MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is it wrong for me to notice black crime...

Is it wrong for me to notice black crime?

Is it wrong for me to notice that most of those who are looting businesses in our cities are black?
Is it wrong for me to notice that the looters who killed Officer David Dorn were black?
Is it wrong for me to notice that the people who dragged that young couple out of their car in Chicago and executed them on the street were black?
Is it wrong for me to notice that a young black male is more likely to be killed by another young black male than by a police officer?
Is it wrong for me to notice that most of the police shootings of young black males involved people with criminal records and who were trying to resist their arrest?
Is it wrong for me to notice that in the video of an ambulance coming to the aid of a shooting victim in Chicago, all the people who jumped on the ambulance and started twerking were black?
Is it wrong for me to point to the government statistic that shows that blacks make up 13% of the US population, yet are responsible for 37% of all violent crime?

What does all of this mean? Of course the first thing is that we are not allowed to talk about all of this because we'll be called "racist". My response? GO AHEAD, MAKE MY DAY! I don't give a RAT's ASS if you call me racist; when I see something wrong I am going to point it out, and the bottom line is there are aspects of black culture that are degenerate. Anyone who would raise their child and allow that child to become part of the "rap/hip-hop" culture should have their head examined. It is a culture that promotes drugs, violence, sex, and crime while denigrating and sexualizing women.
72% of black children are born out of wedlock to single mothers. There was a time when it was okay to criticize this; even Barack Obama pointed it out. But now, you're a "RACIST" for pointing out this obvious problem. And if we can't point it out and talk about it we will NEVER be able to fix it. So, here it goes, black people need to condemn the parts of black culture that celebrates that which guarantees FAILURE and condemns that which leads to success (family, religion, education, hard work, self-reliance).
So, where am I wrong??


If you notice they're black, you're a racist. If you notice they're white, you're a champion for "equality".


the truth


One would have to be a blind retard not to notice. Ie a Democrat.


"What does all of this mean?"
I'm wondering that myself. If your point is that black people are behind culturally, I would agree. Why do you think that is?

Just look at your rap culture example. Who paid these rappers, and didn't pay the ones giving uplifting messages? Like, there has been a conspiracy against black culture from the start.


You're right. It's never anyone's own fault! It's one big conspiracy, lol!

P.S. "Uplifting messages" doesn't sell in rap culture.


I'm gonna put a bunch of tacks on your front porch, and if you step on them it's your fault.


I watch where I'm walking.


In rap before gangsta rap in the late-80s, yeah it was kinda-sorta uplifting most of the time.


It's not wrong of you to notice this. But it's wrong if you extrapolate all those negative impressions onto a complete stranger and say "I don't like them" or "I wouldn't hire them" or something like that.


Very true and I would never do that.
And the question should not be "Which came first, the degenerate culture or the conditions that lead people to the degenerate culture?" is not helpful. Something needs to be done about this or America is screwed.


Blacks have been historically segregated into black neighbourhoods which are inner city and lacking of opportunity.

The low tax revenue means poor funding of schools.

Add to this a culture of gangs and it's a recipe for disaster.


(Poor) Blacks (in cities) WANT TO BE segregated. Just read ay article about gentrification:
"Philadelphia's gentrification: Some call it revitalization. Others call it an erosion of cultural history"
"Community Resistance to Gentrification: What is Effective?"

You choose to commit a crime. And there's a culture of wearing it like a badge of honor amongst poor people.


I hate the anti-genetrification protests.

There are pluses and minuses of white people living and investing in inner city neighbourhoods.

But to harrass white people is just as racist as demanding that a black family leave town.

I recently saw a video where some white mothers told off two lesbians making out at a hotel pool.

They were booed and mocked by other homosexuals at the pool. They said "go back to suburbia" and she said "I live in the city" and the gay guy says "boo gentrification".

Like WTF?


"Progressives" are generally just as intolerant as the type of Republicans they complain about.


ALL races tend to segregate themselves, hence china town, mexicantown, etc... This has existed throughout human existence. Its a cultural issue when some cultures are able to elevate themselves, while others revel in blaming others for remaining stagnant.


It's not natural grouping if a black person is denied an apartment in a good neighbourhood.

This was historically knowing as red lining.


Most nationalities have had unfavorable prejudicial treatment done to them, including Italians and Irish. Thankfully we now have laws to keep that from happening, as well as much more enlightened society in general, so people don't have the same hurdles they used to. Thankfully MOST nationalities have stopped allowing the past to be a crutch and an excuse and have risen above their ancestors hangups.


Kinda like saying "All Cops are Bad" right


Excellent point


Or all whites are privileged?


Lol, depends who you ask.


Do you realize how small of the population they make up and how much crime they are responsible for?

I NY i watch people come from all over the world, Indian, Russian, middle eastern, central America, Asian

And if its one thing they all.have in common, it's the shock at watching the behavior and lives of the BLM community.
The way they conduct themselves, there off set of English in ebonics, their family values , their lack of seriousness for an education, lack of respect for police. Violent.

Eveyone from around the world has never seen anything like it


Looks like even MLK would call them joggers -

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.

Turns out racists were right. Turns out blacks were being judged by their character all along. Turns out, they could never hold up their end of the bargain and will always lag behind, thus proving white superiority, thus condoning racism through their own actions, and their failures to read, write, speak, and follow the agreed upon laws of the U.S.

This is the real reason they are violently mad. They don't have the mental capacity to realize they are inferior and can't do anything to overcome it. They see people living better by doing what is right, but can't grasp that and need an excuse. Mental gymnastics. It's sad. They need to go back to being isolated on one continent. They have no place in a modern society.


they can over come it, they are just conditioned not to try and blame everyone else for their problems. the government doesnt help much either, they give them cheap housing and monthly checks just because of the color of their skin.

a neighborhood in my city was turned into a section 8, everything for a square mile is run down and dilapidated, guess who lives there and commits all the crimes, 99% of the shootings and crimes happen in black neighborhoods in my city...


No, they can't overcome genetics. They try to breed it out of their systems, but it gets the same results crossbreeding lions and tigers. A bunch of mystery meat kids with mental and emotional disabilities that are outcast by the black community, while desperating trying to be accepted by them, and thus become violent monsters/domestic abusers/drug addicts. They have as much as chance of overcoming it as turning around this hellhole of a nation.


I don't agree with that at all. I don't think blacks are inherently inferior. I think it is a degenerate culture that many of them have embraced to their detriment, and to criticize that culture is to be called "racist", so it is allowed to happen. Look at how black people behaved in the 60s and 70s; they were not like this. Listen to a black person raised in England speak; they sound just like any other Brit, with a proper British accent and everything. Now listen to a black American speak; in most cases you can identify them as black by the way they speak. But there are plenty of black Americans who overcome this culture crisis. Unfortunately, instead of being looked up to and admired, they are criticized and called sell outs and Uncle Toms. Like embracing that which makes one successful should be condemned. It's very sad.


Racist Anti-Black Topics Replace Trump In Politics Board:


LOL pimping your shit posts in other posts now are you? Damn you must be lonely


Is it wrong for me to notice white racists bonding over their hatred of black people?


Nowadays? Oh, yeah. Gotta watch where and how you talk about certain issues in public. Can't talk about facts when it comes to crime among certain crowds (Dems, not blacks, ya progressive dorks).

Hell, even online you get crushed for it, especially Twitter. I've argued with countless people over this. Even if you 150% preface your comment and say any and all crooked cops should be punished, you post stats, you are a racist. We are headed in a VERY dangerous direction.


How can I despise an unknown entity? I do because this poster is a racist warlord who continues to lie about everyone who is White. I refer to this poster as “Rhoda” from the movie “The Bad Seed”, who could lie without blinking an eye. I wrote previously the character “Rhoda” knew she was lying. What is dangerous MovieChat’s prevaricator-in-chief, et al, believe the lies they tell. They could care less they are responsible for tearing this nation apart. They have no compunction in being the main part of the damage.

Everything the OP wrote was right on target! By bringing to the forefront the truth which everyone who is not blind can witness, we are smeared as racists and have a hatred for Blacks. Our “Rhoda” won’t accept the truth, so instead anyone who says or writes the truth is deemed a White racist, a KKK member, a White suprematist, etc. Our “Rhoda” along with her cohorts defend BLM and Antifa who are domestic terrorists. They dismiss and defend the actions of Black thugs while denigrating a kid who was defending himself, Kyle Rittenhouse.

Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich put some sanity into the mess created by LBJ and his “Great Society Program”, but later the Dems undid the constructive measures. They want these people to be beholden to them. They want to keep them on the government’s plantation. The more given means more votes. The entitlements, Section 8, food stamps, Welfare, cell phones are all they need. It doesn’t get them out of the cesspools.

I’m aware more Whites than Blacks are on Welfare, but they aren’t Burning, Looting & Murdering. The ghetto Blacks continue to birth more illegitimate kids by different men. There’s no structure in the household, no discipline. Just a single parent? who continues to live off the government teat. But, oh boy, they make sure their nails and hair are done! The report of a Black woman getting her nails done while her baby lay dying in it’s carseat sitting on the floor by her sickened me. Malnutrition!


What are you talking about? This is a RANT id I've ever seen one.


I’m talking about the culture pertaining to the OP’s post. Where is the “rant”?


Oh, I don't know, Rhoda, Bill Clinton, Newt Ginrich, brushing off mass shootings and throwing a temper tantrum over the black shootings...


The OP is about Black culture, not mass shootings. If you want to post an OP about mass shootings…go for it. I did agree with you as to whom the main perpetrators are when it comes to mass murders. There was no temper tantrum in stating the facts. I can’t help it if I hit a sore point with you. It appears as if, to use a famous movie line “You can’t handle the truth!” Truth often hurts and shooting the messenger doesn’t make the ills of society disappear.


And that really is the problem. If we can't talk about it then it will never get fixed. I honestly think there are some people who love the fact that statistics regarding black Americans are so horrible; they can then use that to divide America while offering no solutions to the problem. Look at the moronic mayor of Chicago, that Lightfoot woman or whatever. She stands up on TV and talks about the huge problem of white supremacy while black children in her city are being murdered by black people. Oh, but you can't say that! That's RACIST!
BULLSH%T!! You say that to shut down the discussion. Again, if I am wrong, someone point out to me where. Don't just say I am a racist, PROVE ME WRONG!


Most mass shooters and serial killers are white men.

Most shootings and gun-related crimes are committed by black men.

You're only acknowledge one of these things in today's day and age


You are correct about mass shooters and serial killers being mostly White, but we are talking about a culture of a certain race. This culture is exhibited day after day, week after week, month after month and for decades. Thank God we don’t have to deal daily with the murderers you mentioned. But, just in one city alone, Chicago, how many shootings and killings are committed every week-end?

Mass shooters and serial killers are an anomaly. Look at the OP’s point by point. This is how most of the Blacks in the “hood” live every damn day. It hasn’t changed since LBJ…it’s only become worse. Little Black innocent children are doomed if they aren’t aborted first!
