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Biden Boom rolls on: Dow closes at 34,798, even though Trump said it would crash under Biden

Remember when Trump frightened all his cult and said if Biden becomes President the stock market will crash and everyone's 401K would be wiped out ?

He lied.

The Biden Boom rolls on, with the Dow closing at 34,798 today...inching closer and closer to the record set two months ago.

Speaking of which, as Trump used to ask his cult during his reign of terror:

"How's your 409K doing ?"


And how high is inflation Mr Economic Smooth Brain?


Womp womp. If he actually went to a grocery store, he'd know this. I'm guessing he lives at home with his parents.


Wrong again, Q!


Womp womp. Emm eff, that's an effing response?
Fart, fart. That's what I think of your idiotic comments here. Just utterly stupid and having no edifying value.
Womp womp. jeezus krist !!


And how low is unemployment rates? Trump had them in the double digits all last year.

"How's your 409K doing ?"


welcome back doogie.

thanks to President Trump for the booming economy...


Democrats should lower Mitt Romney's tax rate from 21.6% down to 4% and we'll really see the stock market take off and all you tards on both sides will be dancing in the streets.


Of course, everyone benefits when the stock market rises, right? The 50% of people with no money in it? Eff them. They apparently don't matter. (My sarcasm, in case you thought I was supporting you in being serious.)


The only reason Trump touted stock market numbers was because he knew they'd go up over time no matter what, and he counted on his supporters (*cough*gd5150*cough*) being stupid enough to believe he was the one causing it.


and he counted on his supporters (*cough*gd5150*cough*) being stupid enough to believe he was the one causing it.

LOL! And they (*cough*gd5150*cough*) didn't disappoint him! They (*cough*gd5150*cough*) believed him.


It's weird how we haven't seen a stock market post from gd5150 since last year, even though the DJIA keeps going up.


Trump promised him the stock market would crash and wipe out his 401(k) as soon as Biden took over.

It's nine months into the Biden Presidency, and the DJIA is doing better than ever.

Trump never lies to him. Ever. Never ever.


33,843.92 −546.80

Yuge crash today, hows that 408k?


The markets been fucked all week. My portfolio is very sad.


yeah, that China thing is going to cause havoc, unless Xi and Joe bail them out....




The Biden Boom rolls on....

How's your 409K doing ?


good thing, the Trump boom continues, thank goodness for Trump...

dementia Joe is always ruining the stock market...



Trump warned everyone once Biden took over, the stock market would crash and wipe out your 409k. You'd lose everything. Trumptards believed him.

Now everyone's 401k is doing even better than when Trump was in (not sure about your 409k, though) and the Trumptards are ignoring this. The DJ is setting new record highs under Biden.

Poor Trumptards.


Well, it is true that Trump's actions helped the stock market - he and the GOP drastically cut corporate tax rates (and individual tax rates to a lesser degree) and he increased spending and the national debt, and he appointed Jerome Powell to the Federal Reserve and badgered him to go full throttle on Quantitative Easing.

Barack Obama did the same thing. Biden's doing the same thing. Clinton raised taxes and the economy prospered, along with the stock market. I hesitate to give Bubba too much credit because he just happened to be President at the time of the greatest invention since the wheel aka the internet. And then in 1997 he and Gingrich passed massive tax cuts that started this whole "everything bubble" and oh yeah permanent most favored nation status for China...




The total lack of a brain, the total insanity of calling it a Biden Boom.

You are a troll or an idiot.

I don't care which.


I'm betting both




The Biden Boom rolls on....


Welcome back doogie, I see you couldnt stay away for very long.

Huge crash today. Dementia Joe hates Americans as we all lost money today.

34,299.99 −569.38 (1.63%)

Why is Dementia Joe ruining Trumps stock market?


Stop giving it attention.


I know, I shouldn't. But I cant resist doogies famous stock market posts, I ignore all the rest.


The Market did end on a positive note this week. I will say, however, that I did have my finger on the trigger Wednesday afternoon, but I decided to hold off. My real estate/energy sectors dropped quite a bit, but I have over half my portfolio in the S&P500 and that is keeping everything above water.

The Bidinflator is determined to crash this market, not fix it. And because of this, I have to keep one eye on marketwatch. com lol.


Trump wants to know how your 409k is doing ?

He said a year ago that your portfolio would be completely wiped out by now, without him in Office. But you're telling a different story - are you saying Trump LIED to his sheep of Trumptards ?


34,002.92 −323.54 (0.94%)

Ouch Kabibble! Everyone just lost their 408k. Zucks lost 6 billion today. Thanks vegetable Joe.


who cares i am a millionaire now but i cant even travel the world like i did when i was a 10,000aire, this whole economy is a deck of cards that will fall apart real soon. i am done working and am traveling the usa outta my van as much as i can before shit really hits the fan. fuck working like a wagecuck for dollars that cant even be used for anything worth while


$30 Trillion in debt and we want to add $3.5 Trillion more under the Bernie Sanders social welfare program. The U.S. will default on this debt. It is impossible to pay off and out leaders have no courage to do anything about it. It is a looming economic collapse never before seen in history and people here are bickering over who gets credit for a couple of percentage points change in the stock market


yup things are about to get real fucked up


How long do you think we have?


idk only God knows, prepare while u still can!!


▼ 546.80 (




The Biden Boom rolls on....
