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SF gay men choir "We're coming for your children"

But all they wanted was to get married right


In the song, they sing how they are going to "teach your children not to hate", but what is left unsaid is that they are also planning to teach them all about buggery and fisting.

I showed the video to my 15 year old Generation Z son. I said to him, "Hey, boss! The gays are coming for you. They say your whole generation is gay already." He watched the video, snorted, shook his head and said the first one who tried to "educate" him would get a boot up the ass.

I hope those Quee-Quees who appear in the video are afraid to go out in public now.


4 of them are confirmed sex offenders on the state registry they shouldn't be anywhere near kids or making these grooming videos


I hope those registered pervs do some time for this. Not getting my hopes up, as it's California.
