I remember a time when men were allowed to be masculine, strong, and confident. In those days when a man would get a runny nose, sore throat, or headache he would usually take a Tylenol and call it a day. How barbaric and insensitive we use to be back then. Maybe if we devoted more science and money towards a runny nose and "headyachies" we wouldn't be in the predicament we are in today.
Looking back at a time when we made men do manly things it reminds me of the days of Normandy. In 1944 we had LCVP boats filled with men facing almost certain death storming the beaches of Omaha. In 2021 you have cubicles full of men with masks on, keeping 6' apart, and canceling Christmas because they face a 99.9% chance of survival if catching covid. Humans really are cruel and we were really meanies to the boys in the past.
Has there ever been a better condemnation of the modern brainwashing industry called “education”. No. The inability for lemmings to think for themselves is frightening.
I’d take a 1930s female over a modern day male with their pronouns and pony tales.
Even during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic restrictions were not this strict, yeah schools, churches and theaters closed but people still went to work even after World War I had ended.