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Manhattan restaurant owner pays all staff $25 hour

Amanda Cohen, who owns the vegetarian tasting restaurant Dirt Candy, raised her wages to $25 per hour when she reopened her indoor dining in May 2021. Realizing how some workers were struggling financially during the lockdown, Cohen said she previously thought she was paying her staff a living wage, but it became clear that she was not paying them enough.

“I know none of them have enough savings to get over this,” she told Insider. “I want my staff to have more.”

Chefs used to be paid between $ 18 and $ 21 an hour and front desk staff between $ 23 and $ 25. Now their salaries all start at $ 25, with built-in increases based on seniority, she said.

“I still think we don’t pay them enough,” she said.

Cohen said Dirt Candy, which now has around 25 employees, offers employees paid time off and health insurance. She said in other industries these provisions were “just standard, but in a restaurant it has sort of become the norm not to treat our employees like professionals.”

The restaurant also has a no-tip policy, which has been in place since 2015.

Cohen said the salary increases meant she had to raise prices by about 30%.

She also streamlined the restaurant menu. It used to offer five- and ten-course tasting menus, but now it only offers a five-course menu, which she says has lowered the cost of restaurant food and allowed her to pay more. the staff.

“We focus on people coming first and everything comes second,” Cohen said. “I cannot be successful without a staff.”

Other restaurants have expressed concern that the price hikes could lead to fewer visitors, but Cohen said his menu changes haven’t deterred diners. She said the restaurant, which seats 44, serves between 85 and 90 diners an average night, which was about the same as before the pandemic.

“I think for a pandemic we are doing very well,” she said.


Good luck with that.


Good people like this restaurant owner deserve good luck.


I hope it flounders! It’s stupidity! And this country wonders why we have to import foreign brains due to the achievement level of our students…which is becoming zilch!


Wishing bad on someone huh? Why because they have a different philosophy than you?


You're an evil person. No wonder you're a Trump follower.


And you are a Troll. Scat! You nasty Troll!


Yes they do.


Raising prices 30% is a big increase. It won’t stop at 30%! Pipe dreams! That $85.00 5-course dinner just jumped to $110.50!


Prices have gone up even without increasing minimum wage. That is not a good point.



I'll take your word for it that the Federal Minimum Wage has not increased.

I don't know about New York, but California's minimum wage has increased like 18% in the last 2 years. ($11 in 2019, $13 in 2021) And it will be $14 in 2022.

Plus people are still getting the bonus unemployment benefits.

Plus people got the stimulus checks. Plus Californians are getting their own stimulus checks. Plus people are getting advanced Child Tax Credit checks (which is going to be a shock next March/April when people's tax refunds are smaller - or worse.)

And the big one:

March 4, 2020 $4.2 Trillion
Sept 22, 2021 $8.5 Trillion

Anywhoo, some boutique cafe in Manhattan can probably get away with this. The diner in Waco, not so much.


You are only taking a small sample size of history. When minimum waged stayed the same in places for years prices still went up.


No argument with that here. Full throttle deficit spending to give people jobs building bombs to drop in the sand in Syria puts a lot of stimulus into the economy. But that type of spending doesn't make the cows produce more butter.


thats way more well off people in real skilled jobs make in the UK, according to the google exchange rate


The average salary for a Teacher is $26.73 per hour in New York, NY.

The average salary for a Police Officer is $24.10 an hour in New York, NY

The average salary for a paramedic is $26.29 per hour in New York, NY

The average salary for a fireman is $22.93 an hour in New York, NY

Something is very wrong with this picture! Hells Bells! Why achieve higher learning? Why obtain degrees? Why put your life on the line as 350 firemen did on 9/11? Or cops do every damn day?
Why be concerned your kids are getting a good education? Why be concerned if first responders are no more?

Just go into the Service Industry such as restaurants!


Many people do a job because of their passion for the job.


That doesent mean they deserve "professional" level wages
it depends if their passion is sweeping the street , or heart surgery.


Where did I say that? Someone should be able to afford an apartment nothing fancy but an apartment which houses a single person so long as they work 40 hours a week. They should get benefits and be able to make a living. That is not the case in todays world. See but I am pointing out how ignorant the point the poster I replied to is making. All doctors would disappear if other wages paid close to them? Would some leave sure but there are those that are passionate about the job they do.


Those wages for civil servants are not correct. Their salaries become very good after just a few years and there are better benefits than the private sector. Also, there is location pay for many workers in high cost of living areas.

And you can add overtime pay, too !


The reason they can do that it that a vegetarian meal starts at $25, likely much more.

I live in a small town, you could get a simple dish for under $10 in the 90s. In the 10s a burger with side was $10, now it's $15. Pizza slices are the best deal besides burger chains.
Foodies are to blame, the price of ingredients did not increase by 50%! Organic religion and local sourcing are the latest fads.


stick with frozen pizzas and Hungry Man dinners and you'll be just fine


I cook from scratch. You must be rich to defend $25/hour. The majority can't afford NYC and LA food.


i eat frozen pizzas and hungry man dinners.... i am so very rich indeed


I like Freschetta frozen pizzas. Not a fan of TV dinners.


When did Carl's Jr. come out with the "Six Dollar Restaurant Burger?" (sold at Carl's Jr. for like $4.00) 25 years ago?
