MovieChat Forums > Politics > SNL: Abortions are funny

SNL: Abortions are funny

This is one of the most embarrassing cringe-worthy pieces of "comedy" I have ever seen. Why are these people o happy about abortions? You can be pro-choice without being is tacky and disgusting. I will never understand liberals who think this is a good tactic.


So dumb, I could only watch half of it.


I watched it so I could criticize. I just don't understand how this is something you joke about. There's a way to talk about an issue you disagree with without being so moronic and tasteless.


Politicians: "Let's ban abortion after 6 weeks."

*Months later*

SNL: "why do you keep talking about abortion?"

Politicians: "that was months ago."

SNL: "well I want to talk about it now. Why do you keep bringing it up"


They are the degenerates of society.
Having protected sex is so hard for these girls?


You think women shouldn't work, I don't want to hear from you.


After 4 years of Fat Donnie, nothing SNL could do will ever phase me.


I feel the same when I see the Libtards celebrating abortion. They do understand that it is a gruesome thing they are applauding?


No more gruesome than the last 4 years of Fat Donnie were.
