MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is there any punishment for USA doctors ...

Is there any punishment for USA doctors intentionally misdiagnosing someone's death as covid?

Is there any punishment for USA doctors intentionally misdiagnosing someone's death as covid?

Can american doctors always say that the test for covid is the reason why they misdiagnosed someone's death as covid?


I doubt it, if someone was dying from cancer and got covid, their death would be listed as covid. the criteria for covid deaths was changed about 9 months ago.


Yup...along with cash incentives!


No, but they probably will lose their licenses if they speak out against the narrative. When you eliminate all opposing voices, then "all doctors will agree...".


How dare you. The “the science is settled” - because “consensus”.


Yes if you consider huge bonuses punishment.

There are also bonuses for getting people jabbed. Especially people under 18.

Gotta get them on the mandatory GMO treadmill of “free booster upgrades”.



During peacetime, yes.

Not today.


Because after all who would know better ... the doctor who was there and diagnosed the death or some QAnon conspiracy theorist with Trump dementia in the Republican Taliban?
