The only thing that worked during the pandemic was the process of universal health care, or collectively making and distributing information and health care without the overhead and greed of the insurance companies.
Any rebuttal to this is only possible because opponents to Universal Health Care went on a massive troll & sock puppet campaign to make people think it is cool not to wear a mask and take the chance of dying or killing others, or terrified of getting the vaccination when these are so much safer and so much more effective than any of the vaccinations we all have already had. What a ridiculous joke.
It is clear that every other developed country has a version of Universal Health care, and they have better results for must less price ... and that combined with the success of managing the high-level health care health care policies at the Federal Level free for all with massive economy of scale - works ... and not only that but it is the only thing that does work.
Time for a change for the better, if we can see it. Demand it!
Not for me by a long shot! I prefer private hospital rooms over being in a ward.
“The Negative effects of Universal Health Care
The Universal health care system often has a long waiting time. As the governmenthealth care focuses on essential health service and basic medical service, people with rare diseases often have to wait for a very long time before they get access to healthcare specialists.
Universal healthcare requires an effective budget allocation. The failure to have proper budget management and planning might result in the reduction of the budget in other areas, thus hampering the overall standard of other government services.
Due to low expenditure, research, and development in the field of medical science might suffer a setback. Low funding in research reduces the incentives for proper research and development. It is for this reason, in a universal healthcare system, the overall standard of the medical service might be compromised.
The Universal healthcare system often requires cutting down on costs of treatment and medication. This might prove fatal for people with the minimal scope of recovery, where instead of administering expensive treatment and costly medication, cheaper palliative care is provided to them.
Universal healthcare might put more pressure on doctors. The cutting down of costs might necessitate more patients allocation to the doctors. This might be the reason for excessive stress on the doctors, and as a result of which their diagnosis might be inaccurate.
People might become irresponsible about their health. The availability of cheap universal healthcare systemhealthcare in the universal healthcare system might make people less cautious about their health.”
Free healthcare really isn’t free. It is often paid for in extra taxes somewhere, and this can affect a family’s budget in several negative ways. That is often the primary issue that many see with universal healthcare – instead of paying for services as you might need it, you’re paying for everyone’s services all of the time.
A universal system of healthcare could also lead to a lessening of the overall patient care in a country as doctors become assigned instead of chosen. This means a doctor who may not be familiar with a set of symptoms would be required to either provide a diagnosis or refer a patient to another doctor who could then do so, increasing the wait time for treatment.
Because more people are likely to utilize a free healthcare system, there is likely to be a backlog of patients that need to be seen, creating wait times for potentially severe health issues.”
Paid for healthcare is not really paid for ... most of the money goes to insurance companies and they use it to deny claims to increase their profit.
The fact is if you do a comparison of what is claimed to be the expensive tax system of all the rest of the developed countries with "socialized medicine" ... all the taxes state and federal, sales taxes, real estate, fees, healthcare premiums, Americans pay higher taxes than other countries and get virtually nothing for it.
That is why insurance companies and the monopoly corporations can afford to buy the media, and pay for trolls to monitor pretty much the whole internet and lie to you about what is going on.
I still prefer a private room which you don’t get with nationalized healthcare unless you pay for it yourself. Also, you completely disregarded the long wait times and the shortage of physicians.
Think about this, why do so many who have the means to do so come to the States for their serious ailments?
Most insurance policies for Americans do not include a private room.
You ask a dumb question trying to infer that American health insurance system is better.
It is not. Americans who have hernias the best place in the world is the Shouldice Hospital in Canada.
For many operations it is cheaper and you have better outcomes flying to Thailand or India.
Just admit it, you are parroting talking points you've never bothered to verify or investigate!
Rich Brits or Canadians come to American to skip the line, but the outcomes are not any better, and in many cases not as good. Most Americans, Brits or Canadians would rather have free service than be constantly ripped off and nickeled and dimed to death while over-paying their insurance companies.
You're just ignorant. There's a cure for that you know.
Are you lefties capable of debate without insults? Apparently not! Not one time did I personally lob ad hominem attacks at you. And you are wrong. Insurance companies do pay for private rooms as most modern hospitals in the U. S. are geared that way. Studies have shown patients recoup better and are discharged quicker when in a private room. I have been in the hospital more times than you can count over the last 30 years. Only once did I have a semi-private, but that was due to it being a small hospital.
And it’s “imply”. I imply…you infer. Now who is the ignorant one? Hmm?
> Are you lefties capable of debate without insults?
I said your question was dumb, and that one the issue of foreigners coming to America for health treatments you were ignorant.
That was 6 levels into an exchange where you just kept repeating the same thing.
It's dishonest and hyperbolic to say I am unable to debate without insults, let along call me a Lefty ( though I don't really mind that so much ), and infer from that impugn every comment from every "Lefty" is insulting.
Maybe look at your own comments and now you might bring about this self-fulfilling prophecy and provoke people while at the same time not really debating since you do not respond to anything others say - you merely repeat your own uninformed opinions over and over?
”Most of those patients in search of the best care, including 38% from Latin America, 35% from the Middle East, 16% from Europe and 7% from Canada, are heading to the United States. Additionally, it's estimated that 32% of all medical travelers simply want better care than is available in their home countries, mostly those in the developing world, and 15% want quicker access to medically necessary procedures. That's compared to only 9% of medical travelers seeking medically necessary procedures at lower prices and 4% seeking low-cost discretionary procedures.”
Going Abroad for Medical Care
Medical tourism is when a person travels to another country for medical care. Each year, millions of US residents participate in medical tourism. Medical tourists from the United States commonly travel to Mexico and Canada, as well as countries in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.
People may travel to another country to get health care for many reasons, including:
Cost: To get treatment or a procedure that may be cheaper in another country.
Culture: To receive care from a healthcare provider who shares the traveler’s culture and language.
Unavailable or Unapproved procedure: To get a procedure or therapy that is not available or approved in the United States.
The most common procedures that people undergo on medical tourism trips include dental care, surgery, cosmetic surgery, fertility treatments, organ and tissue transplantation, and cancer treatment.
I earlier mentioned the Shouldice Hospital in Canada that is the gold standard in the world for hernia operations.
You oversupply and basically lie about the facts you present to defend a healthcare system in the US that does not work for most Americans.
It is well known, and well documented. Look up some links pertaining to former Cigna Health Insurance executive Wendell Potter.
You just keep repeating how you want a private room. Clearly you must be a billionaire who loves luxurious health care and wants everyone else to go without.
So I guess I can add selfish to ignorant and hyperbolically dishonest ... and just say sorry if you take that as an insult, but I also take your lobbying efforts on behalf of the extremely affluent as an insult to the American people who I guess you just want to eat cake.
You are one testy….add whatever. You had to get that dig in. I was lazy. Again you’re wrong. I had previously read those links. I have limited means, on Medicare with a supplement. No drug plan. I pay out of pocket. I’m not lobbying for the extremely affluent. Never have, but OCare has cost me greatly! I’m lobbying for those of us who worked all our life and retired with a good retirement plan until OCare priced us out of our plan.
You can continue to throw insults at me if it makes you feel better, but you come across as the selfish and ignorant one. You don’t like what you have so you want to take from others. You feel you are owed whatever you want, the hell with everyone else. You dismissed the links I posted because they didn’t fit your narrative.
BTW, you accuse me of lying. Where did I lie? Is it because I don’t agree with you which makes you say I’m ignorant, selfish, a liar, lazy, selfish, etc. To you I say you are a very shallow person. Why don’t you and your kind who hates everything this country has to offer get the hell out. Go live in one of those countries which has “free” healthcare. I have news for you. Nothing is free in life! Someone is paying, but your kind could give a rat’s patootie as long as you get what you want. Your kind, and I know a few who believe all is owed to them. Yes, you are very shallow.
Nothing is free in life but that does not mean we sit around and not try to find a better solution. The healthcare system in the US is a gigantic joke. There are other countries that surpass us in education and healthcare. No people such as myself want better opportunities for people where as you want things to remain the same no matter how dysfunctional it is. Do not try to improve a system it works for me therefore it is acceptable.
That poster is really just a troll, so when you try to have a level headed conversation, he just elevates it to a confrontation on both of your behalves. I've seen it enough in here to know to ignore them.
"The United States spends 17% of GDP on healthcare."
"It is 11% in Switzerland, France, Germany, Sweden and Japan"
"9.3% - 10.5% in Canada, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, Norway, UK. New Zeeland and Australia"
"22% of all our taxable payroll right now is healthcare premiums" ( this is a private tax we have no vote on and no value from )
America's healthcare industry is a giant blood-sucking tick attached to our backs of a for-profit health insurance industry.
Where this came from ... very far back ... systemic racism ...
"In 1896. Fredrick Hoffman, the VP of the Prudential Insurance company argued that African Americans were so genetically inferior intellectually and physically that if they were denied healthcare for a couple of generations they would all die out and it would solve the race problem in America."
The American healthcare companies invest less in R&D than almost any other developed countries. That didn't used to be the case before corrupt casino capitalism took over the health insurance industry.
I can tell you from first hand experience many died who didn’t have Covid but were denied a hospital bed. My husband was a victim of the practice. He had a stroke seizure. Paramedics transported him to the hospital. The nurse called me at 3 in the morning to come pick him up! I was shocked they weren’t keeping him for observation. I was informed I could take care of him! I told her I knew what the hospital was doing…saving the damn beds for Covid patients, the hell with the rest of us!
I was ill & couldn’t drive. The damn hospital sent him home in a cab. Firemen had to be called to get him up the stairs. He was so out of it with such a look of fear on his face. Two days later while using his walker he lost the use of his left leg and down he went! Paramedics transported him again to the hospital. Two days later the hospital kicked him out & he went to Hospice which is a death sentence. Four days later he was gone. Medicare & Covid personnel killed my husband!
Are you aware elective surgeries were put on the back burner? I asked myself who in the hell has elective surgeries unless it’s for cosmetic…face & boobs. I did a search and to my surprise it included mastectomies! I wonder how many women died because they couldn’t have surgery!
To top it off they wouldn’t let me in to visit him! I was taking him some pjs, undershorts, t-shirts & house shoes. I had on my mask and I was fuming! I sat down, requested they give me a protected gown & gloves. No go! I was arguing with them and pointed to people getting on the elevator. They gave me some bull crap which just made me more angry. I was yelling! I noticed the security guard was getting antsy so I left & called my husband from the truck. He was as coherent as we are right now. He calmed me down, no use getting upset.
The next day I received a call from the hospital requesting a conference. Why? I asked. I wasn’t permitted to see him. After the conference and an agreement to Hospice…then I was permitted to see him! What a crock! Hospice started it’s care for terminal patients. My husband wasn’t terminal until Hospice got him.
Long story short…Covid or the crazy open bed keepers were indirectly responsible for my husband’s death! I’m serious in wanting to know how many people in this country died due to being denied care. We know the Democrats were responsible for hundreds of nursing home deaths. They are still in office. They need to be lined up for a firing squad!
Since I personally don't believe a word this person says, being speechless is probably the proper reaction.
Someone so beset with woe should be nursing their wounds and looking for comfort. Instead we get the daily screed about how progress is bad and it's all the Dems fault. smh
Please? You're right.
Please let us erase the horrible reality that was the Ugliness of rump !
Good lord, if it can get worse, I'm on the wrong planet !