Towards a Progressive Agenda ( NeoLiberalism drove some Democrats in desperation to liar Trump )
- The end of neoliberalism and trickle-down - a new Socialism -the country must serve its people.
- The economy cannot exist just for the wealthy elite, and corporations cannot be people, and money cannot be speech.
- Against one dollar on vote and for one person one vote.
- For universal health care.
- Adding dental, mental and vision benefits to Medicare/Universal Health Care.
- For free public education.
- Restraints on police use of force.
- Teaching real history, not American mythology.
- Guaranteed employment.
- Living wage.
- Women able to decide the fate of their own bodies.
- Equal rights for any race, color, sexual orientation.
- Fair limits on immigration. ( not open borders as is claimed by Republicans )
- Progressive taxation
- Government bargaining to get drug prices that are not twice or more of what every other country pays.
- The end of industry domination of the government ... i.e. military industrial complex - regulate war profiteering.
- Undo military contracting and the massive giveaways to billionaires for wrecking government.
- Wealth tax.
- Against monopolies.
There is an interesting short podcast about the problems when Republicans ran the Democratic Party ... under Clinton and Obama. Biden says trickle-down never worked. That is a big deal.
NPR's History Podcast 'Throughline' Explains The Influence Of Neoliberalism
This is the corrupt and bribery influence of the Plutocratic elite donors to the Democrats that took over the party with money and puppeteered Clinton and Obama. This is what brought Bernie Sanders to the public - exactly what the independents who disliked the Democrats disliked them for. Now, Democrats have to prove it.
Oh, I should also say that being Progressive has nothing to do with Israel-Palestine. Some ugly Progressives who do not really understand the issues seem to lump the Palestinian terrorist in with a Progressive agenda, but Palestinians have declared war to the death with Israel and pursue it with terrorism ... same with a fraction of the radical Islamic countries such as Iran. There is no room for that in a truly progressive agenda.