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Trump sues NY Times, reporters and his niece Mary Trump over tax story

Trumpers are peeing their pants with excitement over the fact that Trump is suing his niece Mary and three reporters from NY Times, and the NY Times claiming they hatched an “insidious plot” to obtain his private records for a story about his tax history.

The lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday in Dutchess County, New York, alleges that the newspaper convinced Mary Trump to “smuggle records out of her attorney’s office and turn them over to The Times” despite her having signed a confidentiality agreement in 2001. The suit demands damages “in an amount to be determined at trial, but believed to be no less than One Hundred Million Dollars” from both Mary Trump and the Times.

The Times had no comment on the lawsuit tonight, but his niece did.

“I think he is a fucking loser, and he is going to throw anything against the wall he can,” said Mary Trump of her uncle’s new suit. “It’s desperation. The walls are closing in and he is throwing anything against the wall that will stick. As is always the case with Donald, he’ll try and change the subject.”


“I think he is a fucking loser”
That about sums it up


“I think he is a fucking loser”
That about sums it up

She always knows just what to say about that family of grifters.

How long before this case gets dismissed, too ?


You dems would know all about grifting

When you gonna admit you've been took


The NYT is the grey lady, the paper of record. Trump must be getting desperate if he's trying to attack them for their journalistic standards.


This could be another distraction by Trump or the NDA might be iron-clad. The niece is suing Donald Trump and his siblings for her fair share of the family fortune. I don't think he wants to challenge that article since it was really well done. I was able to read the article when it first came out but it's now locked behind a paywall. *** Niece lawsuit against Trump siblings ***


The "paywall" is only $10 a month ( although I got in on a $4/mo for a year special). I got tired of the shabby writing on lefty sites like Slate and TPM and others and while NYT often has a conservative bent the writing is top-notch and the content less questionable (plus you can put in your own two cents on a good percentage of articles). (WAPO btw allows more articles to be commented on so I prefer it. Also they frequently have sales--I have it for $59 for a year.)


NYT is too left-wing for me. NYT came up with the 1619 project and their staff has been taken over by a woke mob. I used to read WaPo so I might want to read them again. The chart below does a pretty good job of classifying news sources based on their biases but I don't think it's 100% accurate. I like reading Daily Mail and Mother Jones.


I'm a liberal, and I have no idea what the "1619 project" is or what is "woke.". They seem to me to be straw men for rwnjs, much like the Jews for Hitler.


The 1619 project caused a lot of controversy because the articles state that the USA was founded on slavery and the whole system in the US is design to oppress people of color and enforce white supremacy. For starters, the US was not considered a nation until 1776 so the starting point of 1619 is odd. There have been books published to counter that position and Trump even started a 1776 commission to provide an alternative narrative. Biden removed the 1776 commission's report from the government website.

Being woke means to be aware of and on the lookout for the systemic racism, sexism, injustice, inequity and other -isms. More importantly, the woke social justice warrior has to scream and throw hissy fits until social justice is achieved. The vox article below might provide a better explanation. *** 1619 project debate ***


If I wanted pedantry I would have googled it. Sorry to have wasted your time.


It was certainly not a waste of my time. Other people read these posts so they might want to look over the links.


You sure other people read this?


You don't sound like a Liberal to me.


thnaks i read it .
Being woke means to be aware of and on the lookout for the systemic racism, sexism, injustice, inequity

If this is the case why are conservatives so hell bent against "woke"

sure , maybe people can take it too far , and insist all action heroes are now female , or whatever ...
but in principle :
Being against " racism, sexism, injustice, inequity " is surely a good thing?

To say "Oh its more of that woke shit , i hate it "
surely equates to
"I'm all for racism, sexism, injustice, inequity"


My theory is that conservatives like to preserve existing systems while woke people want to break existing systems that they consider unfair. Conservatives don't want to change anything while woke liberals want to change everything. It's my opinion that they are both equally bad and we need more moderate voices.

I agree that being against the various -isms is a good thing but some people take it too far by actively searching for offensive practices. There are also people who want to sue for a big settlement. I do think there should be a de minimis exception. I thought it was really silly when Kellogg's had
to change the artwork on the corn pop box due to perceived discrimination towards brown corn pops.


The Washington Post is much better than the NYT. They also have far more commendable articles, and better writing.


Do you happen to know Trump's stats in lawsuits won over lawsuits lost? I don't think he has lost or even followed through on many of them, and those he does he usually loses.


Thats why he thinks he can overturn the election result by crying like a baby , claiming fraud and threatening lawyers and lawsuits.
his usual mo
He doesent realise that his mentality of "money and lawyers = power" only goes so far, and taking shit to court wont work with a presidential election result.


I don't have the stats, but from what I do recall in the past decade or so - the big suits such as these that make the headlines are usually (if not always) dismissed on the grounds which they are baseless and have no merit. He does things such as this to take attention away from what's really going on, and the deeper trouble he and his family is in - as his niece Mary has pointed out in her response.

Coincidence that he filed this suit just hours after it was revealed that "more indictments are on the way" and "3 million more fraudulent tax returns were discovered in basements of co-conspirators" ?
