Media Silent as BLM chant "Kill Every White in Sight"
if they were speaking english i could understand
shareI never knew that woodpecker was a derogatory term for whites. It's good to know the lingo in case I need to get into fight or flight mode. I hope the FBI gets a copy of this clip and keeps an eye on the activities of this group. I think the FBI should keep an eye on all militias and gun clubs. I think it's a recipe for trouble when groups of armed people start marching in the streets. The cops need more military gear if they have to deal with militias marching in the streets. ** same video but article notes that this was the march for reparations in Tulsa **
The last sentence of the article was spot on!
” Meanwhile, the FBI is busy hunting down grandmas who aimlessly wandered through the Capitol on January 6.”
With that said, the FBI doesn’t need to keep an eye on ALL gun clubs.
” The cops need more military gear if they have to deal with militias marching in the streets.”
Obama put a stop to militarizing the police force after Ferguson. Besides they are told to stand down if it’s Blacks marching!
I just hope that the guy with the megaphone preaching hate would be fired if he was employed at a mainstream organization. I stand by my assertion that all gun clubs should be monitored to make sure the crazies don't infiltrate them. There are a lot of gun clubs that focus on shooting sports but the authorities should be on the lookout for crazy fools that want to kidnap political officials.
While I don't personally approve of armed civilians marching through the streets, armed groups should be able to march in the streets if the local laws allow this. In my previous post, I was trying to say that the police need military gear in order to be ready for the day if/when the armed militias start opening fire in the streets. **** militia that tried to kidnap MI governor ***
These people were/are stupid! LOL! They also were actually going after Trump! These types of morons are dangerous...they don’t know who their enemy is so hells bells just cause an insurrection and kill all the players! What makes it so bad is the fact the alt-left loons on this board tie the nutcases to conservatives/Trump voters.
We have open carry here in Mississippi, but I haven’t noticed anyone other than law enforcement and security exercising that right. We women no longer have to have a CWP. I carry mine in my handbag, but that’s not the best place to carry...handbag is the weapon.
I’m in favor of our police having all the equipment they need and to be permitted to do what is necessary to quell what is happening on our streets. They have to take the streets back or there will be bloodshed.
The FBI is just a tool of the Democrat party. We can go ahead and shut it down along with public education. When you have an infestation you exterminate it.
share> The FBI is just a tool of the Democrat party.
LOL, that's what Republicans say to avoid being investigated, just like they refused the Jan 6th investigation after every one of them at first claimed it needed to be investigated.
The FBI does keep its eye on all these groups, and over and over and for decades they have known and have reported that the biggest threats are from the Libertarian and White Nationalist and Racists groups.
It is almost funny if it was not so tragic that some Whites rally against the threat of black people, while the history shows only White people killing and raping and enslaving black people. And now Republicans in order to gain power for their, behind the scenes financial puppet master elites, have embraced and supported politically and through their media these criminal groups while trying to criminalize the already oppressed.
Make no mistake, criminals are behind the Republican party and seek to take down America through it.
The FBI has plenty of analysts who monitor data but they don't act on it. The opinion piece below highlights some of their failures. The one that bothers me is the Colorado shooter that the FBI knew about and did nothing. Biden's woke administration will blame all our ills on systemic racism and white supremacists but I don't agree with that assessment. Back in 2020, FBI Director Wray noted that lone wolves were the biggest domestic terror threat and I agree with that. I still think the biggest international threat are the jihadists who want to detonate dirty bombs in the USA. Don't forget that they made multiple attempts to blow up the World Trade Towers.
History does not show that ONLY white people have killed, raped and enslaved black people. Blacks are most often killed by blacks and that is supported by the FBI data. There were black slaveholders in the USA and don't forget that African tribes sold people from different tribes to the slave traders. IF an oppressed person commits a crime, they need to do the time. That crazy Gascon DA in LA is letting criminals run wild because he thinks they are oppressed and crime is out of control. I don't believe whites have rallied against black people lately but let me know if this has happened. I suspect a white person would be cancelled for holding a rally against black people.
Please provide me with a list of criminals that are behind the Republican party and their efforts to take down the USA. There are people in both parties that are corrupt so please don't mistake the Dems/Libs as sacred protectors of the USA.
> But they are looking out for their base. The rich
That shows your extreme bias and penchant for distortion. Biden is a solid mainstream Democrats, middle of the road. Maybe you don't recognize that because all you hear is taking points from the Trump Taliban .
>> Biden's woke administration will blame all our ills on systemic racism and white supremacists but I don't agree with that assessment.
Really, is that what he says? Can you find one example of that, or what sounds like that to you?
C'mon Man! You been living under a rock? Every other word out of Joey's mouth is systemic racism. There is an example below but there's been plenty.
>> Every other word out of Joey's mouth is systemic racism.
Like every word out of your mouth is a hyperbolic lie.
> Joe Biden Calls For U.S. To ‘Root Out Systemic Racism’ In Speech To Congress
Yeah, so what? What is wrong with that. It's not every word out of his mouth at all. You take after your satanic master ... as you move the focus of your lies around you move the accusation against Biden as well.
That is not blaming all our ills on systemic racist, it is acknowledging a political and economic truth and working to fix it. You're like a hysteric calling out everything with the only aim to accuse Joe Biden of stuff he is not doing. That's the top tune of the extremist hysteric Republican - fear mongering lies.
Give me an example of a hyperbolic lie that I typed on here.
I still maintain that the US is not a systemically racist nation and I don't support critical race theory, racial equity or restorative justice. Biden's plan to end systemic racism is to throw money at people of color while telling white males to pound sand. White farmers are suing the Biden administration for excluding them from the debt relief package in the covid relief plan.
> Give me an example of a hyperbolic lie that I typed on here.
>> Every other word out of Joey's mouth is systemic racism.
> I still maintain that the US is not a systemically racist nation
Most racists do as well ... but not because they really believe that. I don't care about your beliefs, I know enough from these comments.
> Biden's plan to end systemic racism is to throw money at people of color while telling white males to pound sand.
Another hyperbolic uninformed comment, a threat to your white privilege.
Another white racist gotta stomp on the competitition.
Here is an opinion piece highlighting how white males are excluded from covid relief plans. Veterans do get relief but white males are excluded from the relief for restaurants and farms. That is clearly discrimination against white males and the Biden administration is being sued.
The government is helping those who have been hit hard. That does not include the white farmers, or at least the large scale white farmers. It is racist bellyaching in the same way that large corporations grabbed the relief money and left small business screwed.
The whiny rich white racists claiming racism ... bullshit.
I do not under-estimate the threat from Islamic terrorism, and unlike most Progressives, I support Israel 110%.
But we have a lid on that, and the FBI estimates the threat and has kept it at bay. You can try to talk it up, but so far it is not a problem - there are not the terror cells or actions that you seem to want to fear monger about.
BUT, there are constant threats and actions by extreme right-wingers, and that is what the FBI has said consistently.
That does not deny there are other threats as well, but the most organized, armed and active are the right-wing nationalist groups ... and it is odd that Republicans seem to deny that, and even support them. That is not the Republican party, those folks might as well be full goose-stepping Nazis.
There have a been a lot of Islamic attacks from lone wolves over the years. The 2017 article below summarizes them. I believe the Colorado supermarket shooter was also inspired by ISIS. There are also a lot of mass shooters that are just crazy wackos who want to kill people.
The HS/FBI assessment still stands whatever you happen to think, they actually have the experience and data to make an actual assessment.
shareI have zero confidence in federal law enforcement. The feds will be caught napping when the next terrorist attack happens. The feds were working with the local cop in NM and showed up a minute after he was gunned down.
We all knew on this board that it was going to get ugly weeks before January 6th but the FBI only warned the Capitol Police the night before that it could get ugly.
> I have zero confidence in federal law enforcement.
Who gives a ...
The FBI warned the Republicans, they did fucking nothing, because they wanted it to happen, and that is why they reversed every BS comment they made ... which is typical of Republicans ... and voted against an investigation. Mitch found out there was a lot of Republican connection to the insurrection.
The FBI only sent the warning about January 6th the night before. That's way too late. The capitol police didn't have time to prepare for the full onslaught.
shareThat's not true. And this is exactly why we need an investigation. If there was a problem where the FBI was acting in a partisan way Republicans ought to be thrilled to have an investigation of Jan 6th.
shareYou're mistaken. Per the article, FBI didn't tell Capitol Police until the night before.
former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said the report was received at Capitol Police headquarters the night before the Jan. 6 riot, but leadership did not see it.
Three days earlier, On Jan. 3, Capitol Police distributed an internal intelligence assessment warning that militia members, white supremacists and other extremist groups were likely to participate, that demonstrators would be armed and that it was possible they would come to the Capitol to try to disrupt the vote, Pittman says.
I'm sure if you were actually interested in finding the truth you could find earlier references - and like I said, who cares when Trump called for the march and riot, and then give a tepid request to go home, and then waited hours while watching what was going on on TV still did not give permission to call out the guard.
Even if you believed that, and you know as well I do, it's nonsense, Trump waited hours to release his video telling people to disband ... and that he loved them, and so on ... and then he and his supporters in government refused to call in the national guard or the DC guard.
Your lot are defending the indefensible.
I guess it is also lost on you that Trump created websites and sent out notice for armed marches in every state capitol. Forgot that?
The Koch dynasty starting with the father ... a extremist Libertarian criminal conspiracy.
shareI don't consider the Koch Network/Corp. to be criminals. I don't believe the individuals have been convicted of crimes but I know the corp. has had a few fines/violations over its lengthy history. The Koch Network has not been disbanded so I don't consider it a criminal enterprise. The Kochs are also libertarians so they don't strictly support Republicans. They actually donate to Democrats too.
shareThe Koch father started his empire by cheating ripping off native Americans for oil. When you consider something, consider the facts.
shareI thought Fred Koch made his initial fortune in the USSR and Nazi Germany. Was he ever criminally charged? I've presented the facts and I'm entitled to my opinion and my vote.
share> I thought Fred Koch made his initial fortune in the USSR and Nazi Germany.
> I don't consider the Koch Network/Corp. to be criminals.
Sorry, you are really not worth bothering with.
Per the article below, Fred Koch made his fortune in the USSR and Nazi Germany. You only have to read the first couple of paragraphs to figure it out.
'Hidden History' Of Koch Brothers Traces Their Childhood And Political Rise
On the family company, Koch Industries, being investigated for pocketing millions in oil from Indian reservations
It was in the 1990s. Koch Industries was dragged in front of the U.S. Senate. There was a committee investigating the company, looking into accusations that it had stolen oil from Indian reservations by purposefully mis-measuring it and had pocketed millions and millions of dollars of extra money by doing so. The company didn't deny it at the time. ... They said it had happened, but they said it was an accident. But if you take a look at the Senate report, what you see is that other companies that were operating around the same time in that same oil patch didn't have this problem. They've raised eyebrows in pushing the limits of what a company can get away with for decades during this period, and to some extent it was in harmony with Charles Koch's hard-lined libertarian views, that the government just should not interfere with private enterprise.
Oil and Indians Don’t Mix
In the 1980s, Charles Koch was found to have pilfered about $3 billion worth of crude from Stanlee Ann Mattingly’s oil tank in Oklahoma.
Here’s the weird part. Koch was (and remains) the 14th richest man on the planet, worth about $14 billion. Stanlee Ann was a dirt-poor Osage Indian.
Stanlee Ann wasn’t Koch’s only victim. According to secret tape recordings of a former top executive of his company, Koch Industries, the billionaire demanded that oil tanker drivers secretly siphon a few bucks worth of oil from every tank attached to a stripper well on the Osage Reservation
According to the transcript of the secretly recorded tape, Charles Koch was chuckling like a six-year old. Koch was having a hell of a laugh over pilfering a few hundred dollars’ worth of oil from a couple of dirt-poor Indians on the Osage Reservation.
Why did Koch, worth about $3 billion at the time (now $20 billion) need to boost a few bucks from some Indian in a trailer home? Koch answered:
"I want my fair share-and that's ALL OF IT."
“I want my fair share – and that’s all of it.”
Now “all of it” includes a pipeline, the Keystone XL, which would run the world’s filthiest oil, crude made from tar sands, down from Canada to his family’s refinery on the Gulf Coast of Texas.
The Guardian story is not the whole story ... it references Jane Mayer's book, "Dark Money" which I own and have read. The fact that you do not consider trading with the enemy during the war a crime undercuts your argument that Koch is not a criminal. Maybe not in your eyes.
shareThe US didn't enter the war until 1941 and his activities were conducted before the war. I don't believe he was ever charged with anything and lots of US companies helped the Nazis before the war.
shareOK, he's your hero I guess. I think he is both a traitor and an insurrectionist.
Major benefactor to the John Birch society.
This company should be taken over by the government and nationalized.
And where does it stop? The following is what you are advocating?
Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez
I know they settled with the government over the Indian oil but I don't believe criminal charges were ever filed. The organization still operates and employs a lot of people. I do agree that Charles Koch is a jerk but I don't know if he can be called a criminal.
share> I know they settled with the government over the Indian oil but I don't believe criminal charges were ever filed.
So what ... rich people like this never even get fined or make settlements, the fact that he was caught is a symbol of just how guilty he was.
You're arguing here against black people chanting ... and ready to call them criminals ... and they did not, in fact they are chanting because their ancestors were murdered and their town was burned down ... and here are you making every excuse possible for those that helped to bring it about, and threatened to kill anyone who ever spoke a word about it.
And you are on the side of elevating the case for racism against whites today.
My original point was that the feds should monitor the group of armed blacks chanting about shooting every white in sight. In the video, the guy with the megaphone uttered a few racial slurs against whites and then talked about killing whites. I'm not aware of a link between Fred Koch and the Tulsa race riot. I am against all institutional racism in the USA but I've decided it's not possible to stop individual acts of racism. I'm done with this thread.
shareWell Hells Bells you’ve got to through Joseph Kennedy into the mix!
The Dark Side Of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., The Patriarch Of The Kennedy Family
Also Henry Ford
Shedding Light On Humanity And Exposing Corruption Within Our Leadership
”During WWII Henry Ford's Ford Motor Company help weaponize the Nazi party. Henry was on a friendly basis with Adolf Hitler himself who idolized Ford and had a picture of him in his office. It is a fact that the Ford Motor Company of Dearborn, MI helped Nazi Germany build up it's truck and tank arsenal from 1931 to 1939. Henry Ford was decorated by the Nazi party for his services to Nazism.”
"I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration," Hitler told a Detroit News reporter two years before becoming the German chancellor in 1933, explaining why he kept a life-size portrait of the American automaker next to his desk.
You are a mental case! WTF is with your Koch Derangement Syndrome?
share"biggest threats are from the groups"
Name one example of terrorist "Libertarians"! It's you Marxists that are a violent cult.
This is like watching a bunch of kids trash Santa Claus on Christmas morning while they are dressed in and using all the wonderful things he brought them.
shareIt's OK when DEMs/Commies do it.
shareScrew the hate group that is BLM, and even more than that, screw the disgusting media in this country that constantly protects them by not reporting on things exactly like this!
shareNo screw people who attempt to cover up corruption on either side. Notice the riot at the capitol gets quickly forgotten about. We need to call out corruption where it occurs not cover up for a team.
share"Notice the riot at the capitol gets quickly forgotten about."
WTF are you talking about? The media and leftist idiots on here bring it up non stop! Now are you gonna change the subject again or say something about the topic?
Yep notice by the left. Thing is people on the right never will bring it up. Why? Because it makes their side look bad. I call out corruption where I see it. I do not agree with looting and rioting. I believe in protesting peacefully.
shareSo again do you condone this shit in the OP or not?
shareCan you comprehend what you read? If so that question was already answered.
shareYou said looting and rioting you didn't say shit about this racism and wannabe genocide instead you brought up Jan 6 which has absolutely 0 to do with the topic
shareI have historically spoken out against these things on here. So nope I do not condone those actions. Racism has occurred outside of this as well on the other side though. Yet I see the other side attempt to cover it up. I give what I get.
shareYou’re a peach!
In every thread about the Capital insurrection YOU bring up BLM and Antifa!
Lol!!! You mean the riot that lasted 2 hours and Congress is still approving new investigations of as of last week?
BLM has been trashing cities for several years now with the approval of the democrat media/party and their lemmings like yourself.
Where did I approve of doing that? I have denounced looting and rioting many times on here. Do not strawman me again it shows your ignorance.
The riot that our POTUS incited to take down the police, hang Mike Pence and perpetuate the lie that the election was stolen from him.
Yes, screw people on either side who engage in this type of behavior! The difference is, the Capital riot has been front page news since it happened…it has most certainly not been forgotten about, and shit behavior like this is not even spoken about by our completely unbiased and trustworthy mainstream media in this country.
shareYep but I have seen many attempts at excuses made for the storming of the capitol. I make no excuses for wrongdoing no matter which side does it.
shareYeah, people makes excuses for all of it depending on which political party they support. It’s pathetic. The National media just happens to be the worst at it unfortunately.
Your last sentence I agree with 100%! I wish more people shared that view.
If the National media was right leaning it would be just as bias as they are now. Thing is most people are unwilling to change their worldview. They think digging their heels in is a birth right. Which you are free to dhwat you want but that is why no progress is being made in the country. Nobody wants to compromise and find a middle ground, it is their way or the highway.
shareIf you use there neighborhoods as a example there guns will jamb up because unclean and taken care of after just shooting a couple of bullets.
no , according to all the far right contributors here,
whites have done nothing but lavish love care and gifts on the ungrateful blacks and jews.
case in point - the above post referencing "santa claus"
Well old fartbag Biden will never give a warning of if it when it happens. But really didn't you watch Black Hawk Down. It was like 100 to 1.
shareWell fortunately the whites and blacks responsible for slavery died several centuries ago. And other whites and blacks ended it completely 150 years ago lead by Republican President Abraham Lincoln.
As for the whites who killed Jews, they were killed by whites and blacks from all over the world. It was called world war 2.
Every race has been a victim of slavery.
sharePresident Biden's Address in Tulsa today on the 100th Anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre
LIVE: President Biden commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre — 6/1/2021
Not just chants, the attack on a whole city and murder of hundreds of people, and a coverup that threatened the survivors if they should ever talk about what happened.
My grandfather wasn't even alive in 1921 so how's that my problem? You all are creating more racist everyday so keep cheering on for white people to die you sick fuck
Ever heard two wrongs don't make a right?
I think you are the one trying to create racists.
If you think I am cheering for white people to die you are the sick fuck.
You must think thousands of wrongs do make a right, because you commit wrongs here all day every day.
Do you see me marching around saying kill minorities dickhead?
So you're wrong again, but surprise