to provide context? Like all lemmings it’s a headline and 1 word post. Unworthy of response.


True but I have seen it quite often in Michigan, which was surprising. So who knows?

All I know is that here in the Deep South, it does not mean what idiots elsewhere seem to think it means. Nor was the war fought to free slaves.


I didn’t say a piece of cloth wasn’t used for evil. I didn’t say a swastika wasn’t used for evil. They weren’t evil in themselves. Is the white sheet on your bed evil…or is it what it’s used for by those who are evil. I also did NOT say “the nazi flag doesn't represent nazism.”

A firearm in itself is not evil. The sub-human pulling the trigger on the innocent is the evil one. You are too hung up on the objects to be used for evil, instead of concentrating on the ones perpetrating the evil deeds. I’m just saying the swastika was not an evil emblem before Hitler. To repeat: “The word is derived from the Sanskrit svastika, meaning “conducive to well-being.”

The Confederacy wasn’t evil, except for the slave holders. The Confederate flag was a battle flag, but people like you made it evil. To love the Confederate flag to some denotes their love of the South. It doesn’t denote slavery to them. There are many who love that flag as they do the U.S. flag, but also abhors slavery. Are you aware many free Blacks fought for the Confederacy?

There is one object which screams evil and is racist is the yellow star. All through history Jewish people have had to wear a badge of some sort. It didn’t have to be a yellow star badge, it has changed through the years in one form or another. The Jews were always singled out and had to wear a badge, a piece of colored cloth, etc.

My people were slaughtered in Poland so don’t you dare accuse me of being a member of the damn Klan!


you dont seem capable of staying on the subject I was speaking about!

the picture was of someone's truck> this has nothing to do with me implying some inanimate objects are evil. its about the symbolism. You don't seem to want address it and instead went on a rant about multiple unrelated subjects.

So yellow star identifying Jews is evil and racist. Flag carried by people who made them wear it not evil. its not object its the people. You are doing the double speak thing you did before and have it both ways

you also seem to be taking everything way too personally. you are letting your emotions and feelings drive you writing. Shame I wanted to have a conversation with a person about this not someone getting emotional. I came asking thoughts on this and get an unstable person yelling at me.. Maybe I will stick to films because people here are crazy.


Without hysterics and conspiracy theories kspkap has nothing. She is an old lady living in a trailer and she so frightened of the outside world she brings a handgun in her purse wherever she goes. Could you imagine living like that?


I am simply confused. He or she I do not know seems to be trying to have their cake and eat it too.

They claim "A piece of cloth is not RAACIST! It lies dormant or waves in the wind. "

But then claims the swastika does have historical meaning and is symbolic but ignore its connotations to ww2 only its older meaning is what counts

then says "There is one object which screams evil and is racist is the yellow star."

so are objects evil and scream racism? or they aren't evil they are just objects that lay dormant..


Oh look! Another sock account.


It appears we are being besieged by them! 😱 Trolls that they are live in hovel land. They crawl out to spew their ugly rhetoric, stir the caldron of hate…then slither back into the darkness. 👹


which was ugly rhetoric and hate? saying the confederate flag represents the confederacy (and slavery)? What an absurd leap I made!

or when you said its only in animate object and means nothing and cant be evil. only to say the star placed on jews was an evil object and meant something


” saying the confederate flag represents the confederacy (and slavery)?”

From knowledge about the battle flag:

”But what many people may not realize is that the flag most of us have considered to be “the Confederate flag” was never the flag of the Confederate States of America. Today’s Confederate Flag was the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, the army that was finally led by General Robert E. Lee.”

You and your kind turned the “standard” of the South into a symbol of slavery.


So it was the Northern Virginian flag, as well as the navy flag. A slightly elongate3d version was used by the Tennessee army. it used the identical color scheme and same elements just organized differently.....It is the same as using the nazi army flag, same color scheme just organized different than the formal Nazi flag and claiming that was not racist.

Pray tell what the northern Virginian army was fighting for again? I forgot?

No unfortunately the south turned it into a symbol of racism as soon as they used the same colours and symbols from their official flag and they adopted it to be their flags for multiple groups in the pro slavery armies.


</>”Pray tell can you tell me what the northern Virginian army was fighting for again? I forgot?”

States Rights

Are you aware it was mostly “po” White folks from the south who fought in The War Between the States? They fought against northern aggression.

”During the American Civil War, the Poor White comprised a majority of the combatants in the Confederate Army; afterwards, many labored in the rural South as sharecroppers.”


andwhich states rights were those? pray tell.

You know what Nazi Germany fought for too? well you could say "its states rights". not to be oppressed by the horrible England and get back its territory it deemed theirs. its "right to expand". its right to provide land for the German people ect. You can use euphemisms all you want and ignore certain aspects that do not play favourably to the storyline you are trying to create

yes poor people are the majority of the population, ergo they will make up most of the armed forces? that does not prove your point at all. most germans fighting were poor too. most didn't personally push a jew into a gas chamber.

There is no sensical connection between those two statements."the poor people fought so therefore it wasn't racist". often the poorest are swept into the conflicts of what their elite want whether through conscription or the fact that millionaires and wealthy peoples sons are hardly front line infantry.. In this case the slave opening elites. that is true for almost every war in history.

I must apologize good sir but your "point" you made proves nothing at all and is of no relevance to the arguement.




Soyou admit the flag symbolizes racism. That was not hard was it! Maybe think longer and do more research before writing posts next time no?

maybe also admit next time admit when you are wrong and say silly things like "most soldiers were poor so it wasn't for slavery". you could say the same thing about the nazi war effort. "not racism because most soldiers were poor".

it only take 1 minute of research to save yourself from 10 minutes of looking like doltish!


au contraire! I didn’t admit to any of your vacuous vapid thoughts!


please explain which point is vapid? because you did not talk about my points. You brought up new ones and ignored mine. was it when I say "most soldiers were poor so it wasn't racism". Oh that was you. be very very specific. explain in point form please how saying "they were poor so they can't be racist they were poor soldiers"

My error good sir. I don't say such foolish things.


Oh goody! I found the ignore button! Before I go I wish to inform you I am not a “Dear Sir”. I happen to be a “Dear Madam”! 😉😉


So rather than admit you made a mistake and your post made no sense you will get to bubble? I see. enjoy bubble


Leonardo Dicaprio has socks on the Interwebs! Will the Putin socks out themselves too?






What happened! Trip over your tongue? Whoops! 😱


No your buddies are waving around swastikas and confederate flags in the Canadian capital is what showed me.

That aside Does it appear to you sir that I ever trip over my tongue? I seem to have a silver tongue and quick Witt compared to yourself sir. I quiet easily handled you and made you look like an utter dolt when you posted that rubbish about "if they are poor they arent racist"
