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More proof that covid is an orwellian scam

Some governments are charging up to 400 pounds, 560 dollars for a simple test so people can travel.


Ans this proves that it's an orwellian scam how...?


the vaccine doesn't work, it doesn't create immunity, thats a fact that experts are recognizing more more.

So why make people have a "vaccine passport" when the vaccine hasn't changed anything?

And why charge people up to 850 bucks for something that it costs less than 2 bucks to make?



Did you read the article? There are multiple choices and methods for obtaining the test. No one is being forced to pay these prices.

And there is no evidence that the vaccine does not work.

You quoted from a UK publication, so let's look at the UK. Restrictions are being lifted and relaxed, and numbers of infected are significantly down.


>And there is no evidence that the vaccine does not work.

Right just that people can still get, pass and die from Covid... Sounds like it works to me /s



Well, again you have no actual evidence that the vaccine does not work.

For this to be true, literally millions of people vaccinated across the globe would need to have died.

So...exactly how many vaccinated people have died so far?


"Well, again you have no actual evidence that the vaccine does not work"

nobody is called on to prove a negative


Prove your rock garden doesn't prevent earthquakes.


yes it must be a scam because a test costs money......... not like the government taxes and makes literally millions or billions a day (depending on the economy size). a 500$ test proves it. is this really people standard of evidence? or more conspiracy "logic" how everything proves their dellusions?


like a good liberal, you're ignoring the reality, taking something that costs a couple of bucks to make and charging anything up to 850 dollars for it isn't "but it costs money"

it's creating a business out of something, are you socialists supposed to be infavor of regulating shit?


No like a rational human im not claiming that a worldwide pandemic that all scientific and medical institutions think is real, that millions have died from and that millions of doctors and nurses and scientists would all have to be in is actually an Orwellian scam because "look a 500$ charge "

A .1% adjustment in almost any of the forms of taxes (income tax, goods and services tax, inherentence, corporate) could boost revenue far more than this 500$ fee (if its even confirmed to be true)

You arent thinking in a logical and sensical manner. to you anything proves your conspiracy. if a teacher asked you what's 1 1 you'd say "well see the covid conspiracy is real". Or if asked is it raining you'd say "well yes of course see its evidence of the Orwellian takeover". just like how the question doesnt matter, nor does the facts. because no matter what they are they point to your conspiracy
