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Model goes into coma expected to die after covid vaxx

She's now passed away


They said when I go in to get vaxxed that I would get whatever they give me so I said, Pfizer or I ain't getting jabbed. Moderna/Pfizer seems to be the safest bet from what I have seen. The vector based ones from J&J/Astrazenica seems to cause weird reactions to some women and only women.


There's a few Moderna and Pfizers on this list. The thing is what works for one person could cause severe reactions or death for someone else. Which is why I'm not rushing to get one and never will. I'll take my chances with my immune system, zinc and vitamin D


What joy that we can look forward to more uplifting rhetoric. Live long and prosper !
But on the other hand, just stfu once in a while and give us a break. Jeezus !


Still not replying to me I see LOL



Mark of the Beast type shit. Fuck those passports


39 year old healthy mother has massive stroke lands in ICU 4 days after Frankenshot



There's plenty of women who are reporting messed up cycles thanks to this vaxx


That is 100% False.
There is no possible way the vaccine can effect your genes. The mechanism in the body that creates the antibodies destroys the vaccine. That's Biology 101.



The third one is just a shock jock. No science there.
The others point out how covid is dangerous and how the vaccine is made. Nothing about vaccine changing your DNA.


Are you brain dead?

One is literally called "Yes covid vaxx uses genetic engineering" the other two are how covid alters genes. If covid alters genes what do you think the vaxx will do genius


Yes Genetic Engineering was used to make the virus. Never said it didn't.
Yes Covid is dangerous, however since the virus is not in the vaccine it's a non issue.
Seeing as you corroborated what I wrote, I don't see your problem.


mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases. To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.

they teach our cells. What do you think that means Einstein? Fuck sake you branch covidians are idiots


Randall, try not to get so angry and caustic with the pro-vaxxers. I’m with you on this, but you aren’t going to change their minds, especially using anger and profanity. You can cite all the legitimate links you come doesn’t make a difference with them. They are followers of Lord Fauci who doesn’t know caca from Shinola! My analogy is “It’s like arguing with a wall!”

Good Grief! There are a multitude of warnings about blood clots when taking a birth control pill! Where in the hell are the warnings about blood clots from the Covid-19 vaccine? The same people who won’t ingest GMO food will stand in line for this damn vaccine! Not I said the fly!

IMO, taking the vax is like playing Russian Roulette. 5 are going to be OK...1 is going to be dead. You won’t hear about the 1 dead, but you’ll hear plenty about how 5 missed the bullet! Another analogy: 1 million M & M’s in a bowl... .01% are injected with a deadly poison, 1,000 M & M’s...would you take one? Not I said the fly!

The link you posted above states it won’t affect our DNA, but other papers states it will. What to do? What to believe? Whom to believe? Certainly not Lord Fauci who holds his finger up to see which way the wind is blowing!

Thalidomide was a great wonderful drug for nausea while pregnant. We saw the results of that calamity...didn’t we?

So, RandallGraves calm down, post the legitimate links and let it go. Watch the language. Either the vaxxers will take heed or they won’t. It’s the “you can lead a horse to water...” or “Like sheep to the slaughter”...

Me, myself and I will not partake of the vaccine! I love Biblical Prophecy. This plague plus the Pharmakeia are prophesied. Take it for what you will folks... laugh if you must. It’s OK with me.


Here's a better question if survivors of Covid will make antibodies for years why risk getting the shot?


Very interesting, but it will be pooh-poohed by the pro-vaxxers. 🙅🏼‍♀️


> Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein

That is incorrect. mRNA do not teach the cell how to make a protein. The strip of mRNA goes into a ribosome or the cell where a protein is manufactured, and the cell recognizes it as foreign and manufactures antibodies against it.

mRNA otherwise comes from our own DNA, and our own DNA is read-only as far as mRNA is concerned. No "learning" takes place. The learning is in the immune system for the shape of invader.

How many times a day you think you use the word idiot?


Not enough, idiot


You: ”...mRNA do not teach the cell how to make a protein.”

Doesn’t the following belie your statement?

”What mRNA vaccines do is prompt a few of your cells near the injection site to produce the spike protein. This then primes your immune system to build the antibodies and T-cells that will fight off the real coronavirus infection when it comes.”


26 year old gets blood clots, seizures, heart attack, dies 2 weeks after Frankenshot


Stephanie Dubois, of Cyprus, was a model with RMG Model Agency. She was recently hospitalized and in a coma after a brain hemorrhage. Her condition was said to be a reaction from the Covid Astra Zeneca vaccine according to friends and family on social media.

According to friends and family on social media ... said with dollar signs flashing in their eyes while drooling.

Do you not see the problem with holding this up as a forgone conclusion?


Easy bud they're not George Floyd relatives
