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Vaccine Passport/Mandate Work

From 70% to 92% vaccinated. In my place, 88% 12+ have 1st dose and 81% 2nd.



Two good articles.

They need to close the religious exemption excuse since the majority using it are lying.




You're trolling, again.


Lying, race warlord ass! Disgusting piece of human trash! The world be so much better off without its kind. Take “its” computer away and “Rhoda” (from The Bad Seed) would go straight to the funny farm!


You're an obviously mentally deranged troll.


Hey somebody! Anyone? Please take out the trash! It’s definitely starting to smell in here! Now this is a good reason to wear a mask! 😷


You nitwit! You do realize the CDC itself has listed constraints against the vaccine for some people.

You would make an excellent dictator. Better yet a tyrant as you have shades of Hitler, Pol Pot et al in your tyrannical brain. You dictate and lie without compunction.


I should just renounced my citizenship and then enter the US illegally, I’ll certainly be treated better by the Biden administration and I’ll be free of any vaccine mandates or whatever other shit he’s babbling about


Lol... I will be interested to see how it went if you do. Make a vlog of yourself sneaking across the border. :D


Good idea! I once told my grandson to renounce his U.S. citizenship, go to Mexico, re-enter the U.S. illegally so his college tuition would be paid plus all the other freebies he would receive! It’s the only way to beat the system because the Dems care more for illegals than they do for U.S citizens!


pretty much, Americans are being kicked out of houses since the eviction moratorium is over but Afghan refugees are being given free housing and are being guaranteed jobs. how messed up is that?


On Friday, Portugal ended nearly all of its coronavirus restrictions. There has been a sharp drop in new cases, to about 650 a day, and vanishingly few deaths.

Even the Delta variant is losing to the vaccines.


You ignored the following from the same article:

” False dawns in the coronavirus pandemic have been as common as new nightmare waves of infection. So Portugal could still see a setback as the delta variant continues to spread globally.”


Don't waste your time with ultravioletx, he is blatantly biased and just connects the dots in whatever direction he has to to justify the radical position he decided on a long time ago. He has done this many times in the past and I have called him out on it.

Example: Jan 6 happened because Donald Trump gave a speech. The riots of 2020 happened because of the death of George Floyd. So here's the problem:

Scenario 1:
- Allegations of voter fraud surface --> Donald Trump mentions it --> Jan 6.

Scenario 2:
- George Floyd dies --> Democrat politicians actively sanction and encourage rioting and tell BLM and Antifa that the system is out to persecute them --> Riots happen

In scenario 1 he is willing to go through the middle step but not in scenario 2 because going through the middle step in scenario 2 would debunk the premise he already decided on. He is a liar and a dishonest debater and isn't worth your time. Also by his logic BLM and Antifa can't control their actions, they apparently weren't capable of not rioting because of the death of George Floyd which means they should all be institutionalized (innocent people are getting hurt in the riots and if they can't keep themselves from rioting then for public safety they should be locked up), but he's willing to ignore that blatant hole is his biased and dishonest logic as well.


I concur, but it isn’t just him as they all read from the same talking points. They continue to Deny, Dismiss, Deflect and or Dumbfound. They are so far down the Democrat rabbit hole their minds are blocked to truth when it’s served to them. They love Kamala even though she set up a fund to bail out the scum who beat innocent people with 2x4s, who pulled innocent drivers out of their vehicles and stomped and beat the victims.

Have you ever read a reply from any of the dastardly bunch stating disapproval over a disparaging remark against Trump? I have not! Today as I’ve done in the past voiced disapproval over the disgusting remarks and flags against Biden. I detest the man with my whole being, but I disapprove of the profane laced comments being made against him. I’m better than that. I’m better than the Democrat lemmings who continued to malign and disparage Trump!

They showed their true colors when they made Floyd a martyr. They hold up a despicable piece of trash, a criminal who assaulted a pregnant woman with a gun, as a hero while besmirching the POTUS, Trump. Floyd’s rap sheet is over a foot long. Finally, he should have been in prison and Chauvin should have been terminated prior to the incident.


You are absolutely correct and Chauvin had multiple complaints against him already, but the Democrat run city never took his badge away for some reason. Maybe they knew he would screw up eventually and they could then push their lies and false political narratives.

Floyd was a scumbag as well but scumbags are the demokkkrat voting base so they have to pander to them as much as possible while inciting violence and hate against people who obey the law and work for a living. It’s sick and disturbing


Are you aware there on those on this board and elsewhere who state Floyd was compliant during his arrest? That is evidence of how mentally blocked they are. Videos show he was fighting like hell when he was in the backseat of the patrol car. Officers were on both sides of him attempting to restrain him. They were dealing with a huge drugged up thug. I can’t recall if he made it outside of the car or if he was pulled out.

I’ve seen all the handwringing over what occurred, but I haven’t read a solution as to how you deal with someone who has brute force while on drugs. They could have tased him, but then there’s a chance something would have gone wrong with that procedure.


I have heard that Floyd resisted arrested and was acting like a maniac yet they want us to believe that Chauvin just picked him out and killed him because he was black which is such a disgusting lie. And Black Lives Matter my ass, if they gave a shit about black lives they’d have something to say about David Dorn (who was killed by BLM) or hell any of the black lives that are lost to gang violence every day, but they are just swept under the rug because they don’t suit the lies and the false narratives


Look at the videos where Floyd is resisting while in the back seat. BLM is a Marxist organization…nuff said. Antifa is an oxymoron because it is the new Brown Shirts…nuff said. As you say David Dorn isn’t memorialized or a sculpture made of him because he was a decent person and not a thug! BLM only riots when it involves a Black thug scumbag.

Innocent little Black kids are mowed down in their neighborhoods by gang violence, but do we see the hypocritical BLM gang marching on streets in Black neighborhoods. Hell no! It doesn’t suit their purpose.


Exactly because it’s not about black lives at all, it’s about hating America and finding an excuse to behave like terrorists, and what’s even more sick is our leaders like Biden, KKKamala, etc are encouraging them to do this. They don’t give a damn who gets hurt in the process, all that matters is their false political narrative


Don't waste your time with ultravioletx

There's no reason to respond to any of The Squad. They're all NPCs repeating the same script over and over. I stopped bothering unless I'm feeling saucy.


Of course, people drop their ridiculous conspiracy theories when faced with the choice between that and their job.


No, dude....they just fired a shit ton of people, and the only remaining staff are vaxxed. Hospitals are going to become literal death centers from all the incompetence.


What shit ton of people? Source?


Do a web search... I'm not your dad.


87% of New York’s hospital workers were fully vaccinated. About 92% of hospital staff have received at least one dose, as have 92% of nursing home workers and 89% of adult care workers.

Hochul enforced Covid-19 vaccine mandates and set up a command center to monitor hospital staff shortages.

She allowed retired health care workers, out-of-state medical professionals and others to provide care. So far, none have been needed.

Houston Methodist, a Texas hospital network that employs about 25,000 workers, issued a mandate and lost about 150 workers.

ChristianaCare, a Delaware nonprofit hospital operator that employs more than 12,000 people, has seen about 150 employees depart

Whelp, no shortage with replacement needed as some were assuming.


So all the good nurses and doctors are gone, and only shitty ones remain?

Now we really need to avoid those death centers, yeesh.
