Movie Industry and TV is SOAKED in rightist violence so why when...
The movie industry and television is absolutely soaked in violence. Right wing political correctness of violence, war and fighting is shoved down our throats in 70% of the movies. They even turned a television show like Star Trek that had some moral and ethical undertones in it into the bloodbath that Picard is. Even the novel The Hobbit had more adventure, magic and mystery contained with it yet they focused on war in the movie version. Real life is not all about war so why is it constantly shoved down our throats from Transformers to the Lord of the Rings? I mean can't people imagine anything else but shooting and fighting? What's the matter with them all?
People are being completely desensitized to violence, death, horror by these rightist viewpoints where the left viewpoints of nudity, sexuality, art, beauty, morality, ethics and simply a GOOD STORY are completely trashed. In free Europe it is discouraged from showing violence to children but butts and breasts are ok. That's how completely whack our country is. To show this contrast the great Liberal platform of video entertainment that everyone loves like Youtube, Vimeo and Metacafe has very little violence compared to the overall that people watch and the quality is soooo much better.
Ok now I'm not going to debate the above because it is self evident but here's my question.
Why does the news media keep saying, "I have to warn you these scenes are graphic" when they are CONSTANTLY showing horrifically graphic scenes in their television shows like CSI and all that? Is it because we're supposed to know one version is fake while another version is real? Children can't tell the difference so why aren't there ever any warnings before these movies? Like Deadpool for example. Stupid bad parents take their children to this crap and expose them to horrendous violence but oh no can't show tits on a topless beach! Heck they even edited out her boobs in Eurotrip. Doesn't anyone else get sick of this rightist saturation of violence and war in our media?