MovieChat Forums > Politics > What would the fascists do to us if Anti...

What would the fascists do to us if Antifa weren't around to stop them?

Here in my country England, the most famous fascist Oswald Mosley (who died 40 years ago) used to have his supporters march around in black shirts and shout their support for Hitler. And they used to wave black flags. Then he was imprisoned during World War 2 and never really heard of again.

Do you think Donald Trump would make everybody do that in America, if he hadn't been heroically beaten by the eloquent young hero Joe Biden? Would everyone be forced to march around with black flags?

Or what about another famous fascist, Benito Mussolini of Italy. He also had his citizens marching up and down in the streets, and they invaded Ethiopia.

Do you think if he got a second term, Donald Trump would have worn a hat just like the one Mussolini had and invaded Ethiopia?

Is that what would be going on right now?



Move to North Korea.




I may be Poe's Law'ing this post.

I can't tell anymore.


"Something something mumble mumble Poe", you say?

The Edgiest Internet Virgin of 2009 Awards is over there. ---------------->

They've had the red carpet out waiting for you for some time now


I don't understand.



Flammable: Inflammable


Then he was imprisoned during World War 2 and never really heard of again.
Whoa, sounds like fascists got him. Imprisoned for what? Antifa is literal a psyop in the same manner that those marching for Nazis and white power, are actually actors and undercover agents trying to stir up shit and get people to flock to the other side.


Antifa is a fiction made up by the extreme wrong to justify it's own organized groups of thugs.


Uhhhhh no sweety. That's some massive cope. Eric Clanton is a real person, who really hit Trump supporters with bike locks and hid in Antifa safehouses while trying to hide from the law and his punishment, but was represented free of charge by their lawyers and was allowed 3 years probation for something that should have put regular people away for 20 plus years, thanks to that organization doing the dirty work for democratic criminals who run our government with the interests of Israel, China, and global corporations in mind over Americans.

That's just one member. You want me to go down the list of Antifa criminals and their crimes, which employ nothing but fascist tactics because like I said, they are frauds pushing idiots to side with interests that hurt them. Like remember when liberals were all against Walmart and their treatment of employees? Well that all died out once Walmart played ball and started donating to the democrats. That's their M.O. Start a smear campaign to either take someone down, or force them to play ball.


Completely and utterly false..


Everyone saw you fail.




Chilone, everything you say is false. Go swing a bike lock at your own head, thank you.


Hey, Antifa, if you're beating people in the streets because you disagree with them, you are not the ANTI fascists, you are the FASCIST!


Fascists means far left.
ANTIFA is far left.

Stop using words that you do not understand.


No idea what you are talking about. A simple google search is all that is needed.


Hells Bells! Newbie or Troll, Antifa IS the new Brown Shirts! Their actions speak louder than words. They permit you to speak on college campuses if they agree to your speech. There’s hell to pay if you go against Antifa as evident of last year’s anarchy.


Hmm, are you gonna knit me an afhgan or what?


“…eloquent young hero Joe Biden…”



As opposed to what? Trump who doesn't know any words that are more than 4 letters long? Delusional old spinster.
