Is it wrong for me to notice black crime?
Is it wrong for me to notice that most of those who are looting businesses in our cities are black?
Is it wrong for me to notice that the looters who killed Officer David Dorn were black?
Is it wrong for me to notice that the people who dragged that young couple out of their car in Chicago and executed them on the street were black?
Is it wrong for me to notice that a young black male is more likely to be killed by another young black male than by a police officer?
Is it wrong for me to notice that most of the police shootings of young black males involved people with criminal records and who were trying to resist their arrest?
Is it wrong for me to notice that in the video of an ambulance coming to the aid of a shooting victim in Chicago, all the people who jumped on the ambulance and started twerking were black?
Is it wrong for me to point to the government statistic that shows that blacks make up 13% of the US population, yet are responsible for 37% of all violent crime?
What does all of this mean? Of course the first thing is that we are not allowed to talk about all of this because we'll be called "racist". My response? GO AHEAD, MAKE MY DAY! I don't give a RAT's ASS if you call me racist; when I see something wrong I am going to point it out, and the bottom line is there are aspects of black culture that are degenerate. Anyone who would raise their child and allow that child to become part of the "rap/hip-hop" culture should have their head examined. It is a culture that promotes drugs, violence, sex, and crime while denigrating and sexualizing women.
72% of black children are born out of wedlock to single mothers. There was a time when it was okay to criticize this; even Barack Obama pointed it out. But now, you're a "RACIST" for pointing out this obvious problem. And if we can't point it out and talk about it we will NEVER be able to fix it. So, here it goes, black people need to condemn the parts of black culture that celebrates that which guarantees FAILURE and condemns that which leads to success (family, religion, education, hard work, self-reliance).
So, where am I wrong??