MovieChat Forums > Politics > How Should Islamophobes Be Punished?

How Should Islamophobes Be Punished?

Far too often we hear of Islamophobic incidents taking place in the West. It seems to be a growing problem. Just recently in England a teacher was found to have attempted to stir up racial tensions by showing prohibited images of the prophet Muhammed in a classroom:

What do you think the punishment should be for those that engage in this growing problem? Prison? Deportation? Beheading? Tolerance camp?

Obviously each incident needs to be treated on a case-by-case basis, but surely something needs to be done to try and deter increasing racism directed at the Muslim community.


What do you think the punishment should be for those that engage in this growing problem? Prison? Deportation? Beheading? Tolerance camp?

Seeing how "islamophobia" is just a lefty buzzword and not real....nothing.


Put them in labor camps.



Is this supposed to be some kind of joke, or are you for real, Brit?


it is difficult to talk about such things, but the measure should be as serious as possible so that others lose interest in this


For showing a photo? šŸ˜± Hang them by their gonads or boobs! Hey, how about tar & feather? Yes! ā€œā€¦ the measure should be as serious as possibleā€¦ā€ Showing a photo of the Muslim prophet is very serious! But, in my humble opinion I say hang it on a wall & throw darts at it! A dart for everyone murdered on 9/11! A dart for everyone who had their head sawed off!
