MovieChat Forums > Politics > AOC introduces amendment to cut the budg...

AOC introduces amendment to cut the budget of the Pentagon by 10 percent

Here here. Too much money bleeding at the Pentagon to fuel the military industrial complex. We need less corruption from the top brass and put money into more worthwhile useful weapons.


Yeahhhhhhh, we need to start with D.C. term limits first.


That's like retarded person giving advice.
She is just plain dumb...everything she says should be met with laughter.


Dyuhhh, dats like retarded person. Dyuhh, I eat repoblikon shit pies!


My name is Q, how do you do!


Is that the new, your racist argument.

When you have no defense, just say, that's racist, Q, ??

What is aoc education level? What is her experience in politics?

Because her brother said she went for an audition. The Democrat leaders liked she was a female, liked she has brown skin, black hair, brown eyes.
They can use and manipulate someone like her.
Because sending a white Male or even white women out there is not their target audience.

So you literally have a bar tender who is dumber then a box of Rocks
Being used as a puppet by the Democrat elites and people listen to her opinion... ha ha ha ha

She is dumb. Everything she will say, will sound retarded.


I have zero tolerance for angry looney tune
Qs like yourself


She's a star as a Twitter Troll ...she is worthless as a politician. She doesn't represent her own district, let alone America as a whole. Fringe, just like her supporters.


It's a good idea, but instead of sending that money to some other counterproductive government function they should just not collect it. We know that will not be in the amendment though.


seems counter intuitive as dems now want 3.5t and want to raise taxes to pay for it, makes no sense.


Yeah, I am not arguing with that, just the wasteful spending by the Pentagon.


as usual, dems are always for controlled spending and debt control when they are not in charge, but now its anything goes...I just remember when dems and Nancy freaked out when Trump wanted 5b for border security and she said it was too much, I think congress has passed at least 10t in stimulus and bills in the past year and a half.


The speed of Russian anti ship missiles have increased greatly in recent years.
