They scoff when you call them un-American, but are constantly spitting out shit like this. Why are liberals so fucking ashamed to be associated with their country?
"The MCU superhero was able to make himself a hero beyond a particular country or era."
"And yet “America” seems to be inseparable from the character. It’s in his name after all, so the problem is how do you not make him a walking advertisement for jingoism and a nationalistic furor that America is somehow better than any other country?"
"That’s an incredibly tricky tightrope The First Avenger has to walk, and yet the film does it beautifully because it understands how to present Steve Rogers as a human hero first rather than an “American” hero. By purposefully working in broad strokes, Captain America: The First Avenger is able to expand Steve Rogers past his nationalist origins and into a new kind of hero with universal values from the beginning."
With that mentality, sports or anything competitive would be a joke. It would be "wrong" to consider "your team" better than others or to think of your favorite players as heroes. What's wrong with thinking one's team is the best even if they aren't? That keeps enthusiasm and interest up. Even people in "shithole" countries have national pride.
It's accepted for those countries to have national pride. It's only white western countries that are encouraged to hate their own culture, values and people.
What's wrong with African, East Asian, or of course, Middle Eastern societies wanting to do that? They have beautiful cultures and want to preserve them.
The excerpts from the linked articles make it clear that the people in question have a problem with AMERICA celebrating OUR culture. That is what this thread has all been about. Not one person in any way said ANTYTHING, that could remotely be considered a stand against OTHER nations having pride or preserving their cultures.
Name one beautiful African culture. I know it's hard to choose between cannibalism, slavery, raping babies, child soldiers, genital mutilation, body disfigurement, starvation, lack of healthcare, and lack of any foundation not built by other countries from Europe and Asia. But try your best.
They are encouraged by a media which is run by an element that wishes to siphon all the money out of the country and send it to Israel. The same media that promotes race mixing and no borders or walls yet Israel is the complete opposite and is under no pressure from the same media. One would think it's all just a psychological war taking place on Americans to destroy their society since trying to take on their military is a futile idea. hmmmm
What's really ironic is that liberals are constantly spewing hatred for America, but then some people break into the Capitol, and they're like, "Oh my god! You're trying to ruin our country!"
Yeah, I don't quite get that one either. January 6th is indefensible, but these are people who mock others who are patriotic and have disdain for them. Look at the way writer tries to disassociate CAPTAIN AMERICA with the U.S. Why? Because pride in his country makes him uncomfortable. He can only take pride in the character if he isn't "nationalistic", which he;s never been.
Mulan and Raya are about Asian women. There's no attempt ti distance those characters from their countries; nor should there be. No white person in the U.S or U.K. is watching those movies and thinks, "Pfff, not enough global culture in these characters", you psychopath.
Hell, there's no attempt to de-Americanize Cap either - he's an American soldier fighting Nazis in his first movie - that's just the writer projecting.
You're creating an issue where none exists and then arguing with yourself which is amusing. You remind me of homeless people arguing with themselves on the street.
All great storytelling expands the character(s) outward in order to bring our shared human condition to it. Writers call it the theme. It's especially important in a global setting.
Captain America isn't about killing Nazis. It's about a skinny loser who was rejected and limited by society even though he wanted to contribute. He overcomes those limits while remaining a decent and virtuous guy.
Mulan and Raya are not about Asian women. They have themes, too. I haven't watched either but a quick google:
A story with universal appeal that embodies timeless themes of honor, family, respect for elders and duty.
The theme of trust, or rather lack thereof, is apparent throughout the film on both a large and small scale. Raya struggles at many points to trust those she encounters.
Capt. America:
A symbol of determination against hate.
I discussed his determination before I googled his theme.
The irony is that your subject goes against Capt. America's theme of fighting hatred. In other words, you're his villain. How about that?
I watched an alternate reality series in which the Nazis won WWII. An American officer becomes a U.S. Nazi committing atrocities against fellow Americans while rising in the army. He joined the Nazis to prevent his newborn baby and young wife from starving and to protect them. The theme of how far would a man go to protect his family is more compelling than simply making him a villain.
Eventually, his atrocities destroy the family he was trying to protect and they turn against him. Powerful stuff! It took me a few seasons to figure out if he was a villain or antihero.
I'm trying to tell you to look at the bigger picture. Roger just killing Nazis is limiting. Roger's determination to fight hatred is universal!
I just realized Capt. America is woke! I think that's what triggered you. LOL!
What a bunch of hogwash! We are aware other menial countries hate us (until they need us), but now WE as Americans are to slink into the shadows while not showing pride of country. To do so makes us Nationalists which is a no-no in today’s times.
The movie left to these idiots would be re-titled “Captain Universal”!
I blame the right for the American exceptionalism and that America is the best country on Earth because it fuels illegal migration. Then they complain about it and wonder why so many flee here in the first place because of that rhetoric. If you just say the place sucks, less people will come illegally thinking it's not worth the sacrifice and trip. It's like saying I got A LOT of MONEY and expect people to not mooch/steal off you.
The rights rhetoric of this is the best place on Earth, come here but come legally is like saying I have a lot of money in my house but please don't break into my house to steal my money. When people flee for a better life, prosecution, violence, economy and hear this shtick, they say, "Hey, there's this place I keep hearing about on TV/radio or through word of mouth that America is a safe haven" and then they all set their goals here instead of elsewhere. It's like a self-destructive motto. Sorta similar to the rights pro-life until the kid is born then fuck'm they're on their own.
Then you got the Dems wanting to take care of them when they arrive because it would be the right thing to do rather than see them all rot and die on the border in sporadic mass graves (hence why they keep on trying and trying and trying to get through the border more than once aka repeat offenders). Yeah yeah, welfare state.
Liberal programs that spend tax dollars from citizens on illegals is what fuels illegal migration. Not only are those line cutters stealing much needed funds for American poor, but they are bringing in uncontrollable disease, drugs, and crime with them causing more poverty and crime for Americans, while making the wait for legal immigrants longer.
The Right didnt have a problem when illegals came to work and build up the economy and country, but those days are over and the modern illegal is nothing but a mooch and a criminal with a sub 90 IQ because when America first start it already took the best from Europe so the only ones left were savages from Africa and South America. Not all people and cultures are created equal.
Less than 400 years ago. My family had to go to cesspool 1940s Germany to kick Nazi butt.
Today, it depends. Norway is great, but Poland and Russia are cesspools, even though the latter has nice architecture.
Unfortunately, the U.S. is now a cesspool, too. Flat-Earthers, Q-Anoners and anti-vax death cultists prove the stupidity of modern Americans. There are tens of millions of these idiots roaming around.
Modern day GOP politicians who couldn't care less about democracy, the rule of law, the country or its people. Explain why there are GOP politicians telling their own constituents not to get vaccinations nor take simple precautions to protect themselves. 600,000+ Americans died from covid and they don't care. "It is what it is." Sickening.
Have you been to Poland lately? It's quite roaring actually. All the Polish immigrants that worked in the UK returned home because the economy is doing so well there.
[Unfortunately, the U.S. is now a cesspool, too. Flat-Earthers, Q-Anoners and anti-vax death cultists prove the stupidity of modern Americans. There are tens of millions of these idiots roaming around.]
OMG it's like Idiocracy, but there are only a few 10 million of them while the 250 million other Americans are pretty clear headed. Just the idiots are the loudest and most obnoxious. Think of nascar fans that paint their bellies blue and scream while drinking beer. Don't fret, Biden's approval rating is consistently higher than Trump's ever was and he's solid and reliable at the helm.
"Explain why there are GOP politicians telling their own constituents not to get vaccinations nor take simple precautions to protect themselves. "
Poland, Hungary and Turkey's governments are heading toward autocracy. Poland had strict anti-covid measures which helped protect them against the high covid rate that the U.K. experienced so it makes sense that Poland's economy wouldn't suffer as much. I'm not sure if that Brexit nonsense is helping.
Many more than 10 million. Other countries are complaining that Q-Anon is spreading to their populations and Americans are successfully electing them to office.
Trump was a lazy and incompetent president who incited a dangerous riot on the Capitol and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his inaction AND he still received 73.6 million votes. Many of those people think he won.
The GOP is putting voter suppression measures in to prevent a fair election. Gore lost a decisive win in Florida because thousands of democrats were purged from the voter rolls. Now, the GOP can replace independent election officials with Republicans to decide the final election results if it's contested. That will end badly for democrats.
So I am worried.
Consider the source. I hate Collider and they often put out articles like this. I don't know if John Campea still works for them but he's a piece of shit and is responsible for a lot of these types of articles when it comes to movies.