MovieChat Forums > Politics > If AOC hates Republican policies in Flor...

If AOC hates Republican policies in Florida so much then why is she there maskless on vacation?

AOC enjoying freedom in Florida.

Pathetic bishh

Boy oh boy, democratic leaders really make their followers look stupid as fuck! If covid and Omnicom are so scary then why is she in a state that has been pretty much maskless the whole time. You would think she would want to shield herself from all the unvaxxed and covid germs floating around. Instead, she decided to go full-on maskless vacation while enjoying margaritas in the beautiful Florida sun. Maybe she's looking for homes with Bernie?

Also, can she be with a guy who is any whiter? LOL I thought white people were bad?


Is everyone paying attention yet?


Nope, when facts are mentioned all the sheeple run and hide. Always, never fails!


That is not true. You are not running and hiding.


You're just as dumb on this account as you are on your main account.


It is interesting to see Consies claim that they are smarter than libs. Research has proven you repeatedly and considerably wrong. Libs are the smart guys. Consies like you run away from facts.


Just because a teacher who wants you to wear a pink dress and put a hot dog through a donut and you do it and they call you smart doesn't actually make you smarter than anybody.


Libs have the ability to write sound arguments. Consies' points are filled with logical fallacies. Look at your very own post.


LMAO, libs ban anything they disagree with.


Offline, it is the CONSIES who have been doing that. Cue Bud Light.


Lmao, what are you talking about? People just stopped buying that crappy beer... no one banned it.


No. It had NOTHING to do with quality. You consies boycotted Budlight because you disagreed with its politics. So to appropriately change your statement: "LMAO. CONSIES ban anything they disagree with".


Private individuals boycotting something isn't the same thing as banning it. No one actually banned Bud Light.


Well then when have libs ever BANNED anything? We boycott, just like consies.


for starters, the liberals in California banned gas-powered cars


My gosh she is going to pork up to 200 pounds in a few years when Hannah comes in. And Hannah doesn't drink either.


would rater follow her than the Trump saying no need for mask we only have 11 cases in country


Because she's vaccinated.


Vaccinated still catch and spread covid, and die from covid.


That's not the point and vaxxed people can catch and infect others with the Megatron virus too. Anyway, remember this? When Ron DeSantis was with his wife at a cancer treatment place AOC accused him of going "missing" and bailing out on his responsibilities. Okay well if everyone is supposed to be so scared of the Omnicom because it's coming for us with vengeance, then why did AOC abandon her post to go out lunching with a Garbage PALE Kid?


Because she’s a libtard elitist and they don’t think they have to abide by their own rules just because they are awesome or some shit.


So if being vaccinated means you won’t catch Covid (which it doesn’t) then that means you shouldn’t care if anyone else gets vaccinated or not, because you’ll be safe from those selfish, evil “anti-vaxxers”


Vaccination not only prevents death, it lightens the viral load, reducing the length of time its in your body, and reducing the chance of variants being created.


Then you shouldn’t care if anyone else is vaccinated or not, just worry about yourself dingleberry.

Or you could admit that you can still get Covid even if you are vaccinated and in that case you are in no position of blaming the pandemic on the “unvaccinated”.

So which is it?


Still no response. I guess the liberal deleted himself.


it lightens the viral load

Autopsies of vaccinated individuals have proven this to be completely false.


Because she's a dumb, hypocritical bitch. 🙄




Gubbio, I couldn’t have said that any better.


She was having food you bish. EVERYONE have to remove their masks while eating.


That's not the point at all! When Ron DeSantis was with his wife at a cancer treatment place AOC accused him of going "missing" and bailing out on his responsibilities. Okay well if everyone is supposed to be so scared of the Omnicom because it's coming for us with vengeance, then why did AOC abandon her post to go out lunching with a Garbage PALE Kid?

Sense the tone, brah! Know what the argument is about before you open your piehole.


Mask laws don't apply to cutie patooties 😌


They'd rather enforce mask laws on violent criminals as they defund police.


How do you know she's been maskless when they are not taking pictures? What is the law in Florida? Why do you care what she does anyway? You have to be pretty pathetic have such a wussy reaction every time you see a tweet about AOC.

She's outside, at least 6 feet away from whoever she's with, and she's drinking. DS.


That's not the point at all! When Ron DeSantis was with his wife at a cancer treatment place AOC accused him of going "missing" and bailing out on his responsibilities. Okay well if everyone is supposed to be so scared of the Omnicom because it's coming for us with vengeance, then why did AOC abandon her post to go out lunching with a Garbage PALE Kid?

It's about hypocrisy, rules for thee but not for me. Also, why are they causing panic when clearly from the picture there is no reason to panic?


All your nasty name-calling shows you don't care about logic or perspective you just want to spew invective in any possible, and many impossible ways.

You're all about holding Democrats to absurd standards that you would never hold Republicans to; you won't even hold Republicans to standards enough to show that trying to take over the government and cheat in office are unacceptable. Do you take some kind of Republican pharmaceutical to maintain your level of fake outrage?


Nasty name-calling? LMFAO go build another safe place girlyboy. Trust me when I tell you that nobody is outraged over AOC. I am never outraged by the articles I post unless it has to do with children. Other than that I'm pretty much poking fun at everything like a political comedian.

Ill willing to bet a shiny new nickel you're one of the people on board with canceling Dave Chappelle.


LOL. Oh yes, when poor Ron DeSantis couldn't do his job because his wife was sick. But he could go to the Orange Bowl and do interviews on FOX and bring the same wife to a maskless rally.

I didn't think anyone was dumb enough to buy that excuse, but I guess I should have known better.
