MovieChat Forums > Politics > Anyone still cringe when you hear "Presi...

Anyone still cringe when you hear "President Biden"?

I don't know if it's because he sniffs children, or the fact that he married men in the Whitehouse during the Obama presidency, or it's just that for an hour last year during the presidential count, the bookies called Trump the winner and were paying 4-1 for a Biden "upset".

Whatever it is, I cringe when they say "Today President Biden ...".


Rent Free




Yes, we should never forget the things that Joe Biden has done... such as incarcerate 2 generations of black men, for being black.


rub my hairy legs...


I just call him “Dementia Joe”. For as clueless and evil he has been since January he will get the demise he deserves due to his crippling dementia.


You just let everyone know that you're brainwashed by using a trigger word created by right-wing media and politicians.

A trigger word is used to create a negative association with a subject or person and illicit an automatic emotional response usually negative like fear, hatred and anger. It's a technique used in mind control aka: brainwashing.

Associating "dementia" with the current president is their attempt to have you never think for yourself and forming your own opinions about a subject or person. Instead, you have a trigger word implanted in your psyche.

Other trigger words created by right-wing media and politicians are "liberal" media to falsely associate ALL news sources as liberal in order for conservatives to reject popular news on ABC, NBC & CBS and only tune into distorted, falsified and propaganda programs like Fox and Rush Limbaugh. "Radical" left another trigger which is nonsensical since most democrats are moderate especially in the southern and Midwestern states. Referring to ALL protests against racism and injustice as "rioting" is extremely racist as associating "dementia" with a senior citizen is ageist and offensive.

I've repeatedly watched 30-somethings on Fox use this disparaging remark. Instead of repeating their bigotry and triggers, try to think for yourself. You're already associating Biden with "evil" and calling for his death which are clear signs of your radicalization. Jan 6 insurrectionists were also radicalized.

You should open your mind to more news sources to regain independence from thought control. These are least biased sources:
