MovieChat Forums > Politics > Vaccination ... is this a Political or G...

Vaccination ... is this a Political or General Discussion ?

Just to be safe I'll go Political because you know the Trumpers are going to go nuts most likely.

I am just wondering, an informal poll ... who has already gotten vaccinated, or is going to get vaccinated, and who is either going to wait or not get vaccinated at all.

I just got my second "jab" a while ago and have about another week before they say I am safe ... at least until the next variant erupts all over the planet.

I am pretty impressed with the new vaccines. They were already researched, designed and in production before the beginning of 2020, last year.

These mRNA vaccines are amazingly cool things. They snip a little chunk of the protein from the target virus onto a molecule that the body sees as a foreign invader and then memorized that protein and goes after it wherever it shows up in the body subsequently.

The coolest thing is that they can now do this with certain cancer cells. Find a characteristic protein and turn the bodies defenses against the cancer cells.

And, because it is RNA, it never goes into the cell nuclear and it is not alive or viral at all.

That said, and knowing all that, doesn't mean I was not a bit anxious as I got my first and even second jab of the needle.

So, now I'll get a bit political ... thanks Joe. ;-)



I'd report that to the CDC ASAP. ;-)


It's a general discussion topic on most sites.

It's a political one on moviechat because of all the crazies here.


Yeah cause not wanting an experimental frankenshot that you can't sue for if something bad happens is crazy


Hardly crazy at all. It is mostly because there is no way to prove that the "something bad" is related to the vaccine.

On the one hand you want to remove all the connections to Covid-19 for people who died and say that no one died from Covid-19 and it was not a big deal, and now on the other hand you want to flip the other way and say that if anyone dies or has any medical problem after taking the vaccine it must be assumed to be due to the vaccine and they should be able to sue.

Man, You should sue whoever indoctrinated you into the illogical and hypocritical franken-publican party, except that does seem to be your one skill in life.


I don't support Republicans I support Trump. I'm also registered Independent but don't let facts get in the way of your psychobabble


Your personal "facts" don't interest me. Trump is a Republican head of that twisted party. That makes you a Republican, however you would like to run away from the toxic identifier.


You really think Trump is like the Bush Republicans? You don't pay attention do you?


Why is it with your every ineffectual reply you have to tack on some silly addendum like I don't pay attention or whatever?

I think it is because you know that the comment preceding it is weak and irrelevant, so you feel you have to punctuate it with some silly obviously wrong claim or attack.


Its because you truly are brain dead


Obviously not. Ridiculous claim like 99% of what you write.


Nah I'm 100% right. Idk who is the bigger dumbass you or Keelai


Another fit of the GOM syndrome !


I'm on the fence about getting it since the vaccines have not been approved. The vaccines did get emergency use authorization but I do believe people should be concerned about long-term effects. There are also a few people having strokes or paralysis after getting the vaccine.

Which vaccine did you get?

One of my relatives received the Moderna vaccine and they felt cold for a day after getting the shots.


I got the Pfizer one. I admit I was a bit anxious when I got up the station to
get my jab, but it was no big deal, the first one I did not even feel ... I thought
she did not really give me the shot. I was in a giant convention center with hundreds of people
in line and then ran people through and had them all sit for 15 minutes to see if
anyone had any allergic reaction. I didn't see anyone in the urgent care center,
just a lot of happy people with a spring in their step and they left! Just like me.
I tell you I felt a weight come off my back, and even better now. I do worry
about those who don't get the vaccine and who will get Covid and add to the
mutation variant space - it doesn't help.

I already ordered a badge holder thingee to hold my vaccine proof and am
going to be carrying it with me everywhere I go when I get it.

They are approved. They underwent all the tests just in an accelerated manner.
Just under ... go read the CDC website ...

Figure this, they are keeping very close monitoring of these vaccines, and there
are no problems with the mRNA vaccines ( Moderna, Pfizer ). Even the J&J is
still out there and they found 7 people who apparently had a reaction to do with
blood clots out of 7 million vaccinations. Only 1 fatality. Still not sure what
happened to the women who was intensive care when this was reported.

The long term effects are nothing for those two vaccines. They are chunks of
protein in a lipid package that activates the immune system. I was very tired
after my first jab, and also after the second one too, and some soreness on
my arm.

Just because someone has something happen to them after the vaccine does not
mean it was due to the vaccine.


Over 230 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through April 26, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 3,848 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine

I think its a bit early for you to claim there are no long term effects seeing as you've only had 1 and it hasn't been that long since


So is your claim that those deaths were caused by the vaccine?

So you plan to get vaccinated?


Not my claim that's right from the CDC website

Fuck no I'm not getting the vaccine I have an immune system. Besides I wanna see how it plays out with the animal(YOU) testing


I'd advise you to the GOM virus vaccine first, you sound miserable and suffering under the Grumpy-Old-Man syndrome. That'll kill you dude. Get the cure.


I'd advise you to go get fucked by 1000 herpes infested camels


You contribute so much to social media.


From their website ---

VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event. A report to VAERS does not mean the vaccine caused the event.


I'm sure its just a coincidence 🙄


Yeah, it probably is ...

Oh, the Bell's palsy issue is talked about here:
The reports of Bell’s palsy (which affects the nerves of the face and is not the same as cerebral palsy) are being investigated. But the number of cases among vaccinated people was about what might occur naturally in the general population.


Congrats on getting the vaccine! I think it's probably better getting the vaccine than getting covid. It is important to stress that the vaccines have not been approved. They have had emergency use authorization and that would end when the pandemic ends. I almost think the government has to give full approval since they've embraced these vaccines.

It's premature to say there are no long-term effects from either covid or the covid vaccine. We'll know in thirty years but many people have to act now to avoid covid. I'll probably wait until there is full authorization of the vaccines.


These reports are coincident, not correlative or causative.

The paralysis is scary but apparently goes away, and Bell's palsy usually resolves on its own within six months.

The full authorization you are talking about will never make a vaccine completely safe. They are not ever going to tell you any medical procedure has no risk and I don't think you're getting that these are amazingly rare - and non-fatal effects, if they are caused by the vaccine at all.

All the tests they do to approve a vaccine have been done in parallel and expedited. I went through all these reports and decided to go ahead and get the vaccine. I saw no reason to wait and scheduled and appointment as soon as I could ... when they age restrictions opened up. I had to wait a while, but not long.


Nobody can say with 100% certainty that the side effects of the covid vaccine are causation or correlation. I also contend that autopsies are inaccurate and many causes of death are hard to determine. The USA Today article below highlights the difficulties with autopsies.

Not all Bell's palsy is temporary and I don't believe the paralysis just goes away.

I'm a bit more cautious than most so I will still wait for full authorization of the vaccines. I do think that the vaccine is a priority for people who are obese, old or have pre-existing health conditions. I think young and fit people might be better off wearing a mask while practicing social distancing. There is a lot of money to be made by the drug companies and Biden wants to be remembered as the President who conquered covid.


Oh, the Bell's palsy issue is talked about here:
The reports of Bell’s palsy (which affects the nerves of the face and is not the same as cerebral palsy) are being investigated. But the number of cases among vaccinated people was about what might occur naturally in the general population.


This is how I feel. It's not crazy to be worried about long term effects, of which no one knows anything about.

And it shouldn't be political. I don't like Trump, I lean left most of the time, but even I have concerns.

I do think I'll give in soon though because I enjoyed life pre covid.

But I'm not ready yet.


Oh, I forgot to mention that someone recommended that I take an Advil/Ibuprofen before going to get the vaccine. Maybe that helped cut down on inflammation or pain, I don't know, but I had very little reaction except an odd feeling of feeling very focused and energetic for a while the day of the vaccine, and then being tired the next day.

It was written here:

Why these temporary effects happen: Vaccines work by getting the immune system to fight. So it is common for highly effective vaccines, like the tetanus shot, to give people some symptoms. This is a sign the vaccine is doing what it was meant to do: Wake up the immune system and prepare it to fight off an infection in the future. The COVID-19 vaccines tend to cause these same sorts of symptoms: Soreness in the muscle where the shot went in, some fatigue, and perhaps feverish. All of these symptoms are good news because they indicate the vaccine is working. And all can be made better with common over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin.)


"Political because you know the Trumpers are going to go nuts most likely."

"So, now I'll get a bit political ... thanks Joe. ;-) "

Political because of comments like this and people like you. If you simply wanted to know who was planning on getting a vaccine and who wasn't, you'd simply ask that. You didn't want to know, you wanted to take shots. This country is in the state it is in because of people like you.


The Masturbaiters.


I want to get them but I do have legitimate worries about the long term side effects. It hasn't been approved by the FDA.

There are legitimate concerns.

I won't go as far as to say there is any truth to the ridiculous claims it chsntes your DNA and changes the way your brain works, but shit, sometimes conspiracies turn out to be true.

Epstein turned out to be true.

Ultimately I will likely get it soon because I do want things to return to normal and I like going to sporting events with big crowds.


Did you go to the link I posted where they talked about the expedited approval procedure.

Read the real information at the CDC website:

What you need to know
COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history.
CDC recommends you get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible.
Many people have reported only mild side effects after COVID-19 vaccination.

You need to take some personal responsibility to either go get yourself vaccinated or read enough to where you feel comfortable about it. The concerns at this point are not really legitimate, but they cannot force people to not be stupid.

Serious side effects that could cause a long-term health problem are extremely unlikely following any vaccination, including COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccine monitoring has historically shown that side effects generally happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine dose. For this reason, the FDA required each of the authorized COVID-19 vaccines to be studied for at least two months (eight weeks) after the final dose. Millions of people have received COVID-19 vaccines, and no long-term side effects have been detected.

CDC continues to closely monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. If scientists find a connection between a safety issue and a vaccine, FDA and the vaccine manufacturer will work toward an appropriate solution to address the specific safety concern (for example, a problem with a specific lot, a manufacturing issue, or the vaccine itself).


Blood clots are the reason I'm remaining in the control group. Plus I had covid last year. I'm immune.


I heard the vaccine makes people complete sheep, and causes them to post liberal cock gobbling posts on the internet. Thanks for posting and confirming that rumor.


Started off being a bigoted bastard in the first sentence.

Fuck You.


Did you expect any less from The Squad?
