MovieChat Forums > Politics > Lt. Gov Mack Miller assaulted by securit...

Lt. Gov Mack Miller assaulted by security thugs and thrown out of Clark County Commissioners

this is the new normal under the failed Regime of dementia Joe biden.

wonder if blm will come to the rescue?


He's not Lt. Gov yet but he's running for it


oh ok, but still, dang, what they did is messed up...


Oh for sure dude. The right needs to realize playing nice is over. Liberals get away with anything and don't hold us to the same standards so why play by the rules anymore?


The alt-wrong conservatives have been pushing the envelope for YEARS, and now are complaining that their own rules are being applied to them?
Effing disgusting and completely and transparently duplicitous.

Keep rutting in the trough like Pigs, you effing jerks.
We are trying to elevate our Society, while you just want to tear it down with disgusting lies.
Absolutely sickening.


>Absolutely sickening.

Yes - you are


Brilliant retort. I'm proud to say I do not stand with you in any way.


but you have no problem with another black man being assaulted right? what happened to blm? luckily for the main stream media and liberals he is a republican, so no one cares. Larry Elder was assaulted and a woman with a gorilla masked attacked him. as normal, no one cares, cause he is a republican,. so much for equality for all...


Party: Republican Party and black, no one is going to give a damn like usual..., now I know there was no outrage today or protests or riots...


Yep the left only "cares" about those still on the plantation


sadly, this is the truth...


OMG! How terrible! Notice who came to assist? White folks!

We’ve all heard “Black While Driving”! Now it’s “Black And Republican”! Where are the damn hypocrites on this board? You know who you are! Our favorite lying “Rhoda”( Keelai the race warlord). Where are you? You disgusting hypocrite! Where is the thug group BLM (the Burn, Loot, Murder gangs) coming to his defense. Oh, I get it! He’s not a Black criminal!


stfu, just for your own dignity.


Get some dignity for yourself before you talk about anyone else's


You sit here everyday and lie and slur and smear so don't talk to me about dignity. You wouldn't know dignity if it hit you in the face.


What have I lied about? And all my comments about leftist shitbags like you have been spot on


where is sharpton and blm?


color has nothing to do with this you racist imbecile.


As I’ve many times wrote, when you lefties are incapable of countering with civil discourse…out come the barbs and name calling!🙄 You can’t handle the truth!

Race has everything to do with it! Do you actually believe there wouldn’t be hell to pay if he had been a Black Democrat? Not permitted to speak? To be roughly man handled? To be thrown into a body scanner? There would have been protests. BLM and Antifa would be stirring the racist pot. Where have you been for the last 2 years? So far down that rabbit hole you can’t see the truth? Pitiful!


pretty much the truth, they need to change it to only democrat blm...


ooh i wonder what this was all about .
Lets get some context ...

The security guards were excessive in the brutal way they went about giving Miller the boot, and Miller was part of an unruly mob of science-denying idiots

summs it up .
Eviction - neccassary
Body Slam - unneccassary


Of course you linked to a leftist source! Mr. Miller had every right to speak! You disgust me with your referencing of the 1st Amendment…until it’s speech with which you disagree! Damn bunch of hypocrites! “Don’t do what I do…do what I say!” is your mantra!
