MovieChat Forums > Politics > FACT: White privilege does not exist.

FACT: White privilege does not exist.

Prove me wrong.






They might bust a spring trying to think.


We all know when he tries to think nothing happens



You just did with having to make this silly post...


I tried it one day on the beach.

Got burned to a bleeping crisp.


It sure as hell does. It's called building a family and community and protecting and securing its future. Despite centuries of examples of how to better your life situation, those others blame everyone else for their own evolutionary and biological shortcomings.

Someone saw a tree and decided to make logs, saw how a round wheel is useful when rolling the log, and how the lumber can be used to build homes.

Another saw dirt on the floor and built a mud hutt.

Guess which one grew into a civilization where intelligence factored in to all decision making, and the other lived like fucking animals. One was privileged with a working brain, and the other is no different than chimp. They came to a society they had no part in building, dont belong in, and complain when it's not given to them. These are examples of someone whose brain isn't capable or fit to accomplish anything more than being a complaining, worthless lil bitch. I gladly rub my privilege in their face!


White privilege exists just the same as any other privilege exists. Literally everyone is privileged to some extent. Black privilege exists in most countries in Africa. You can be homeless and have the privilege of good health. You can be blind but have the privilege of walking. You can be gay but have the privilege of growing up with non-abusive parents. There are so many different variables.


I didn't understand it either at one time until I listened to this guy. I cannot find the video now but he travels around the world with like 35,000 pounds. That's 35 THOUSAND POUNDS. When asked how does he afford to travel he goes into blaming the rest of us for not having THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS to blow away traveling. Says it is our fault. He's a dyspeptic white guy who looks like he has liver problems from the dark circles around his eyes. Lives in London. Was living with his parents at the time and scores corporate video editing jobs that pay him a LOT.

The point: He travels with MORE MONEY than most of the people where the countries he is traveling to make in 10 years.

He was putting all the blame on us, the watchers for NOT having THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS to blow on just travel and he did lame touristic travel. Not backpacking, walking, hitchhiking, or biking or some other form of creative travel hacking like we see with most traveling. But like his paid tour up Macchu Picchu was friggin CATERED which is so lame. "It's YOUR FAULT" he said.

I'm a white guy and have traveled but usually do it budget. When a girlfriend came into my life t got more expensive and with inflation too so it started to get more expensive. And she doesn't believe in splitting the bill. Whatever. But we traveled around Europe for 6 weeks for $4200 for two once (so $2100 each). I thought that was pretty good.

But this guy...I have never seen such self righteous privilege anywhere.
That's White Privilege and after watching that video it became obvious to me.

If you read the opening lines to I am not your negro, a non white person explains it especially with his reference to Gary Cooper shooting Indians and everyone cheering and realizing you're the Indian.

That said, I still think it is an incredibly stupid and divisive concept that helped Trump win the election in 2016, because most the poor in America are white, perhaps not by proportion but by pure numbers. Anything divisive is stupid.


FACT: White privilege exists but not to the same extent for every white person, and can be difficult for many white people to recognize due to their privilege being on the lower end or not existing rather than the higher end.

Prove me wrong.


I have always said there is no excuse for White Trash! At the very least they have their color going for them! BTW, White Trash doesn’t mean poor.


Why don’t you prove yourself right.

The truth is it is situation specific, if a BLM riot breaks out in my neighborhood and they are once again shouting “shoot the white folk” then it is clearly not advantageous to be white. It’s also unquantifiable which makes this entire discussion counterproductive and pointless. You do not have a right to just look at someone’s skin color and determine that they are either privileged or not, that mentality is the very definition of racism.

Liberal privilege very much exists although it can be difficult for many liberal people to recognize due to their privilege being on the lower end rather than the higher end.


I'm refraining from proving myself right because my post is a jab at the OP for doing the same.

The whole Steven Crowder "prove me wrong" shtick relies on the reality that it is more difficult to prove a negative.


Then maybe you shouldn’t have made such a reckless and baseless assertion , maybe you should also educate yourself on how a burden of proof works


I didn't make an assertion. I posted in jest.

You criticized my post instead of the OP's because you don't actually care about burden of proof.

Also weird how you claimed I don't understand how burden of proof works when I just got done explaining the reason it exists is because proving a negative is more difficult, and sometimes impossible.


You did make an assertion and I expect you to either A) back it up or B) admit that you can’t.

So Which is it?


I'll back it up when the OP does, since his lack of doing so is why I posted, not the subject matter of my post. I'm not interested in whether anyone believes in white privilege or not.

If you want to know my true feelings on the subject, the label of white privilege isn't inherently false, but it gets thrown around not so much because it's true, but because it agitates.

However, it's a political commonality. And my proof of that is because a huge talking point of the right-wing is that Obama was elected president because he was black. Yet we haven't seen that "black privilege" work out for any other candidate since him. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Kamala Harris and Corey Booker never came close to winning the nomination.


I already explained to you that this whole “privilege” argument is situation specific. If you are at a Klan meeting then yes there is “white privilege” , if you are at a BLM riot then there is not, it’s more advantageous to be black.

Since you can’t back up your assertions I am throwing your case out, you are dismissed.


I already explained to you that this whole “privilege” argument is situation specific. If you are at a Klan meeting then yes there is “white privilege” , if you are at a BLM riot then there is not, it’s more advantageous to be black.
Prove thyself correct! No conjecture allowed on Moviechat so sayeth the MovieChatUser497!


I already did prove myself correct, you however have made baseless and dangerous claims. I have posted videos of BLm shouting “shoot the white folk” there is no “white privilege” in that situation , in that situation you could be shot for being white ( now before you claim that Tucker is lying, he showed a video of the rioters shouting just that, it’s not tucker Carlson who said they said it, it came straight from the horses mouth


The majority of BLM are white.


Non sequitur and i never said them being black was a factor. You are the only one who cares about skin color in this conversation. If a group of white people were shouting "shoot the white folk" then there wouldn't be "white privilege", if a group of black people were shouting "shoot the black folk" then there wouldn't be "black privilege"

Also the people shouting it were black if you care


Since "shoot the white folk" didn't apply to white BLM protesters, your proof falls short. Black privilege has not been proven at BLM protests.


Regardless of whether they were white or black is another non sequitur, in that situation there was no “white privilege” therefore you aren’t justified in asserting that you automatically have it because solely of your skin color as I have demonstrated situations where it doesn’t apply.

Also you strawmaned me: my premise was that “white privilege” didn’t apply to that situation not that “black privilege” did. If you aren’t going to debate honestly then please kindly go back to your safe space.


therefore you aren’t justified in asserting that you automatically have it because solely of your skin color as I have demonstrated situations where it doesn’t apply.
Again, I never asserted that. That is your misinterpretation.

This whole convo is based on you being a partisan dumbass.


“FACT: White privilege exists but not to the same extent for every white person, and can be difficult for many white people to recognize due to their privilege being on the lower end or not existing rather than the higher end.

Prove me wrong”

Actually you kind of did.

Although thank you for conceding that I was right the whole time, you partisan nit wit.


Read that first paragraph carefully. With your eyes open this time. It's all right there. You are so close.


Yes you said it exists but different people have different degrees of it. You should have said some may have it, some may not, it all depends on the situation. But instead you seem to think it automatically exists solely because of skin color and not only is that logic racist but it’s also showing your own libtard bias as you aren’t willing to apply that standard to any other race. The truth is this is all about you attempting to claim some unearned sense of virtue.

Well that statement is wrong because there are times where it doesn’t exist as I’ve proven. It’s situation specific you brain dead libtard.


Well that statement is wrong because there are times where it doesn’t exist
So you can't comprehend paragraphs then. I'm not surprised.

If you could read, you'd notice the line:

"can be difficult for many white people to recognize due to their privilege being on the lower end or not existing"


Glad I’m making progress, now concede that there are situations like the one I cited where you are at a disadvantage for being white.

Now that you’ve admitted that sometimes it doesn’t exist and since you have no way of quantifying it the entire concept is unsubstantiated and serves no purpose rather than to divide us along racial lines. Maybe you’ll have the courage to denounce your fellow libtards who are constantly perpetuating this myth. (Yes they do exist, people have told me that I have “white privilege” and their evidence is “I’m white”)


I'm open to the idea, but really what you're talking about is tribalism. Each tribe caters to their own. We already know this.

Regardless, you went down that whole argument line based on misreading what I wrote. You are not worth my time or anyone else's.


So are you going to denounce your fellow libtards who assert that it applies to all white people and they know it applies because they are white? Since you’ve agreed that you can’t assume it applies to someone because of their skin color and its unquantifiable then entire concept is pointless and divisive.

Also are you dodged me when I pointed out that your “shoot the white folk didn’t apply to white BLM protesters” premise was irrelevant. If I was in the area and a riot breaks out and the rioters want to “shoot the white folk” are around then I’m in danger of being shot for being white. IF it doesn’t apply to the white BLM rioters has nothing to do with the discussion.

You are the one who wants to split people into groups and judge them accordingly, you are your cult are the actual racists so I’m not sure why you’re attempting to lecture me on “tribalism”


I am pretty liberal by American standards (probably moderate by the rest of the world) but I still struggle to understand what the purpose of calling others privileged serves other than to cause divisiveness and cause anger. Lots of us may think as ourselves, "if we are so privileged why has there been so much bias against us in our lives?" I'm sure there is even more bias against black males. But when my father grew up all you needed was a high school education to get a good paying job in middle management in a major corporation. A simple bachelors at a state school could catapult you to top management eventually after working through the ranks. So maybe it was generational privilege. I don't know. But it seems you have to constantly prove yourself these days and it is never ending.


Calling people names is human nature.


White privilege does exist. I experienced it.

I benefitted from white privilege because I was raised in a culture that taught me in order to make it in the world, it takes hard work and dedication. I was taught that it was important to get an education, and that no one owed me anything. Because those raising me understood that if they taught me that I was owed something, then I would not spend my life trying to improve myself, but instead spend it waiting around for a hand out. And then if I wasn't successful, I'd blame others for my failure.

So I'm thankful every day for my white privilege.
