I heard the Grammy's was full of near porn performances...
What a time to live in.
Feminists: stop looking at us like sexual objects
Same feminists: Woman owning their sexuality
Those are not mutually exclusive statement. Women can own their sexuality and also not just been seen as sentient fuck toys. I have the faintest feeling you would blame a rape victim just cause they wore a mini skirt or something cause you are giving off that sort of energy.
[My Opinion]
Similar to how blacks can only say nigga/nigger/etc. but expect/demand no one else besides them can say it. I dunno what the word is for this kind of mentality where one group can do something and expect to live in a society that's diverse and are still in the end, mammals by nature and will act upon such instances.
Example 1: A rap song you like full of derogatory language but can't say the lyrics.
Example 2: A woman with a micro bikini (or the thinnest type of clothing possible) and you expect people not to stare or the "look but don't touch" even if your animal instincts say FUCK THAT PERSON. Sure, we're humans with bigger brains, but many still act like how animals usually act where they'll just mount and fuck, no choice in the matter.