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Conform and take the vaccine, They Live meme

prob the best one yet...

take your jab and be a good conformist...


Trump: The vaccine works. I recommend you take the vaccine.

Breitbart: The left is reducing our voters by tricking us into not taking the vaccine by bullying us to take it.

Fox News: Either get vaccinated or take a daily test, even though Biden's mandate would call for a weekly test.


yes, the vaccine works, but dementia Joe and dems are FORCING people to get it or other wise you will lose your job and career.

NYC is now laying off health care workers during a pandemic, how dumb is that?

but we both know, that if Trump was Pres and if he was forcing the same thing, there would be mass outrage amongst the liberals...

if a vaccine can be forced on people, then what else can be forced? its a slippery slope to communism...

if the forced vaccine proves anything, it proves how easily we can be controlled.


but we both know, that if Trump was Pres and if he was forcing the same thing, there would be mass outrage amongst the liberals...

Wrong. Fox News's work mandate is stricter than Biden's work mandate. Liberals are in line with Fox News' policy because liberals don't change their minds just because their opposition agrees with them. Disagreement because your opposition agrees is a Trumpian mindset.

Just like last December when Trump wanted bigger stimulus checks and Mitch only wanted $600. The liberals said Trump was right, and Pelosi applauded Trump for it.

Then after Trump saw the dems positive reaction to it, he went silent on the bigger checks.


Fox is a company and can do whatever it wants. its also under the umbrella of Disney, a liberal company.

they all got the shot cause they dont want to lose their jobs, like I said before, forced vaccine shots just proves we can be easily controlled. interesting fun fact, the Chinese people are also being forced to get the vaccine.

again, if Trump was Pres now, things would be a lot different. liberals need to stop pretending that they would conform to anything Trump would say. Bidenites will just blindly follow their glorious leader even if it means jumping off a cliff.


Fox is a company and can do whatever it wants. its also under the umbrella of Disney, a liberal company.
Bzzt! Bad info strikes again. Fox News was not part of the Disney deal. Murdoch retained ownership.

You're saying liberals would oppose him if he agreed with them. So show an example of it. I've already showed you an example of liberals and progressives siding with Trump when he agreed with them (the December stimulus). I can show it again with progressives siding with his 2016 stances against Hillary's Wall Street speeches and the TPP.

Now it's your turn.


I remember when Nancy said 5 billion was too much money for border security, now Congress has passed almost 10t in stimulus and other monies.

Trump basically trolled Nancy by saying he wanted 2000 cause he knew they wanted 2000. even dementia Joe said everyone would get 2000 if we voted for him.

its funny and ironic that the vaccine was developed by Trump during his Presidency, now liberals are pro-vaccine, but its the Trump vaccine. lol

again, things we be a lot different if Trump was Pres and forced everyone to get the jab...libs are just for it because dementia Joe is our fake pres...


its funny and ironic that the vaccine was developed by Trump during his Presidency, now liberals are pro-vaccine, but its the Trump vaccine. lol
It's not ironic. I just got done telling you multiple times that liberals put away red-vs-blue politics, and I asked you for an example where they didn't. And all you could come up with is another example of liberals putting politics aside and supporting Trump's vaccine.

If Trump went out and made it so you had to take the vaccine to work, it would still be the pro-Trump anti-vaxxers rejecting it. There's nothing that would prompt liberals to side with those pro-Trump anti-vaxxers. You've hit a dead end with this one.


libs would be in a hissy fit right now if Trump mandated the same thing. Nancy would be trying to impeach because it infringes on our Constitutional rights. I am just amazed as always that dems dont care about anything nor is there any outrage for all the insane stuff that is going on right now. Afghanistan? meh that was last month, Border crisis? meh, that was last week. Covid deaths? meh, that was so last year.

liberals didnt put politics aside for Trump, Nancy and her gang tried to block anything Trump did, remember when Trump wanted a measly 5b for border security? now they want to pass a 3.5t stimulus bill. no big deal, they dont seem to care about the national debt anymore like they did just 4 years ago.


I can play the same game.

MAGAtards would be fawning over Trump if he mandated the same thing.


typical dem, always insulting people, but claim to be better than everyone else. somedays I wonder how much easier life would be if identified as a looney liberal. but then I wake up and realize that I dont want to be a looney liberal and want to be able to think for myself and not be told what to do like dems are...someday your eyes will be opened but it will be too late as America will be over by then.

RIP America, 1776 - 2022


You don't want to think at all. You want to believe without having to think. Trump says it was rigged, so you believe it. Giuliani used facebook posts as his source of evidence, you don't care because you want to believe it. The vaccines work, but you want to believe they don't. Fox News was never part of the Disney deal, but it's what you chose to believe.

Your problem is you just don't like to think. It's a hassle for you, and since trying to do it often proves you wrong, you skip it.


you also dont want to think, Nancy told you that the 2016 election was rigged and that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election, every democrat believed in this. there were no sources, no proof other than hearsay. Nancy told you everyday for 2 years that she was right and that Trump cheated and stole the election and you believed it. remember when Mueller found no evidence and she disagreed and said he had to testify before congress? remember when that was a nothing burger? Nancy was furious and vowed to get rid of Trump anyway she could.

remember when dementia Joe said he would lose the election by chicanery and Hillary said not to accept the results of the election?

now in 2020, the dems and Nancy are saying this was the most fair and honest election in the past 500 years. and you believe it cause thats what good brainwashed dems do. they dont think, they dont care, they just do what the mainstream news tells them.

I hope you are enjoying your dementia patient as he ruins America.


Did this idiot seriously just say that liberals “put politics aside” , that is like the funniest shit I’ve read in like a year. Literally everything they do is about politics, even if it means murdering people. Ultraviolex and his cult trashed the vaccine and said people should be skeptical of it in 2020 when it was politically advantageous to say so. Ultraviolex is a liar and a libtard

The truth about the Demokkkrats is that it’s not possible to be civil with them, they are the epitome of evil much like Adolf Hitler and it’s very scary that scumbags like ultraviolex actually supports them.


I didn't say liberals always put politics aside, and I didn't say they usually put politics aside. I simply said they can, and I gave examples of it.

I'm still waiting for examples of Trumpists putting aside politics.


And that’s still a lie , everything they do is about politics. They are willing to let people die for political reasons.

Your second statement is a strawman


everything they do is about politics.
Repeating it doesn't make it true. I gave examples of liberals and Pelosi siding with Trump last December.


You've asked for an example so many times now, I'd really like to read one but I don't think it's gonna happen. *sigh*


Pelosi was out to destroy the country just to hurt president Trump, she even admitted she held up a Covid relief bill in the house because she didn’t want to give President Trump a victory, but it was fine to move it forward once Biden was president. She incited riots all throughout 2020 and even made excuses for them because the BLM terrorists were good for her politically. She cares about nothing but politics and you are a liar.

Edit: I searched through this thread and you said the she said “Trump was right” , I’d like to see video evidence of her saying “Trump is right”. Simply voting one time for one bill Trump was in favor for doesn’t come close to excusing then four years that she was actively undermining our democracy all because she didn’t like the president. Heck She ripped up President Trumps speech which debunks your premise and that’s also treasonous . She belongs in prison as do you for standing by her.


Pelosi knew it was a waste of time to try to get Mitch on board with Covid relief a year ago while Mitch was busy ramming Amy Coney Barrett through. She should've put him to the test, but chose to not waste her time. A couple months later in December, she was proven correct, when Mitch would not go past the $600 mark, even though Trump wanted more. Pelosi tried to pass Trump's idea for a bigger bill, but Mitch prevented it.

She incited riots all throughout 2020
The riots happened because Floyd was killed.
Heck She ripped up President Trumps speech which debunks your premise and that’s also treasonous.
You're a retard if you think ripping up a speech is treason.
I’d like to see video evidence of her saying “Trump is right”.
"Trump is right" is basically word for word what she tweeted when replying to Trump's tweet that Mitch's $600 wasn't enough last December.
Simply voting one time for one bill Trump was in favor for doesn’t come close to excusing then four years that she was actively undermining our democracy all because she didn’t like the president.
She didn't just vote for it. She got congress to convene late in the night to increase the amount and send it over to Mitch.

And while you're whining about undermining democracy, not once did Mitch agree with anything Obama proposed for eight years, and for Obama's first term Mitch even admitted he did it just to make Obama a one-term president.

But you're okay with that.


Pelosi held the bill because Trump was president up you moron. She admitted that she did that because it would have given President Trump a victory, then once the election was finalized she immediately passed it and she admitted she did it because Biden was now going to be President. Not to mention that she got a second fake impeachment passed in a matter of days.m So what are you saying? That Rebublicans are more likely to go along with another fake impeachment rather than a Covid relief bill. In your own words you must be “retarded” if you actually believe that. She played politics with peoples lives once again and she should be in jail.

So therefore BLM and Antifa can’t control their actions? They were forced to riot, burn buildings, kill people and assault cops? That means they should be institutionalized if they can’t stop themselves from rioting. I’m just going by your own standards, you just said they can’t stop themselves from being violent that means they are a danger to society and should be in an institution. Also typical libtard logic: It’s always someone else’s fault, it’s never the fault of the violent criminal.

It absolutely is treason, she is projecting to the world that President Trump shouldn’t be taken seriously and that means that other countries might be motivated to attack us. It very much is treason. Also don’t use the word “retard”, you shouldn’t attack your own kind.

Show me the tweet of her saying “trump is right”, if you can’t then you’re a liar.

Also I’ll say again, voting for one bill that Trump supported isn’t even close to erasing 4 years of trying to impeach him because she didn’t like him (yes she wanted to impeach him before she even knew what she would impeach him for).

HAHAHAHAHAHA, you mean McConnell actually had the nerve to say that his side was going to win the next election? Wow I have never heard of anything so horrible. I mean he should have just threatened Obama with death, or invented treason conspiracy theories, or leaked information to the Chinese to undermine him, like the DemoKKKrats did to Trump, but oh no wanting him to be a one term president is worse than all of that. Obama was also spending us into oblivion , McConnell only wanted what was objectively best for the country. Seriously kid, you can’t possibly believe your own bullshit, get over yourself and get out of your cult because they are rotting your brain and deluding you from reality. I’m willing to help you but you’ve got to want to help yourself


If Mitch would've allowed a $1200 stimulus in October, and it was Pelosi who rejected it, then why wouldn't Mitch accept $1200 in December when Trump was asking for it?

At some point you have to use your brain.

you mean McConnell actually had the nerve to say that his side was going to win the next election?
The opposite. Mitch was afraid Trump would lose, so he had to rush in Amy Coney Barrett before the election, and any stimulus had to wait until December.


Mitch McConnell's actions are 100% irrelevant in this situation along with being a non sequitur which is a logical fallacy, Pelosi admitted that she held the Covid relief bill up because she didn't want to make President Trump look good, she literally played politics with people's lives because she's a sick bitch. And deflecting to McConnell isn't going to help your case as I'm not exactly what you would call a fan of McConnell.

And you know damn well the Demokkkrats would have done the same thing bad the situation been reversed and they had the votes. The DemoKKKrats keep saying that Barack Obama didn't ram through a supreme court justice at the end of his term, well that's because he didn't have the votes as he lost both the House and the Senate. The way they rammed through Obamacare without any Republican support is concrete proof.

Your cult is the epitome of evil , you people need help.


There is no slope.

If they do this it is a DONE DEAL.

We are not heading to a point, we are there.


if a vaccine can be forced on people, then what else can be forced? its a slippery slope to communism...

if you wanna drive a car - a driving licence is forced on you
if you wanna eat in a posh restaurant - shoes are forced on you
if you wanna fly in a plane - buying a ticket is forced on you
not to mention security searches , and often a passport.

not a vaccine? how about
Some of the destinations that may require you to show a polio vaccination certificate include India, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Egypt, Lithuania and Saudi Arabia if you are entering from a risk country.


no one is forced to drive or inject a car into their body - FAIL
no one is forced to eat a posh restaurant or inject a restaurant into their body - FAIL
no one is forced to fly in a plane or have a plane injected into their body - FAIL
not everyone has a passport or even leaves their State in their lifetime - FAIL

The USA is not a risk Country.

For the first time in recorded history a President of the United States is forcing people to inject something into their body or lose your job and career. This kind of stuff usually happens in movies or Communist Countries.

Bidentards will do anything they are told and for the life of me I dont know why they support forced injections....

our Country is effed...


You just can't win with them. XD


No one credible is saying the vaccine doesn’t work, we are saying the government shouldn’t force people to inject drugs into their bodies. Are you seriously stupid enough to not know the difference?


Are you seriously stupid enough to not know vaccine mandates have been in place for the better part of a century?


But this is the first time in human history that people are forced to get vaccinated or lose your job. Thats the problem a lot of people are having, and also nurses are being fired as well, during a pandemic. Can no one see the lunacy in all this?

How come no one was ever forced to get the flu vaccine? According the CDC an average of 50,000 people die a year from it.


Wrong on two counts. You have been forced to get a vaccine if you want to work, and this is not one of those times. If you don't want to get vaccinated, you can opt to test instead.


Wrong on both of those accounts, NYC is firing nurses, police officers and firefighters that don't get the mandated Joe vaccine.

It doesn't even seem real somedays, but it is. These sort of things only happen in dystopian society's or in the movies. If our Government can mandate what goes in your body, what else can they mandate? Stop being a democrat for a few minutes and just think about the implications of this.


Wrong again, bub. Biden's mandate gives the option to test weekly. Many places have a stricter policy than that. Just like Fox News does. Testing weekly isn't good enough for them. If you are unvaccinated and don't test daily, they will fire you.


No it doesn't. Very few places have that option but you have to prove you have a medical condition or religious exemption. Thousands of health care workers have already been fired cause they had to get the mandated government vaccine or lose their job. As always dems don't care about this as long as they got their guy in office. The liberal media would be freaking right now if Trump did the same thing. We call this hypocrisy.


Are you seriously stupid enough to not realize that’s completely irrelevant numb nuts. I said you misrepresented the position of the alleged “anti vaxers” , the number of other mandates is a non sequitur. Nice deflection attempt despite the fact that it failed miserably

Also Biden’s vaccine mandates have caused nurses to get fired and now we have a staff shortage which means more people die, but liberals just “put politics aside”. What did your cult do to you?

Edit: also previous vaccine mandates shouldn’t matter to the party of “my body my choice”, but of course your morals are flexible depending on what is most politically advantageous so why should I expect anything resembling consistency from scum like you


“my body my choice”

This only matters when murdering an unborn baby. Democrats are against the death penalty but are for abortion. How messed up is that?


It’s beyond messed up, you have to stop respecting societies laws for the Demokkkrats to care about you


I understand the need for healthcare workers to get the vaccine, that is vitally important being that they are on the front lines of this terrible pandemic. Why would a healthcare worker not get vaccinated for example?


None of your business


why do healthcare workers need it? you can still get the virus and pass it on, even if you are vaccinated.

vaccinations do not prevent the spread of the virus. what would prevent it, is not having 100,000 people in stadiums every weekend. dems dont want another lockdown because it will make them look bad, the lockdown was only used to ruin the economy and get Trump out of office.


"why do healthcare workers need it? you can still get the virus and pass it on, even if you are vaccinated."

So that they are less likely to DIE from the virus and have less serious complications. They deserve the very best we can offer, we need them.


if we need health care workers, then why are they being fired? seems counter productive.

so are police and firefighters, is this the right thing to do?

honestly I dont understand the logic in this...


Do you think that allowing a fireman to go into a burning building to save people without his gear is smart? No, that fireman is a dope for not protecting himself and other firemen will have to risk ‘their’ lives trying to save his dumb ass.


you are comparing putting on gear vs being forced to put something in your body, thats not a valid comparison.

again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly?


So you don’t understand how the the metaphor applies?

Learn to pronounce
noun: metaphor; plural noun: metaphors
a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.


yes, I know what a metaphor are trying to tell me that an apple is really an orange.

but again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly? cant they just wear 2 masks like Fauci said?


If you can't see the metaphor there, then you don't understand what a metaphor is.


yes, I know what a metaphor is, why do you keep trying to change the subject and not answer the question?

but yet again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly? cant they just wear 2 or 3 masks like Fauci said?


Why would a healthcare worker not take the vaccine? That is counterintuitive to what they are doing . . . you know . . .kind of like a fireman going into a fire without their gear so that more resources have to be used saving the dumb firefighter.


why would a healthcare worker be fired if they are needed so badly? seems strangely counterintuitive. its basically like the scorpion hitching a ride on a frog to cross the river and then stinging him, now they are both dead.

but yet yet again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly? cant they just wear 3 or 4 masks or a face shield like Fauci said?


I answered yours question. You keep saying the same thing over and over again instead of answering my question.


timeline of dodging question:

me: if we need health care workers, then why are they being fired?
you: Do you think that allowing a fireman to go into a burning building to save people without his gear is smart? No, that fireman is a dope for not protecting himself and other firemen will have to risk ‘their’ lives trying to save his dumb ass.

me: again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly?
you: So you don’t understand how the the metaphor applies?

me: but again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly? cant they just wear 2 masks like Fauci said?
you: If you can't see the metaphor there, then you don't understand what a metaphor is.

me: but yet again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly? cant they just wear 2 or 3 masks like Fauci said?
you: Why would a healthcare worker not take the vaccine? That is counterintuitive to what they are doing . . . you know . . .kind of like a fireman going into a fire without their gear so that more resources have to be used saving the dumb firefighter.

me: but yet yet again, why are we firing health workers if they are needed so badly? cant they just wear 3 or 4 masks or a face shield like Fauci said?
you: I answered yours question. You keep saying the same thing over and over again instead of answering my question.

basically you answer my question with a question and then reference firefighters.

implementing forced vaccinations is like opening Pandora's Box, now that the precedent has been set, it means the US Government can also force other things on the population. what if they say, everyone has turn their guns in or be fined and jailed? you think its crazy now but someday the Government will wield too much power and we will look back at 2021 and say "why did we let them tell us what to do with our lives?"

other Countries that have forced vaccinations include China and North Korea.


Okay, So we've clearly established that you don't understand what a metaphor is and I shouldn't have believed you when you said that you did.


so you are ok with forced injections, just like NK and China?

and why are we firing healthcare workers if they are needed so badly?




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