MovieChat Forums > Politics > Movie Industry and TV is SOAKED in right...

Movie Industry and TV is SOAKED in rightist violence so why when...

The movie industry and television is absolutely soaked in violence. Right wing political correctness of violence, war and fighting is shoved down our throats in 70% of the movies. They even turned a television show like Star Trek that had some moral and ethical undertones in it into the bloodbath that Picard is. Even the novel The Hobbit had more adventure, magic and mystery contained with it yet they focused on war in the movie version. Real life is not all about war so why is it constantly shoved down our throats from Transformers to the Lord of the Rings? I mean can't people imagine anything else but shooting and fighting? What's the matter with them all?

People are being completely desensitized to violence, death, horror by these rightist viewpoints where the left viewpoints of nudity, sexuality, art, beauty, morality, ethics and simply a GOOD STORY are completely trashed. In free Europe it is discouraged from showing violence to children but butts and breasts are ok. That's how completely whack our country is. To show this contrast the great Liberal platform of video entertainment that everyone loves like Youtube, Vimeo and Metacafe has very little violence compared to the overall that people watch and the quality is soooo much better.

Ok now I'm not going to debate the above because it is self evident but here's my question.
Why does the news media keep saying, "I have to warn you these scenes are graphic" when they are CONSTANTLY showing horrifically graphic scenes in their television shows like CSI and all that? Is it because we're supposed to know one version is fake while another version is real? Children can't tell the difference so why aren't there ever any warnings before these movies? Like Deadpool for example. Stupid bad parents take their children to this crap and expose them to horrendous violence but oh no can't show tits on a topless beach! Heck they even edited out her boobs in Eurotrip. Doesn't anyone else get sick of this rightist saturation of violence and war in our media?


Doesn't anyone else get sick of this rightist saturation of violence and war in our media?

First of all...get your facts straight. The National media and Hollywood are so far left they fell off a cliff. That is not “rightest saturation” you’re bitching about.

Secondly, this is America. You (at least for the time being...we’ll see once liberals really start rolling) have the right to watch or not watch anything that you so choose.

How about instead of trying to ban speech, movies, music, TV shows, pancake just not look at it, watch it, listen to it, or in the case of liberals trying to ban pancake syrup...just don’t buy it? Is that really so difficult? You’re all going to censor us right out of a free country, and you don’t even give a shit.

It’s truly unbelievable how people are acting at this point. It’s never going to get any better...I realize that now unfortunately, but still, wow, our society has gone completely off the deep end. BOTH political parties are full of disgusting extremists assholes, and BOTH have psychotic cults following them to the ends of the earth. I wish people knew that NONE of these politicians give a rat’s ass about you, but oh well. Devote your life to political parties that don’t give a crap about you. I’m going to enjoy my long as liberals don’t keep banning everything I like to watch, listen to, read, and even eat. 🤣


Well think your wires are crossed. The national media and hollywood are owned by a small conglomerate of CORPORATIONS. Their material is paid for by the richest of corporate dollars. Since Rightist believe in the merge between state and corporate power that right there proves they are rightist.

Second of all the themes of violence are rightist. Hence why the rightist media shoves them down our throats.
The people that WORK for Hollywood, the actors are the ones that speak out against the atrocities of the right and so are seen as leftists.

The rightists have always banned free speech. That's why there was no free speech during Bush's administration. In fact Ashcroft set up "free speech zones" where protestors could protest the war over lies in little cordoned off boxes. Stop whining about free speech when you filthy rightist bastards sent in government agents to stop the demonstrations against police brutality, when you assaulted men women and children.

"It’s truly unbelievable how people are acting at this point. It’s never going to get any better"

It's going to get way better now we've gotten rid of Trump and the majority of Congress Democrat. We are going to get our $2000 stimulus checks. Maybe everyone will get health care. Maybe corporations will be taxed again like when their income was taxed by 80% when "America Was Great" in the 1950s.


Ok, so you’re a socialist douche bag who wants everything given to you for free. Tells me everything I need to know. I’m glad you’re excited for your free stuff. Also glad you’re excited having big brother to watch out for you. Just remember someone has to pay for all of your free shit someday.

Liberals are censoring speech AS WE SPEAK this spare me your ridiculous hypocritical generalizations.

You’re blaming corporations for Hollywood creating the violent movies you don’t like, which is hysterical. Corporations don’t write movies.

Yes, the Republicans tried to ban certain speech after 9/11, just like liberals are trying to do now, and it was bullshit then just like it is bullshit now.

You can take all of your “the rightists” generalizations and shove them right up your ass. Your party sucks just as much, if not more, than “the rightists”. I honestly can’t stand either party, though I will admit I find liberals MUCH more horrendous these days. Take care sheep. Baaaaaaa! 🐑


Notice how the domestic terrorists are quiet this weekend because their leader Trump is tweetless. He isn't giving them commands to follow so they're staying home.



Golden Age is still here.

Killing Eve and The Queen's Gambit were exceptional!

Plenty of great shows I can't watch because I have no time.


Lack of imagination, lack of talent, laziness, it's easy, status quo, fear of doing anything else, machismo, the belief that's all people want to see.

Especially the first three. I've been complaining about this since I was a kid. Notice how crime dramas focus on only murder. Newspapers focus on murder and fires.

I was in a creative field. I notice some can be too lazy or scared to think outside the box which is ironic. They'll do only what's already been done.

When I was in school, I joined a club in which we would create stories. I noticed all the past ones focused on violence and I wanted to do something different. The teacher was happy with my story because it was nonviolent and he encouraged other students to do the same, but they had a dismissive attitude. The school shut the club down within days because they feared someone would copy the violence.

Expect most media to remain mediocre. My suggestion is to avoid it and just watch the quality stuff that deserves your time. I tend to avoid violent shows/movies, but make exceptions when the quality is great like Game of Thrones.


Why does the news media keep saying, "I have to warn you these scenes are graphic" when they are CONSTANTLY showing horrifically graphic scenes in their television shows like CSI and all that?

TV shows and movies warn with rating systems; audiences have a general sense of what to expect from them.
