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AP-NORC poll: Biden approval buoyed by his pandemic response

President Joe Biden is plunging into the next phase of his administration with the steady approval of a majority of Americans, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. The survey shows Biden is buoyed in particular by the public's broad backing for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

In the fourth month of his presidency, Biden's overall approval rating sits at 63%. When it comes to the new Democratic president's handling of the pandemic, 71% of Americans approve, including 47% of Republicans.

Numbers Trump never achieved in his four years as president. It's nice to have a competent leader in office.


Yes. Too bad Biden (well, his puppeteers) and the liberal media took him out.


Isn’t it odd you Biden folks proclaimed over and over Trump’s GREAT first 3 years were due to Obama. Yet, you won’t give credit where credit is due. Biden’s handling of the pandemic was set in motion by Trump. You deny giving any credit to Trump for the fast roll out of the vaccine, by getting companies to work together.

”Andy Slavitt, a senior adviser to Biden's COVID team, said the administration is "grateful for the work that came before us" and will continue to do their best to accelerate it.

"I would absolutely tip my hat. ... The Trump administration made sure that we got in record time a vaccine up and out," Slavitt added. "That's a great thing and it's something we should all be excited about."

”It's nice to have a competent leader in office.”

That remains to be seen. You are tagging Biden as a “competent leader” based on just how he’s handling the pandemic? He took over the reins from Trump and ran with them. If Trump had been re-elected the vaccine timeline would be the same.

I wouldn’t be bragging too much about Biden.🙄 Did you read Rorikon’s OP?


Competent leaders don't fall UP the stairs...


The approval rating that samples democrats 3:1 over republicans and independents?

That approval rating?

Nothing is real anymore. Return to monke.


They are bragging about Biden’s handling of the pandemic which he rode in on Trump’s coat tails! That’s all the his lemmings care about. Do they not see what is beginning to crumble...the economy! If you show them facts and figures they would:

Deny, Dismiss, Deflect and/or Dumbfound the hell out them. We now have the beginnings of a ‘70’s gas shortage. We were energy independent under Trump. We now have the beginnings of a poultry, beef, pork shortage. Interest rates are rising.We have people still being afflicted with Covid-19 who have been vaccinated. BTW, there’s a beginning of a vaccine shortage. Could it be because people are also dying from Covid after being vaccinated or from the vaccine itself?

Go lemmings! Go worship at the puppet Biden’s feet and his puppet masters!
