MovieChat Forums > Politics > Another Pro-Virus, Anti-Vaxxer Runs to H...

Another Pro-Virus, Anti-Vaxxer Runs to Hospital...

... instead of keeping his keister in his house and self-medicating with horse dewormer and hydrowasteoftime.

"The revelation that Trumpite Allen West, Texas gubernatorial candidate, was feeling poorly after exposure to an infected person came a day-and-a-half after he spoke at the gala for Mission Generation, an evangelical organization. A tweet about his appearance noted the event was “packed”—and a photo showed West and the crowd were unmasked.

Right-winger Allen West said Saturday that after not getting vaccinated and using unproven drugs to prevent COVID, he has contracted the virus and will likely be hospitalized with pneumonia and low oxygen."

Now, the loser will be taking up space in a hospital from someone more deserving like a vaccinated person in a car accident.

What idiot would vote for this fool who clearly has no basic common sense?


Sigh, is there any point of these now? It's a never ending cycle with those types of folks, nothing can be done about it. Hospitals also play a part in this foolery.

I've adjusted my way of thinking towards the unvaxxed as well. If ICU beds are full, they don't get put to the back of the list but rather discharged early to make room for the other patients needing ICU (cancer, breakthroughs, etc.). Tweaked the priority a bit so everyone is still served on a first come first serve basis or severity but they get booted earlier when a bed is needed to those to no fault of their own.

If you want to look at a whole slew of folks you keep referencing, I suggest looking at the Herman Cain Award to your own delight.


No need because I get to see the pro-virus, anti-vaxxers become sick and/or die where I work since there are so many of these brainwashed loons. One died recently.

They add to my fury by walking around with their masks down literally endangering the lives of some very frail people.

Public hospital policy could be changed. There was one private doctor who refused to see any unvaxxed patient. Raise their health insurance premiums which was effective for an airline co.. Plenty can be done.


"Now, the loser will be taking up space in a hospital from someone more deserving like a vaccinated person in a car accident."

You are a very sick person, Keelai


From the same link:

"... his adoption of a slogan that mirrors QAnon language.

West is well-known for outrageous statements—from a Facebook post about “exterminating” Muslims to his suggestion that Texas secede over the election of Joe Biden."

He's a brainwashed QAnoner, Islamophobe and anti-democracy POS.

You can defend the moronic idiot who is too stupid to not be in an unmasked crowd when he's unvaccinated. He took zero precautions to safeguard his own health.

I stand by my original comment.


"I stand by my original comment."

Well, you are a terrible person, so that's no surprise.


Your definition of "terrible person" is twisted.


You openly brag - with glee, no less - about wanting to deny sick people medical coverage, I feel pretty good about my declaration about you.


Pro-Virus Anti-Vaxxers are denying sick people medical coverage.

Pro-Virus Anti-Vaxxers have horse dewormer and disinfectant injections to help them at home.


Lol, same could be said with those on the right about universal healthcare and all this other stuff. Again, same coin, 2 sides. As for him, maybe he's in line with my thinking or coming around to it for I am an entropy fan. I remember him calling me sick/evil or something along those lines in the past (TOUCHE!) but I keep reminding people that I have no power over these folks and it's their choice alone to make of their own demise. I think of myself as "The Watcher" like in What If but with no ability to interfere. Actually, I think lots of people are like me when I think about it. So many people love to hate watch things they dislike these days.


"It's ok to take delight in the suffering of others, because I didn't cause it nor can I control it."

Fuck off scmbag.


Wow, what an ego. I trawl the internet all day long to judge and condemn. They call me...The Watcher!


I’m not getting angry! I’m not getting angry! I’m not getting angry! Counting to 10! Oh Hells Bells! It’s not working! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 You disgusting sick piece of human trash!

”Now, the loser will be taking up space in a hospital from someone more deserving like a vaccinated person in a car accident.”

As I wrote prior my husband is dead due to being denied a bed! He was a stroke, seizure victim transported to the hospital by paramedics. They were saving beds for your precious Covid patients so he was sent home in a cab at 3:00 A.M. The fire department had to be called to carry him up the stairs and into the house! I’ll never forget the look of fear on his face as they were getting him settled!

Before you start with the unvaccinated taking the bed from my husband, this was in June, 2020 BEFORE vaccines! So, where would you have queued my husband when it came to hospital beds? You never write about how many people may have died in 2020 due to Covid patients having priority over them. Elective surgeries were put on hold…which included mastectomies. Mastectomies!

Finally, once again I have to remind you there are people who cannot take the vaccines due to other health issues. In your sick, twisted mind you broad brush all of the unvaccinated without knowledge of their health circumstances! On second thought…you aren’t mental…you are down right evil!


It's October 2021 when vaccines are widely available. The majority can take them. West has already stated he CHOSE not to be vaccinated unlike his vaccinated wife who isn't hospitalized.
I have zero issue with anyone who can't take it for a legitimate medical reason.

June 2020 was a horrible time before vaccines. Covid overwhelmed the hospitals. Some people on my job died. I know of two cancer patients who died because their treatments were stopped. Hundred of thousands of Americans needlessly died.

But, a miracle happened! Vaccines were developed to finally end our dystopian nightmare. The vaccine kept the majority out of hospitals and from dying!

But, a vocal brainwashed minority refuse to take the vaccine. Now, they are NEEDLESSLY overwhelming the hospitals which are causing needless deaths of stroke victims and car accidents victims who can't get an ICU bed.

You should be furious with West who doesn't care who his stubbornness kills.


”Finally, once again I have to remind you there are people who cannot take the vaccines due to other health issues. In your sick, twisted mind you broad brush all of the unvaccinated without knowledge of their health circumstances!”


"I have zero issue with anyone who can't take it for a legitimate medical reason."



The problems in the hospitals are not because there are too many "anti-vaxers" getting infected with covid, it's that we don't have enough nurses and the reason we don't have enough nurses is because after they risked their lives at the beginning of the pandemic to save the lives of people infected your cult leader repaid their bravery with vaccine mandates which would be harmful to many people. Your cult leader Biden is the reason for the overcrowded hospitals, not the "anti-vaxers" which by the way is a bigoted term, much like the N-word.


Now the Pro-Virus Anti-Vaxxer Anti-Masker ingrate is in the hospital ranting against the vaccine.


For all you know the vaccine would have caused his testicles to shrink, are you really sick enough to wish that upon an innocent person?


Well if he is having this bad of a time with Covid the vaccine definitely would have killed him.


His vaccinated wife is at home even though she also has covid.

Meanwhile, the ingrate in the hospital has went on an unhinged rant against the vaccine. He's a moron doubling-down on his own stupidity.


Well West and his wife are not actually twins with the exact same medical history. So I'm not surprised when you tell me his wife is not in the hospital. I know plenty of people who are married who both caught Covid and only one went to the hospital, before vaccinations.


West wasn't vaccinated. His wife was vaccinated.

No surprise that Crybaby West ran to the hospital. "Wah! I can't breathe! Waah!"


"No surprise that Crybaby West ran to the hospital. "Wah! I can't breathe! Waah!"

"Hey that's my line sucka" - Ghost of George Floyd

98% of people are not hospitalized when they catch Covid, vax or not. So his wife not going to the hospital means nothing.


Aaaaah. Lord Rake. Full of wisdom. Or should I say shit.


Wisdom will do.


95% of hospitalized Covid patients are NOT vaccinated. 97% of Covid deaths are the unvaccinated.


No real woman talks like this about people dying. Are you a they and them? I'm getting a strong trans feeling from you.
