What would the fascists do to us if Antifa weren't around to stop them?
Here in my country England, the most famous fascist Oswald Mosley (who died 40 years ago) used to have his supporters march around in black shirts and shout their support for Hitler. And they used to wave black flags. Then he was imprisoned during World War 2 and never really heard of again.
Do you think Donald Trump would make everybody do that in America, if he hadn't been heroically beaten by the eloquent young hero Joe Biden? Would everyone be forced to march around with black flags?
Or what about another famous fascist, Benito Mussolini of Italy. He also had his citizens marching up and down in the streets, and they invaded Ethiopia.
Do you think if he got a second term, Donald Trump would have worn a hat just like the one Mussolini had and invaded Ethiopia?
Is that what would be going on right now?