MovieChat Forums > Politics > its not about freedom conservatives, its...

its not about freedom conservatives, its about responsibility

arent you always lecturing to others about being responsible. whats unreasonable here? there is a virus. its so infectious its a pandemic. even with measures like masks and distancing which we have never seen used against a regular flu, it still outtransmits and outkills the regular flu.

you conservatives speeding signs right? you dont drink and drive? you dont walk into a day care smoking? if you are severely ill with a highly infectious disease you stay home?

"But huh freedoms to drink and drive and blow cigarette smoke in babies faces!"

or maybe it isnt about freedom for you. its freedom for others to not just feel safe, but actually be safe. and live in a society where you do your part and you dont have the right to endanger others.

take deep breathes. accept that the scientific community hasnt been conspiring to devote their 8 year study in getting a phd and years in the field. to have that culminate in a conspiracy to get rednecks to wear masks.

amazing how if you have a lump you go see your doctor. get the recommended medical treatment and take the recommended medicine.

yet when its a global pandemic all of a sudden you all know better than doctors and get your info from blogs and personal testimony. that sounds smart..


I remember how fast you libs stopped worrying about covid, when the wacial justice protestors wanted to have rallies.

Suddenly, everything was different.


wait what.. what are you talking up?

is this like "covid cases went away when Biden won cause the MSM and scientists were false reporting to defend him!"

and now its "seee widens bad on covid"

you guys cant keep your lies straight


We are not a hive mind like you, so different people might have different takes on the same issue.


no this isnt a "different take" Einstein. its a subject change. apparently you cant discuss like a grown adult.

please dont confuse your "different take" for a scatter brained fool. you have the attention span of a goldfish


Complains that I can't debate like a grown adult, and then just calls me names.

A TRUE loki, would have done much better.


and yet none of the name calling changes that you are an idiot trying to change the subject. nice subject change, yet again. holy fuck is actually addressing a point that difficult for you?


You people have spent decades demonizing us, and now you whine that we don't want to work together with you. If you valued our working relationship so much, maybe you should have thought about that, before you destroyed it.

Now? Too fucking late.


"wait what.. what are you talking up?"

Typical liberal response to all the death and violence form last summer.


nice subject change attempt though. try and stay on topic :) dont get distracted like the intellectual child you are sweetie


Hey dumbass, he was on topic. Freedom, etc., retard. You can't even keep track of your own idiotic thread.

P.S. Why did you lie and say you were putting me on ignore?


hahahaha a post about accepting certain restrictions and vaccines to protect society.

changes to "what about leftwing protests!!?!?!?"

yaa man. this is why you lose. intellectually cucked again


Why did you lie and say you were putting me on ignore?


Welcome to the club! He lied and said he was putting me on ignore too he still shows up in all my threads. He loves when big conservative chads berate his punk ass. LoCuck


Yep. She's a complete pussy and a glutton for punishment!


I guarantee im twice the man you are. and yaa whats a pussy is running away and trying to change the subject :) you are this sites biggest one


The delusion is strong in this one. Dream on.

Answer the question, little girlie. Why did you lie and say you were putting me on ignore?


always a scared boy, changing subjects :)


I don't even know what it is you want me to rebut. Idiot. Tell me. I'll do it.

Anyone want to give odds that I won't get a straight answer?

P.S. Why did you lie and say you were putting me on ignore?


Ha so you are admitting this whole time you threw a fit over something you dont even know

"Anyone want to give odds that I won't get a straight answer?

here you go you sad little child. in our first convo. you said "if americas so bad why do so many people move here!"

I addressed not only immigration numbers. but ways measuring how great a country is.

rather than addressing any of this. you said "well why dont you move then"

omg this whole time you didnt know what question you were even asking!! you were like that child throwing a fit crying for the sake of crying.

intellectually destroyed yet again.

if you dont even remember what happened a week ago. maybe you should get checked. you clearly have freaking Alzheimer's or some other cranium degradation.


First of all, you're a brain dead reprobate. Second, I didn't remotely "throw a fit". What the hell are you even talking about?

I've told you this before but your comprehension skills are non-existent. Over a MILLION people immigrate to the US (legally) on average, per year so what I said was true. I also said that it is a great place to live which is also true. I never said it is "the best place to live" although, in my opinion, it is. So how exactly did you "intellectually destroy me"?

You gave some ways of measuring how great a country is and according to you, there are better ones (which may or may not be true but I don't care because all I said is that it's a great place to live and again, that is TRUE), so I asked, over and over, why are you still here? I know you won't answer because it's YOU who's been intellectually destroyed. ALSO, I've asked over and over but I know you are a pussy and won't answer, why did you lie and say you were putting me on ignore?


I disproved your point. I showed how other countries have very high immigration too. so saying "we have lot immigrants so we are good" is untrue.

so I disproved that. then I showed it really isnt that great based on other metrics.

so now you are whining :) bye bye little girl


You're unbelievably full of shit. Okay padawan, I never said other countries didn't have high immigration. I said people are lining up to come to the US. FACT, idiot. I also said it's a great place to live. FACT, idiot.

You said if I addressed your points, you'd answer my questions but you're a LIAR and still will not, just as I predicted. Slink off back to your welfare hovel, loser.


Yup, they can't refute that. Leftists have an incredible power lust and God complex..


I'm not responsible for you. If you wanna wear 3 masks, get 3 shots and are too scared to leave your house cause of Rona that's your fucking problem

You don't get to tell me what to do and every single one of you who tries to push this vaxx on me only makes my resolve to not get the shot stronger


I agree with your statement. But...

Your boy Trump "invented" the vaxx, I figured you'd be first in line.


I don't care who came up with it, I'm just not getting it


I got it because I'm diabetic and so is my kid. I don't care if others do.


Why is it ASSUMED that conservatives are anti-vax??? Where did this come from? That seems to be the consensus on this board. I've never understood it.

I see it as an individual's choice; it's his life, his body.

But, libs aren't happy unless they can point fingers, label people, and divide them.

If you go to take a đź’©, some lib will try to politicize it.


because all the anti vax people on here are pretty much exclusively conservatives........

and 40% of republicans say they won't get the vax... far higher than democrats..

im sorry facts trigger you....


I'm sorry you're triggered by what other people choose to do -- or not do.

I don't consider it any of my business -- nor, is it yours.


except it is..... by definition as a global pandemic it is. just as much as somone drinking and driving and putting others in danger is.

im sorry you hate reality. first it was me "assuming you conservatives were anti vax"

I showed you were wrong so now you changed your point. good job! you have nothing


Is it responsible to plunge the world into economic chaos and spend trillions of dollars on a disease that is not dangerous to 99% of the people who get infected by it ?


you dont understand how

1. an overwhelmed healthcare system can effect more than 99%
2. how its only a 99% survival rate (not in all countries look it up) because we have went to such far lengths as mandatory masks and distancing and shutdowns

have the healthcare systems get overran by increased cases and none of these shutdowns and watch the % massively rise

you dont know what you are saying. big suprise!


It's a pandemic not a picnic and of course the health system will be overwhelmed. So be it. People die at home like they used to. And the living dig mass burial pits like they used to.


LOL yaa man those were great times! we all look fondly at the lack of medical information and science and mass deaths back then...

ohh dont forget it won't just be the covid infected, it'll be those who need healthcare for other reasons who cant get it.

if you think the shutdowns costed a lot before, welcome to a true medieval level pandemic. you arent making sense. for the second time.


And you are refusing to face facts. The pandemic is what it is and all the running to Mama and hiding under the bed is just delaying what will happen to a larger or lesser extent one way or the other anyway. It's just that under the letting it run it's course option you don't rack up more huge levels of debt and you don't cripple the economy for an indefinite period of time.


trusting in science and studies is "running to mama". was it also running to mama when we came up with the MMR vaccine and saved millions?

you actually do rack up huge levels of dead wtf are you talking bout? you think all the covid victims will be treated for free? how about the loss in economic activity as people dont show up for work, or literally millions in America alone die and we lose millions of trained professionals.

lets say we lose 2 millions. lets be insanely generous and say their average income is 40k. thats 800 billion just in what they earn/ produce, without the domino affect considered

you dont know what the hell you are talking about. nice of you though to offer up your friends and family as the first victims and dying.


What do you do when you realise you're talking to a troll ?


cool. you are basically admitting your life is empty. you "won" buddy hahahah


You don’t reply to them as it feeds their warped minds. This Loki jerk has done nothing but sew discord since joining MC. 99% of “its” replies are disparaging, name calling, directed ad hominem attacks at those who counter “it”. You can quote something verbatim and “it” will accuse you of lying. You post the link to the information, don’t add or delete any part and “it” will continue to call you a liar!

I have posted the following many times, but some may have have missed it. The article is about the Lokis of the world.

If we all slap our hand to refrain from replying to the jerk maybe “it” will crawl back under the bridge “it” lives; where so many trolls live.


Please state your specific ethnicty if you believe that a covid19 kills people. If you are proud of yourself for believing whatever scientist and doctors tell you to believe then please state your specific ethnicity.


are you okay? you dont seem mentally all there. I do not have to state my ethnicity in relation to covid being bad and dangerous anymore than I would have to if I described cancer as bad....


Just state your specific ethnicity please.


sooo you have nothing


All I am asking for is your specific ethnicity. Are you proud that you believe in what scientists and doctors tell you to believe?


am I proud to believe true things that the studies and evidence shows?

yes I believe in actual demonstrable facts, over what you go by apparently. which are feelings and emotions to inform your medical decisions and opinions on a highly infectious virus. unfounded beliefs about virology based off opinions and emotions

when you get a lump do you believe your doctor or ask people as equally stupid as you?

amazing how you know more than virologists who have studied this their entire life. where did you get such wisdom? a voice in your head or was it jesus?


Could you just state your specific ethnicity? I am not asking for your real name just your specific ethnicity.


sooo you got nothing


I have asked youtube commenters who are pro-covid for their ethnicity and they never want to state their specific ethnicity even though they seem so proud that they believe whatever scientists and doctors tell them to believe and they call other people dumb for not believing that covid kills people.

reply are so dumb


What is your specific ethnicity?


so you have nothing to add


yeah , fuck those "scientists and doctors"
what do they know?

Those kooks dont deal in facts!
What did "science" ever prove?
those guy think the earth is a globe ffs

you're far better getting your info from far right copnspiracy theory nut job sites ( like this one) and drinking some of that horse wormer medicine.
then you'll be fine


Everybodys got the right to be irresponsible.


not when it hurts other people they havent


The major ones not getting the vaccine are blacks and Hispanic.

Not a big Republican Demographic


the companies that make this vaxx have no responsibility towards the sheeples future side effects. this vax will do so much damage to the people who take it just wait


Winter is coming
