MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why is it...

Why is it...

that far left people are so nasty and miserable?

I don't get into politics when I socialize but I'm a keen observer and the lefties just exude hate and misery.


They are demoralized. Since their lives have been mostly meaningless other than being slacktivists for the state, they have no ability to find joy in life and want everyone else to be as "equally" as miserable as them...


This has been discussed by various psychologists and political experts over the years. Their need to be a constant victim comes from a deep insecurity created by some kind of traumatic incident as a child. Their obsessive hate and anger fueled by this inferiority complex. They can’t stand strong confident people. People who are sure of themselves. Because it goes against everything they are.

So they do everything in their power to group up and lash out to bring others down to their level. They’re easily take advantage of. Their simple minded hatred allows them to be exploited. Hence why they’re Democrats. The party of hate and blame.

Name an inspiring, uplifting, accomplished Democrat since JFK. There have been none. The lemmings are truly the weakest in society and they need to be kept far from positions of importance.
