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How many staff / admin members has Biden fired so far via Twitter ?

We're going nine months into the Biden Presidency, and I'm curious as to how many staff and administration members has Biden fired so far through a Tweet ?

Four years ago, under Trump, I think about 25% of his staff and admins were fired by the ninth month of his Presidency (not to mention those who quit the first few months) and he fired each one through a public tweet. So embarrassing.


You ShitLibs are so retarded its no loner amusing. Look at all the shit Biden has caused but not surprising all you care about is he doesn't say mean things on Twitter

Nice job fucking our country up


Biden is too busy working to tweet. Your cult leader was a slacker.

The country was fine when Obama left office. Trump turned the U.S. into a dystopian nightmare. Now, Biden has to clean-up Trump's mess.


Yup.., and a big mess it is


>The country was fine when Obama left office.

Bwahahahaha, stop my sides are killing me


On Trump's watch:

Covid, mass unemployment, mass deaths, record bankruptcies, economic collapse, mass evictions & foreclosures, Nuclear North Korea, Nuclear Iran, increased global warming w/devastating storms, Jan. 6th attempted mob rule, increased domestic terrorism, Q-Anon popularity...

Taxcuts for the mega-rich because Trump & co. believe billionaires are poor.



Obama didn't kill hundreds of thousands of Americans and then say, "It is what it is."

Trump ruined the quality of life in America!

Your injecting disinfectant and munching on horse dewormer have left you feeble-minded.


Trump didn't kill hundreds of thousands of Americans either

Cuomo and Newsome killed a bunch of old people, Caucus funded gain of function for the virus

The vaxx has given you mad cow disease


Pandemics fall under national security which is under the president's responsibilty, cultist dolt.

Your lazy, imbecile Trump was too busy tweeting and watching Fox to actually do any work.

Trump did downplay covid which caused more people to die in-between playing golf.

I'm sure you stupidly believe the vaccine causes Mad Cow since you believe your conspiracy theory websites.


Trump stopped flights and you all called him racist for doing so

By the way when are you gonna comment about the George Floyd bronze statue up in NYC you cultist


You sound really rattled.


You sound really retarded


Yeah, I know, you've said that before a few hundred times.


Gotta remind you, I know how slow you are


That's the greatest poster on this site. Randallllll, just throw needles at him. He's scared of those.

Like this..

Shoo shoo Randallllllllll


Remember years ago when he was RandallNash, and posted the same inane pro-Trump bullshit ?


NO. Was that on imdb?


Yup. He's had many incarnations here, too.


They're kind of fun to mess with. I never posted on imdb but read a bunch of stuff.


Russy, Timmy, Childishone, JoWilli - just to name a few- contribute nothing to this board except lies, lies, lies from QAnon. They obviously think this is their echo-chamber, like Parler was for them.

I love calling them out.


Yeah. Also they seem to have no life, because it seems they are constantly on here.


Especially Rorikon. He floods this forum 24/7, with cut and paste nonsense. Must be a MAGABot.


Lets not forget kinkyink and Lord Rake


And Mikey - what a dumbot he is.


Just like you, Doggiedaddy.


Where has doggiedaddy been? Haven't seen any posts from him. Is he banned? Idk


Permanently banned over a year ago after numerous warnings and temp bans.


Ok thanks for clarifying.


Seems pointless though, if you can just make another account.


Name the ones who were fired by tweet.

Prove it.

Remember, 25 percent. Not one or two people.




Nov 9, 2020 — U.S. President Donald Trump Monday announced via Twitter that he has fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper. “Mark Esper has been terminated.

Nov 17, 2020 — Trump announced in a tweet late Tuesday that he had “terminated” Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

There's two for you to suck on. Now, YOU, name six more that that he did not fire on twitter.


And with that, Timmy goes running into his Mom's basement and locks the door behind him. He hides under his Snoopy blanket and turns off the lights so no one can find him.


Lol. This made me snort my drink.


He's still hiding under his blanket with his flashlight.


Or busy sucking somebody off.


March 28, 2018 - Trump fired VA Secretary David Shulkin by Tweet, taking Shulkin by total surprise.

April 2019 - Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was fired by Tweet.

March 2018 - Rex Tillerson, Trump's first secretary of state learnt he was fired via one of the president’s tweets.

August 2018 - White House counsel Don McGahn was among those surprised to find out he would be leaving his post in the fall after a tweet by Trump.

May 2017 - James Comey, now a high profile critic of the president, said he found out he had been fired by Trump by Tweet, which played all over the evening news.


Here's more for you:

November 2020 - Chris Krebs, Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency fired by Tweet.

November, 2020 - Mark Esper, Defence Secretary fired by Tweet.

July, 2020 - Brad Parscale, Campaign Manager, fired by Tweet.

March, 2020 - Mick Mulvaney, Acting White House Chief of Staff, fired by Tweet.

November, 2019 - Kevin McAleenan, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, fired by Tweet.

September, 2019 - John Bolton, National Security Adviser fired by Tweet.

January, 2019 - Ryan Zinke, Interior Secretary fired by Tweet.

January, 2019 - Jim Mattis, Defence Secretary, fired by Tweet.

November, 2018 - Jeff Sessions, Attorney General, fired by Tweet.

January, 2018 - Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Director, fired by Tweet.

July, 2017 - Anthony Scaramucci, Communications Director, fired by Tweet.

January, 2017 - Sally Yates, Acting Attorney General, fired by Tweet.


ah those crazy first days when the catalog of infantile behaviour was just beginning.


Lil' Timmy is still in hiding. He's not telling us which Biden staff member was fired by Tweet.


He might not be getting his staff fired but he's getting a lot of people who worked on the frontlines all through the pandemic fired.


Well the question is "How many staff / admin members has Biden fired so far via Twitter ?"

The answer is none.


You can't expect Lord Rake to have anything intelligent to say....
