What else? They committed mass, brazen voting fraud. Look at the colossal evidence conveyed by video footage, voice recordings, data analysis, statistical impossibilities, sworn affidavits and eyewitness testimony of hundreds & hundreds of witnesses. Isn't it dubious that in all these battle states where Trump was winning by a couple hundred thousand votes at 3:00 AM mysteriously stopped counting in the wee hours of the night and sent people home (something that's never happened before), and then 2-3 hours later -- VOILA -- hundreds of thousands of Biden votes miraculously manifest and give him the win? Why Sure! You can't MAKE this crap up.
Deny the evidence all you want -- it's expected of Lib minions to submit to the false narrative -- but those with eyes to see know that the election was stolen and Biden is grossly illegitimate.
Dems are on shaky ground -- which explains the walls, fences, barbed wire and thousands upon thousands of armed personnel, not to mention vetting the troops by checking their voting records -- but that ground is about to collapse (even if we have to wait until Trump's reelection in 2024).